The location of the Western Europe headquarters’ office is in London. This is where decisions are made regarding outreach efforts, mission trips, pastor assignments, and other corporate matters. Operations are led by the District Superintendent (DS) Rev Mark Mfandarahwa, supported by a five-member Board of Trustees and the backing of some Elders.
All of our church branches within Western Europe have the same mission and uphold the same Bible doctrines because Apostolic Faith churches worldwide are under the same leadership.
The Apostolic Faith Church is a worldwide Christian organization, with global headquarters in Portland, Oregon. As a Trinitarian and fundamental church, our doctrinal beliefs are the basic Bible truths, including the definite experiences of salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
The Apostolic Faith Church, Portland Oregon, USA was founded in 1906. The organization grew and established branch churches across the United States and around the world. All of our congregations enjoy a warm and traditional environment, where we endeavour to preach the Word of God in its fullness and integrity. There are about fifty branch churches within the United States of America, and the international outreach extends to most continents, including Western Europe.
Western Europe benefits from evangelistic materials published by the Apostolic Faith Church, Portland Oregon. These materials include printed and distributed Christian literature. They publish a quarterly magazine entitled The Apostolic Faith, which is designed to encourage spiritual growth in believers. They also print numerous tracts, pamphlets and small booklets meant to lead people to the Lord, and most of them are available in their Library. A unique feature of this ministry is that most of these publications are printed and mailed throughout the world free of charge. In over a century of literature ministry, God has provided financially for this outreach through tithes and offerings, though collections are never taken in our services.