SEARCH Lesson 090 – Time

Key Verse

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
— Ephesians 5:15-16


Luke 12:16-21; 14:16-24; James 4:13-15


Years ago, Will Rogers advised, “Buy land because they’re not making any more of it.” Another thing “they” are not making any more of is the number of hours in a day. God has given to every man a measure of time to be used as man chooses. Today, as always, the wise man uses his time for spiritual gain.


  1. Complete the following statements from Scripture:
    Psalm 89:47 — Remember how ________________. (4 words)
    Hosea 10:12 — It is time ________________. (4 words)
    Luke 19:44 — Because thou knewest ________________________. (6 words)
    Romans 13:11 — Now it is high time ____________________ (5 words)
    1 Corinthians 7:29 — But this I say, brethren ________________. (4 words)
    Revelation 1:3 — Keep those things which are written therein:_________________________ . (6 words)
  2. Which of the above Scriptures point out the importance of using our time for spiritual betterment, and why?
  3. Using your dictionary, define the 6th and 13th words of the key verse. Then rewrite the verse using these definitions.
  4. Listed in Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 are twenty-eight things that there are times for in life. Which two from the twenty-eight things are generally done by the disposition of God? Explain how they differ from the list of other activities regarding our use of time.
  5. What is our responsibility with regard to how we use our time?
  6. List ways that you use your time for spiritual gain.
  7. Referring to the Luke 14 portion of our text, all of those invited to the great supper made excuses why they couldn’t go. Three specific excuses are recorded. What do you think was the true reason each excused himself from going to the great supper?
  8. What are we telling the Lord when we say we don’t have time to be involved in His work?
  9. What Scripture in today’s text is the key as to how we should make future plans for our time? What are the benefits of applying this thought to our daily plans?

THOUGHT PROVOKER: If you knew that your time was down to the last sixty minutes, how would you spend it?