Easter is a time to reflect on the great price that Jesus paid on the cross of calvary for humanity to be reconciled to God. Jesus was born into this world, took the form of a human being and lived among his own people, Israel. He was rejected by his own people who preferred to have a robber, Barabbas released to freedom; and have Jesus nailed to the cross. However, the love of God is evident in that the tree, the nails and the Roman soldiers who crucified him were all his creation, used for him to pay the ultimate price for our redemption. Through Jesus’ triumphant resurrection from the dead, the Gospel is preached for all to believe and be partakers of the kingdom of God.
The prophet Isaiah says, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). All he could say in agony hanging upon the old rugged cross was, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are do” (Luke 22:24). His last words before he gave up his spirit unto his Father proclaimed, “IT IS FINISHED” in other words, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!” The death penalty for our sin and transgression was fully paid! It was at that very moment that the plan of the redemption for mankind was completed. Christ’s blood bridged the gap that sin created between God and man in the garden of Eden. Thank God that, whereas in Adam, humanity was separated from God because of the sin of disobedience to God’s commandment; in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ everyone can gain access into God’s kingdom through faith in the blood he shed for us. We remember the day he died as Good Friday! It is “good” in that without the shedding of his precious blood, there would be no remission for our sins!
In accomplishing our redemption Jesus did not only die as a martyr, he also resurrected out of his grave victoriously! The stone that was laid at his grave could not hold him back! It was found rolled away, and the grave empty, save the white linen that wrapped his dead body! Jesus became the first fruits of those that slept. Now all who believe on Jesus through faith can have an assurance of their sins forgiven, and the blessed hope that they will live eternally with him. The main reason for Easter is for us to remember that Jesus paid the price for the forgiveness of our sins, and he still gives all who believe on him power to live victoriously without committing sin. Faith in Jesus makes those who have been delivered from sin to abhor it from the depth of their heart and have a desire to please God in every aspect of their life. True faith in Jesus is the best cure for the troubles, heartaches, anxieties, wars etc. that people are experiencing in this world. Thanks be to God, Jesus promises all who are saved; love, joy, peace, and a hope of eternity with him in heaven. Yes, in this world trials and temptations will continue, but through faith in Jesus Christ and the power his shed blood, we are overcomers!
This Easter, you can pray that God help you to have a true relationship with your creator. Jesus knows and loves you so dearly that he would have died for the redemption of your soul. All he wants from you is that you open the door of your heart for him to enter and live within you today. If you truly repent of your sins, and surrender your life to him, accepting Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, he will save your soul.