Key Verse

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
— 1 Peter 4:10

Being a Faithful Steward

Luke 19:12-28
  1. The word nobleman means “person of noble blood, usually princely.” Give evidence as to whom you think the nobleman represents in this parable. See Hebrews 12:2.
  2. The word servant is translated from the Greek word doulos which can mean “slave, bondman, or servant of a king.” In the New Testament epistles, doulos often denotes “one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will, or dominion.” With these facts in mind, identify whom the servants in this parable represent.
  3. The nobleman had ten servants. Each servant was given one pound. List the various gifts or talents which you think the pounds might represent. Refer to 1 Corinthians 12:4-11,28.
  4. Paraphrase the nobleman’s statement to his ten servants, “Occupy till I come.”
  5. Who are the citizens referred to in verses 14 and 27 of our lesson? How would you support this conclusion?
  6. Verse 15 tells us that having received his kingdom and returned, the nobleman called his servants to determine how much each man had gained by trading. Describe some of the “gains” one can experience in working for the Lord.
  7. Verses 20-26 deal with the other servant and his great error. Identify this error and interpret its meaning.
  8. The nobleman, in verse 17, pronounced the servant whose pound had gained ten pounds as “faithful.” Consider and note several actions which we could take to ensure a reward in eternity as a faithful steward of Jesus Christ.