Visit to Paris, France 2024

The Regional Director of Mainland Europe work, Reverend Francis Odudu, accompanied by his wife, Christiana, was in Paris visiting the saints in Paris, France from Thursday 26th to Monday 30th, September 2024. The Odudus arrived at Paris Gard du Nord early evening of Thursday to the warm welcome of Sister Suzanne Vimadje who was on hand to receive and take them to the hotel.

Early Saturday morning, the Pastor of Paris branch, Reverend Matthieu Bobo took them from their hotel to view a property that is currently being explored for the possibility of purchasing it, for use as a church in Paris. After inspecting the property, which is located at

an industrial area of Magny-en-Vexin, on the outskirts of Paris, we all concluded that it was suitable for the purpose as a place of worship. However, further enquiries needed to be made to ensure that the mayor of the area would approve the proposed use. After lunch, all headed to Évreux, where the brethren had rented a property for the weekend’s special meeting. There was a Workers’ meeting held there, attended by about 33 workers, who were mostly young people.

There was a question-and-answer session during the Workers’ meeting. A brother had wanted to know what strategy could be deployed in France to win souls to the Kingdom of God. The saints were advised that one-to-one evangelism is usually more effective, particularly when one lives a life that conforms with what one preaches, at work, school, home, or the neighbourhood. One’s life would influence people more for God than our words. Also, based on the observation that tract distribution on the streets in France has some complications, it was suggested that soft copies of our tracts could be requested for and shared electronically.

A general admonition on the “Qualities and Duties of a Faithful Gospel Worker” was given. Emphasis was placed on self-development, faithfulness, subordination, and support for the work, with references drawn from Mathew 10:24 & 25; John 9:4 & 5; and 1 Timothy 3:1-13. This was rounded up with a session of prayers after which a team of workers went out to evangelize the locality.

Preceding the activities on Sunday was a workers’ prayer session, following which the Sunday School was held. Jean Sossa taught the SEARCH lesson, titled, “Le Premier Gratte-ciel” which means, “The First Skyscraper”, combining both the Junior and Senior classes. Ruth Degnon anchored the Elementary class. 

The Devotional Service commenced with a flute solo, “Der Holle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen” and “Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow” (CGS 294) by Carol Ahouansou, a brother currently studying in Romania who travelled down to France for the weekend special programme.

This was followed by the Choir singing, “The Joy of Heaven” and “There’s Joy in the Camp”. Kyria Tanmakpi then sang a solo, “He’s the One”, before Patricia Sossa led the congregational singing. This was followed by a testimony session, during which several of the saints, including Rose & Degnon Vimadje and Christiana Ola-Odudu, testified to the saving of their souls and how God had seen them through various life challenges. 

Bola Akande spoke about how happy she was that the Lord saved her from a Muslim home, married for her and had healed her husband when he was severely ill. Her husband Michael, also testified to the salvation of his soul and was thankful that he remained alive when he could have died from a sickness some ten years ago. As a local resident of Évreux, he was overjoyed by the progress of the Gospel work in France generally and the fact that this special revival meeting was being held at his locality in answer to years of prayers. 

Sunday Fadina testified of how he was happy to have first sought and obtained the Kingdom of God. He said God had since added many good things to him and his family. He was particularly thankful for the victory that God gave him when it appeared that the door was being shut against his hope of settling in France even though he migrated there based on a job that he got with an international company. 

Véronique Hounye testified how she suddenly lost her sight while at work in January this year, although she had earlier driven her car to work that day. She spent a month and a half in the hospital where the doctors told her that she would never see again. But God proved them wrong and allowed her to see again. She was thankful for the prayers of the saints of God, and she is trusting that He Who has started the good work will give her back her full sight. Suzzanne Vimadje testified of how God healed her of a bad sore throat that prevented her from singing for a while, healed her of a bad wrist and enabled her to take the Gospel to her village in the Republic of Benin.

Before the message, Kyria Tanmakpi and Koudjo Cornélie sang “Out of my Bondage, Sorrow and Night.” Taking his text from John 3:1 -10, Francis spoke about “The Salvation Project”, drawing references from the Sunday School lesson. He further used the story of Nicodemus’ encounter with Jesus. He differentiated between a head knowledge of the Gospel and having a genuine experience of salvation. Nicodemus was a teacher of the law and a member of the Sanhedrin in Israel, yet he did not know what it meant to be born again. But he did not hide his ignorance as he genuinely sought to understand. No one would make it to heaven without having this genuine experience of salvation with their sins fully repented of and forgiven. Thereafter, a sweet time of prayer followed around the altars of prayer.

There were 71 people in attendance in addition to those who joined virtually. A good number of the attendees came from the locality and promised to start meeting regularly as part of the church.