Dear Cousin James,
I have some exciting news to tell you! Do you remember the last time I came to your home in Ramah, when we talked about the Man named Jesus? Well, James, I have seen Him! I have heard Him speak! And it is true, He does work miracles! I have seen it with my own eyes.
Last week, word came that Jesus was travelling our way. You can imagine the excitement, for we had all heard so much about this Man. Why, just a short time ago the Widow Esther’s son heard Him speak, and with his own eyes saw a lame man healed! So when we heard that Jesus was coming, nearly everyone wanted to go hear Him.
Even my father left his leather shop, and early one morning we started out. It was late in the afternoon when we found Him, and already a great many people were there. We had to work our way through the crowd in order to get close enough to hear.
James, I wish you could have heard Him. He spoke as One who knew everything! When He began to teach, the crowd was silent. Everyone listened.
Time went by so quickly that it still seems hard for me to believe. He rested for a while in the hours of darkness, but early in the morning, He began teaching again. We were there for three days! We just could not leave. Every thought of home and what was going on in our city just disappeared. We thought of nothing but Him.
We had not gone prepared to stay so long, and there was little food among us. On the third day, someone brought Jesus seven loaves and a few fishes, but of course, that was not enough to feed so many. Everyone was hungry.
It was then I saw the miracle. Jesus bowed His head, and He prayed aloud to His Father in Heaven, thanking Him for this food. Then His disciples passed the loaves and fishes among the people nearby and went back to Jesus. More was given out.
In the end, the entire group was fed. And afterwards, seven baskets of pieces were gathered together! Truly, this could only have been done by the power of God.
Looking back, I think that what remains most clearly in my mind is Jesus bowing His head over that food. He had power, James, power to make that little bit of food feed so many. Yet He prayed and thanked His heavenly Father for it!
I will never again eat a meal without following His example.
There is much more I could write, but I hope that you will soon be able to visit us here in Bethsaida. We have much to talk about.
Your Cousin, Andrew
Parent’s Corner
Being thankful for the food that God provides is one aspect of gratitude. This Bible story tells how Jesus gave thanks for seven loaves and a few fishes, and then used this little amount of food to feed 4,000 people.
This would be a good week to learn a new table grace with your child. Practice it together and surprise the rest of the family one night this week by having him say it at mealtime.
You might also like to prepare a special snack together during the week, making seven muffins or seven small loaves of bread to represent the food with which Jesus fed the multitude. Cut small “fish” out of lunchmeat slices to go with the bread.