‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Matthew 6:33
This verse says ‘seek first and all these things shall be added’, but it is rather strange that some people, if not all want ‘all these things’ to be added first before they seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. This certainly will not work because it is the wrong formula.
We in the United Kingdom are familiar with the concept of ‘buy one, get one free’ used in our supermarkets as a result of market competition. Imagine someone going into a supermarket, wanting to get a free item advertised without actually buying the first one. You would conclude that that individual has a problem! It would be a fruitless effort for that individual to try to get the free item without purchasing the first one. So it is with everyone who comes to God and instead of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, seeks all ‘these things’ such as a job, money, a spouse, children, education, protection, healing, success – the list goes on.
How do we start to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? It begins by seeking reconciliation with God through repentance unto salvation. When you come to God, you must first acknowledge that you are a sinner, confess your sins, repent of them, and promise God that by His grace you will never go into them again. You pray until you have the assurance in your soul that you have been forgiven of your sins and you confess with your mouth that you have been saved. This salvation is that which will be confirmed by the Spirit of God according to Romans 8:16 ‘The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God’.
When this experience happens and the Spirit has confirmed your salvation, ‘ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU’. That would be using the right formula, which will certainly work according to the Lord’s will. It would be like going to the supermarket and buying an item labelled ‘Buy one get one free’ and then getting the second free.
We must seek God first and His righteousness before all these things can be added.