- Isaiah 55:6-9
It is astounding that, with Noah still alive about one hundred years after the Flood, the people of the earth should so lose their fear of God that they did not hesitate to join themselves in a project defying Him. Building a tower and concentrating their population instead of spreading out and repopulating the earth as God had commanded (Genesis 9:1), demonstrated their independent spirit and resistance to God. Because of their disobedience, God intervened and confused their language, thus preventing the world from again being given over totally to sin and lawlessness. God’s Word is our blueprint for building our spiritual house. Deviation from this blueprint will result in the same confusion and disaster experienced by the people of Babel.
- Who did the people of Babel consult with as they made plans to build a city and a tower? Who should they have approached about the matter? Why?
- Note here two reasons why the men of Babel decided to build a city and a tower whose “top may reach unto heaven.”
- Who visited the people as they attempted to build the city and tower at Babel, and why? Is God interested in our plans today? Why or why not?
- What action did the Lord decide to take regarding the building project at Babel? Why?
- As Christians, we are co-laborers with God in building our spiritual house. List several things which show God’s part in this labor. List several things which show our part.
- In 1 Corinthians 3:12, the writer mentions various materials which one might use to build his spiritual house. Note here several Christians’ experiences and Christian character attributes which he may be referring to as “gold, silver, precious stones.” Now contrast these with what you think the writer may mean by “wood, hay, stubble.” See John 17:17; Acts 2:39; Galatians 3:2-3; 5:22-23; Hebrews 6:1; James 1:22 and 1 Peter1:5-7.
- Explain what you feel the word fire refers to in 1 Corinthians 3:13.
- How is it possible to lose the heavenly reward which we might have gained in our service for Christ? And how is it possible to be assured of that reward?
It is not difficult to go through the Bible and compile an extensive list of first events from which we can learn valuable lessons. Most people are interested in how or when something started and who started it. This quarter will focus on beginnings. The first two lessons deal with the beginning of everything—Creation and the first man. The next two are about the first sin and the first plan of escape from God’s judgment for sin. The next lesson is about the people who built the first “skyscraper” and the pitfalls of trying to be independent from God. Four Bible characters will be studied: the first Hebrew, Abraham; the first leader, Moses; Israel’s first priest, Aaron; and the first king of Israel, Saul. There also will be a lesson on God’s first written Law. The point of studying these lessons is to help us get a better understanding of some of the firsts in Bible history and, more importantly, to learn that, since the beginning of our world, each of these has played an important part in Gods plan for our lives. We want to grow spiritually from what we have learned.