• Numbers 17:1-11
Included in the establishing of God’s written Law was the process to be followed in administering the Law. The tribe of Levi was charged with the care of the sanctuary and the serving. Aaron and his sons, being of the tribe of Levi, were set apart for the priesthood; and this office was passed down from father to son.
- What was the purpose of the Old Testament priesthood?
- Why was it necessary for an Old Testament priest to make an offering for his own sins?
- How was Aaron chosen to be the first high priest?
- Why was the Old Testament priesthood not intended to be permanent? See Hebrews 8:4-11.
- Read Hebrews 7:11-16. Was Jesus a descendant of Aaron? After what order was He a priest?
- What were some of the things Christ went through to obtain this better priesthood? See Hebrews 5:7-9.
- How is it that Christ can so readily relate to our disappointments, frustrations, and trials? See Hebrews 2:16-18.
- Why would you rather be under Christ’s priesthood than the Levitical priesthood?
- What is God’s promise to one in the time of need? See Hebrews 4:16.
- Read Numbers 16:41-48. In what way was Aaron a mediator for the Children of Israel? In what way is Christ our mediator today?
It is not difficult to go through the Bible and compile an extensive list of first events from which we can learn valuable lessons. Most people are interested in how or when something started and who started it. This quarter will focus on beginnings. The first two lessons deal with the beginning of everything—Creation and the first man. The next two are about the first sin and the first plan of escape from God’s judgment for sin. The next lesson is about the people who built the first “skyscraper” and the pitfalls of trying to be independent from God. Four Bible characters will be studied: the first Hebrew, Abraham; the first leader, Moses; Israel’s first priest, Aaron; and the first king of Israel, Saul. There also will be a lesson on God’s first written Law. The point of studying these lessons is to help us get a better understanding of some of the firsts in Bible history and, more importantly, to learn that, since the beginning of our world, each of these has played an important part in Gods plan for our lives. We want to grow spiritually from what we have learned.