Key Verse

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
— Isaiah 65:24


1 Kings 19:1-18

God does not always work by precedent. Because He has communicated in one way at one time does not mean that He will always communicate in the same way at subsequent times. However, His will is sure to be made known to us. Our responsibility is to be attentive to His Spirit for direction.


  1. Just prior to our lesson text, Elijah had won a great victory on the mountain and undoubtedly was spiritually very much in tune with God. How quickly this changed! What was Elijah’s condition after listening to the threats of Queen Jezebel? What lesson can we learn from this?
  2. God sent an angel to instruct and encourage Elijah. Then the prophet journeyed on to Mt. Horeb. When Elijah arrived, God’s next communication was direct. It was in the form of a question, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” (verse 9). What would your reaction be if God spoke to you with a direct question?
  3. When Elijah heard the still, small Voice, he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went and stood in the entrance of the cave. Why hadn’t Elijah shown the same respect or reverence after seeing the manifestations of nature?
  4. God communicated with Elijah in an audible voice. Often He chooses other methods of revealing His will to us. What might some of these other ways be?
  5. Sometimes we may find ourselves having difficulty determining whether an impression or communication we are receiving is from the Lord. How can we know that it is the Lord who is giving us direction?
  6. God may speak to man through the forces of nature by way of judgment. See Exodus 7:24. Why is it possible that miracles alone will not lead men to God?
  7. What was the result of Elijah’s listening and responding to God’s communication?
  8. God’s responsibility is to answer our prayers, providing us with guidance and direction. What is our responsibility?