SEARCH Lesson 113 – The Revelation of Christ and Armageddon

Key Verse

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
— Revelation 1:7

The Revelation of Christ and Armageddon

Matthew 24:29-31; Revelation 19:11-21

Something big is about to happen. Jesus Christ is coming for His Church. Once He has come and taken them to be with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the full fury of the Great Tribulation will break upon our world with the Antichrist as the world ruler. Then the climax of the Tribulation will take place when Christ returns with His saints at the time of the Battle of Armageddon.


  1. Jesus’ ascension into Heaven is recorded in Acts 1:9-11. In Zechariah 14:4-5 and Revelation 1:7 we read of the coming of Jesus Christ as King. Note here some similarities between Christ’s ascension and His return to govern the world.
  2. After reading the text in Matthew 24:29-31 and Revelation 6:15-17, describe how the sinners will react to the Revelation of Christ.
  3. Using Revelation 1:13-16 and 19:11-16, describe the manner and appearance of Jesus Christ as He leads His heavenly army to meet Satan’s earthly army in the Battle of Armageddon. Complete the following statements:
    He is riding
    His eyes are like
    On His head are
    His clothing was
    His name is called
    Out of His mouth goes
    On His clothing was written
    His feet were
    His countenance was like
  4. What does Revelation 19:19 predict?
  5. Where is this great battle to be fought? See Revelation 16:14,16.
  6. What characterized the armies which followed Christ from Heaven? See Revelation 19:8,14.
  7. During the battle, what happened to the Beast and the false prophet?
  8. What happened to the army of the Antichrist?
  9. Who came with Christ when He came back from Heaven?
  10. How can we qualify to be a part of Christ’s army when He comes back to earth to destroy the Antichrist and rule for a thousand years? See Revelation 3:5.