The all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient), and ever-present (omnipresent) God can be understood in a measure by looking at what God created. The God who controls the universe also sees and knows all the actions and understands the thoughts of mankind. God is a spiritual, holy, loving, and just God who dwells in Heaven and, by His Spirit, also dwells in the hearts of believers.
- What aspect of God’s greatness is evidenced in the account of Jesus stilling the tempest? See Mark 4:35-41
- What did Jesus say to the elements and what was the result? Compare this calming of a physical storm to the calming of a spiritual “storm.”
- There was an element of faith in the question, “Carest thou not that we perish?” But, using Matthew 8:26 and Luke 8:25, what other element was present?
- God’s power can only be available to us by faith (Matthew 21:22). There is a measure of faith in every person. There is an unlimited power source in God, which becomes accessible to us as we exercise our faith in Him. How can we do this?
- God, being omniscient, knows the thoughts of our hearts. Name several specific ways this should affect our personal lives.
- In Psalm 139:7 it says, “Whither shall I flee from thy presence?” If we love and obey God, why would we want to flee from His presence?
- God created and sustains each one of us (Hebrews 1:2-3). To what extent does He still have control of mankind?
- Does God control your personal life now? What steps can each of us take to give Him control more fully?
How do you treat your Bible? Is it just another book that is tucked casually between a couple of others on your bookshelf, or hidden under a couple of magazines on your night stand? How do you act in church? Is it a place that you honor, or do you consider it merely another building? How do you use the Lord’s name? Is it thrown lightly into your conversation, and used as just another word to express your feelings? Is prayer a vital part of your life? Or do you resort to prayer only when you want something from God, or when you have a problem you can’t handle by yourself?Your answers to these questions can help you to zero in on the theme for this quarter—Respect for Things Holy.Just what is the definition of the word “respect”? Webster informs us that it means, “to feel or show honor or esteem for something.” Respect for the things of God and the principles outlined in His Word are of vital importance to the Christian. “Why?” you might ask.Let’s SEARCH for the answer to that question as we study these lessons together.