- Romans 2:13
- James 1:22-25
Matthew 7:24-29; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15
Christ’s teaching regarding the importance of building on the Rock is a very plain statement. This comparison reveals that it is useless to call ourselves Christians unless we practice the things that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. The hearers of God’s Word are divided into two classes: those who hear and respond to what they hear; and those who hear but ignore what they hear. In which class are you?
- After reading Matthew 7:24-27, what similarities can you find in the two classes of hearers? What differences?
- After comparing and contrasting the two types of hearers, what conclusion can you draw about people who attend church and hear the Word of God, but fail to respond?
- To be a doer of Jesus’ teachings includes abiding by the teachings of the whole Bible. Unfortunately, some teachings of the Bible are not received among Christians as they should be. They may be heard, but not acted upon. Name one or more teachings of the Bible that you think are neglected by some Christians.
- The rains, floods, and winds come, and they prove what sort of foundation a life is built upon. Name some spiritual “storms” that may come into a life.
- Christ Jesus is the Rock that has been provided for us to build upon. What is the starting point in building a solid Christian life?
- What was the reaction of the people when Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount? Why do you think this was so?
- This past quarter we have studied some of the teachings of Jesus. Are we doing what He taught or have we only heard His words? Of the previous twelve lessons, which one has motivated you to be more of a doer in your spiritual life? Give a specific example.