DS visit to the Republic of Ireland

Western Europe District Superintendent’s Visit to the Republic of Ireland

Reverend Mark Mfandarahwa paid a visit to the Republic of Ireland brethren in the company of his wife Sister Marble and their daughters, Naomi and Ruth. The family arrived on Friday 4th October and was received at the Dublin Airport around 22:50 by Brother Joseph Adeyemi who took them to their hotel accommodation.

On Saturday 5th October, Brother Mark had a visit from Sister Mercy Adeyemi, the Republic of Ireland group leader, to have some discussion on the progress of the Apostolic Faith work there. 

On Sunday 6th October, Brother Mark and family joined the brethren at Old Borough School, Swords County, Dublin, where the Sunday services are held. There was prayer preceding the service before Brother Damilola Owolabi opened Sunday school with a short welcome and the chorus “Open the eyes of my heart Lord’. Sister Grace Komolafe led us in congregational songs and prayer, afterwards the children were led out to their class for Sunday school, while Sister Mercy taught the combined Answer and Search classes. The Search Sunday school lesson was titled “The First Hebrew”, which highlighted the life of Abraham, his call, obedience, and faith in God that prompted an everlasting covenant between him, his seed, and God. The Sunday school was concluded with the admonition that if we obey God irrespective of the circumstances, we will receive and enjoy God’s promises of Abrahamic blessings.

After a short prayer recess, Brother Moses Itanola opened the Devotional service, starting with a brass, string, and wind ensemble prelude, followed by a violin solo medley by Sister Naomi Mfandarahwa, and a special rendition in the Zulu language from our brethren who immigrated from Southern Africa.

The special song before the sermon was a duet medley from Marble and Naomi Mfandarahwa titled ‘Lead Me’.  Brother Mark started his sermon with special greetings from the brethren in Bexley and a brief information update on the ongoing renovation and redevelopment work of our Bexley church building to accommodate the Western Europe headquarters offices and increase the size of the sanctuary. He expressed his appreciation to the Ireland group for all their effort to keep the gospel light shining in this part of Europe.

Brother Mark based his sermon on the scripture from 1 John 3:1-9, themed “The Sin Question”. He expressed the need for everyone to understand what sin is and how Jesus Christ forgives sins for one to be qualified as children of God. He read from Romans 3:23 to confirm that we were all born in sin and that having faith in the word of God just like Abraham, and in the power in Jesus’ blood will give us victory over sin to live a life pleasing to God. Brother Mark reminded all, that being a member of a church alone, or being part of Christian fellowship does not qualify anyone for eternal life but having one’s name written in the “Lamb’s book of life” and continually asking God to take away carnality; seeking a life of holiness through Sanctification and the deeper experience of Holy Ghost and fire baptism. He rounded up with an altar call. Brother Ezekiel Ogundipe then led all in the closing prayer. Prayers continue that the seed sown in Ireland will continue to germinate and bear more fruits as the work continues to expand.