August 2023
Thanks be God for a beautiful weekend of Outreach activities which started on Saturday, 19th August 2023 when a group of four (Brother Ola and Sister Remi Balogun as well as Brother Joshua and Sister Temitoyosi Nwaebonyi) from Peckham church (London) joined the group leader and his wife, Brother Ade, and Sister Caroline Akerejola, for a seaside outreach during the Eastbourne Seaside Airshow event. After a warm welcome from the Akerejola’s, a set out was made for the seaside. The weather was nice and sunny with people from all over the UK attending the Airshow. As the great airshow displays were ongoing, a fruitful engagement with tourists visiting the seaside event took place by connecting with them socially. A couple of tourists gave a warm welcome and accepted the tracts and invitation to church, which also included a follow-up opportunity. While the gospel message was being shared via tracts and magazines, an invitation to attend Sunday Service was also extended.
On the following day Sunday, 20th August 2023, the service started at 11 am with a keyboard prelude by Brother Beloved Akerejola. Then Sister Temitoyosi played a flute solo “In Christ Alone” by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty and “No Not One” by Johnson Oatman Jr. Sister Caroline Akerejola gave the welcome address and led the congregation in singing while Brother Joshua gave the opening prayer. Brother Ade Akerejola then made the announcements which was followed by a duet “The Longer I Serve Him” by William J. Gaither after which Sister. Caroline Akerejola took the memory verse drill and the Sunday school class distribution. There were two classes, the combined adult and youth class taught by Brother Ola Balogun and the children’s class taught by Brother Praises Akerejola.
The children’s class was very engaging. The class made a wall out of crafts and props and marched around it seven times demonstrating their understanding of the lesson about the Wall of Jericho. A wall was also designed on paper which was taken away after learning about how the Israelites obtained victory by obeying God. The adult class was also very interactive and opened with a discussion on personal experiences when driving or traveling through a narrow road, relating it to the Christian walk. Using Luke 13:24 and Proverbs 14:12 the class participants discussed the importance of striving along the narrow road to reach our heavenly destination. After a short period of prayers, the choir sang “Close to thee” by Fanny J. Crosby, and this was followed by a closing prayer by Sister Remi Balogun.
The fellowship was greatly enjoyed by all, and food and refreshments were as well, afterwards, the four visiting delegates returned to London.