A Great Time of Fellowship
It was a great time of fellowship for our group in Denmark during the recent visit of the Mainland Europe Regional Director Bro. Francis Odudu and his wife Sis. Christiana. The Odudus arrived at Billund Airport in Billund, a city located 37 minutes’ drive from Kolding. They were met and greeted with excitement by Bro Solomon Akano, the leader of our Denmark Group, and Joanna his daughter, around 10:00 am on Saturday 15th October 2022. They were from there driven to the home of the Akanos, where they joined Solomon’s wife, Oluranti and Bro. Clement Oloruntobi, who recently moved from Nigeria to Denmark for study, for a sumptuous breakfast.
The Odudus were then taken on a brief sightseeing of Kolding, including a tour of the city’s 104 years old Geographical Garden where over 2000 plants from different parts of the world are grown and maintained.
The day ended with an evening prayer meeting led by Solomon at the Akanos’. Reflecting on his early days in Denmark, Solomon recollected how he entered into a covenant with God, and how God had faithfully fulfilled His part of the bargain. Requests were specifically made for God to re-establish the work in Denmark.
Early on Sunday morning, Bro. Robert Makasi joined the group from Copenhagen, after a two- and half-hour train travel. Bro Makasi of our New Jersey, USA Church, currently lives and works in Denmark.
After a 30-minute prayer session, Christiana led a very interactive and soul-enriching Sunday school on The Antichrist, at 10:00am. As we went to pray, it was clear that everyone was determined to make the Rapture of the saints so as to escape the reign of the Antichrist.
The Devotional service started at 11:15, with a violin solo prelude by Joanna playing “Oh! Happy Day” in variations. After some congregational singing, Solomon sang “Blest be the tie” as the special song before Francis gave the Word titled “Be Rapture-Ready”. He took his text from 1Thessalonians 4:15-18 and pointed out that the Rapture would be for the dead in Christ and those that remain and are ready. He expressed that to be ready, one must have answered the universal call of God to Salvation, be chosen by getting genuinely saved and remain faithful until the coming of the Lord. He summed up that faithfulness is standing up for God and our faith wherever we find ourselves, fellowship with the people of God, prayer and extending the Gospel message to others. The presence of God’s Spirit was felt as everyone tarried on their knees. There were seven of us altogether at the service.
After the service, the 2-day visit got to peak with a visit to one of the early members of Apostolic Faith church in Denmark. The Odudus went in the company of Robert and Solomon on a journey of about an hour to the city of Arhus to see Bro Jesper Kjolseth. Jesper was excited at being able to meet with Apostolic Faith Church members again, after many years had passed since the Church closed down in Denmark. He reflected on so many memories, people and events and we were thrilled to glance at his younger age pictures with a number of people in our Church, including one with the late Rev. Soyinka.
Bro. Jesper was further excited at having the opportunity to speak on the phone, to Brothers Remi Abdulai and Godwin Okusanya both of our Bexley branch in London. The visit ended on an emotional note as Jesper could not hold the tears anymore, watching us board the car to drive off.
We arrived at Kolding safely and had a delicious dinner together before the Odudus were driven to the airport at about 19:40 to catch their flight back to London.
Surely, we had a wonderful time, and it is our earnest prayers that God would remember Denmark and bring back the old fire of the Gospel that once burnt in the country.