Visit to France Brethren
Regional Director of Mainland Europe, Bro Francis Odudu, accompanied by his wife Sister Christiana, and Bro Victor and his wife Sister Tosin Idowu, of our Manchester Branch were in Paris visiting the saints in France, from Friday 28th to Sunday 30th, October. The visitors from the UK arrived late in the night on Friday to the warm embrace of Brother Joel and Sister Suzanne Vimadje who were on hand to receive and take them to their hotel.
After breakfast on Saturday, the guests from the UK were treated to an Open-Roof bus tour of the city of Paris. Thereafter, the Odudus and Brother Mathieu Bobo, the Pastor and leader of our work in France, visited Brother Jose Wright and his family in a South-eastern suburb of Paris. Bro Jose had picked them up at the train station and they were well received by his wife and children. It was a good time of fellowship that closed with a prayer session.
The day was rounded up with a buffet dinner in the company of some ministers and workers of the France Church, at a restaurant in the outskirts of Paris.
On Sunday morning, we all met at “La claret de Dieu”, Orsay, Paris, a rented facility for the activities of the day starting with workers prayer meeting.
The Sunday School was opened with a keyboard prelude by Brother Joel Vimadje, followed by a young men instrumental trio. Sister Suzanne Vimadje then led congregational singing before the distribution into classes. While the children class was taught by Brother Jean Sossa, a combined Junior and Adult class was taught by Victor Idowu. After a brief review by Brother Mathieu, Tolu Fadina from the Junior Class presented a solo to end the Sunday School.
The Devotional Service began with an orchestration, “Saving Grace”, followed by the choir singing “Seul Jésus demeure” (Only Jesus remains), a soloist, “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it All”, by Sister Morganne Hounye and then a vocal duet of “Victory in Jesus” was sang by Sisters Patricia Sossa and Rose Vimadje. Brother Mathieu led the congregational singing, while Brother Dègnon Vimadje led the congregational prayer. We were thereafter treated to some wonderful testimonies starting with Sister Bobo telling of God’s healing power, then a sister testified of how God healed her daughter, followed by Sister Christiana testifying of how God miraculously delivered her from a fall at the airport, during a recent trip to one of the Mainland Europe branches.
Before the sermon, which was interpreted into French by Sister Laetitia Wright, the choir sang “Burdens are lifted at Calvary”. Francis brought his opening text from 1 John 5:4-5. Referencing the last special number, he encouraged everyone to look unto Jesus, the only One that is capable of lifting their burdens. Citing the invitation of Jesus to everyone in Matthew 11:28, he lamented the avoidable struggle of man as he searches for solutions to his myriads of problems, while neglecting the place where his solution is, the feet of Jesus. Using the account of Job 14:1-4, acknowledged that there are problems in the world and buttressed this with his personal experience prior to him coming to know Christ as his Saviour. He had sought for solutions from various self-acclaimed helpers, but to no avail. concluded that sin is the root cause of man’s problem; and that it was only when he realised this fact, repented of his sins and became a Christian that he got real victory over his own challenges. As the altar call was made, he encouraged everyone to take time to seek the Lord first for the forgiveness of their sins, and that the Lord would give them victory over their nagging issues. The closing prayer was given by Sister Ruth Vimadje following which we had a good time to pray at the altars.
The day was rounded up by an interactive workers meeting led by Brother Francis, where he answered questions that were raised by some of the workers on how the work in France could further progress. The saints in France request your prayers fr God to sustain the Gospel work and provide a permanent place of worship.