Ireland musical evangelism report 2024


The Republic of Ireland Victory Conference 2024

“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)

The Apostolic Faith Church in the Republic of Ireland witnessed a reviving moment of worship and fellowship during the just-concluded Victory Conference 2024 held on 18th and 19th May 2024. Delegates from across the Western Europe region led by Reverend Seun Idowu of AF church Manchester, started arriving in Dublin on Friday, 17th and were joyously received at the Airport. A virtual prayer meeting was convened on Friday evening and necessary preparations and practices commenced on Saturday morning. A prayer session preceded the organ prelude by 6:00 pm on Saturday, signaling the start of the meeting.

After a few choruses led by Sister Susan Adeyemo, wife of the Leader of AF church Coventry, “Rejoice, the Lord is King” was rendered by the congregation, followed by the opening prayer by bro Mathew Ibukun, leader of AF church Scotland. Then, the orchestra played “Autumn from the Four Seasons & My Heart is Filled with Gratitude.” The choir sang inspiring songs, “I’ve been changed, In the name of the Lord, and Joy comes in the morning”. Other specials included an Octet singing “When Jesus lifts the Load”, a Quartet, a Duet by Sister Shamba and Brother Moses Itanola, and a Viola Solo by Brother Kayode Amusa. Various soul-lifting testimonies were also given in between these renditions which were rounded up by a testimony in French by Reverend Mathew Bobo – the pastor of AF church in France. He emphasized how God can keep and prosper his own for a special purpose, no matter the plans of the devil. 

The special song “Joy Comes in the Morning “ was rendered by the choir. The word of exhortation was delivered by Brother Lanre Idu quoting scriptures from Mathew 15:25-28 and highlighting that with God, joy comes in the morning as the choir has previously sung. He preached that with God there is no distance to prayer, God answers prayers anywhere, God wants us to hold on, surrender our will to Him, and exercise faith, and all situations will be met as Jesus blessed the Syrophoenician woman.

The Choir closed their renditions with the song titled “Plenty of Room in the Family”. The song captivated the audience, and Sister Emma Itang was asked to teach the audience as they all sang along joyously. Sister Mercy Adeyemi the leader of the Ireland Group gave the announcement and Sister Esther Jelenke gave the closing prayer followed by the exchange of pleasantries with our guests and a photograph session.   The total physical attendance recorded was 59 and over 30 attendees joined online.

On Sunday, the meeting opened with Choruses led by Brother Kayode Amusa, followed by children’s presentations from the Ireland group: Clarinet duet by Lesley Chawanda and Emmanuel Ogundipe, Viola solo from Praise Ogundipe. Sunday School was grouped into three classes for different age groups. 

The devotional service commenced with the orchestra playing “This is my father’s house/I give praises to your name”. The choir then rendered “Jehovah Reigneth, Halleluyah”. The devotional service was also a thanksgiving service to celebrate the 60th birthday of Brother Joseph Adeyemi. His family rendered a special song “Wonderful, Merciful Saviour”. The congregational songs were conducted by Brother Idowu and the opening prayer by Brother Washington Chawanda. During the announcement, Brother Idowu expressed that the devotional service is a 3-in-1 and Bro Joseph Adeyemi had the opportunity to give his testimony thanking God for His blessings both spiritual and physical. Before the sermon, bro Kayode Amusa sang “Why not you”.

Sister Emma Itang preached on the theme of the event “Rejoice” and added that God wants us to rejoice in tribulation. The texts were selected from Romans 12:12, Ps 31:7-8 and more. She said God knows about different situations of life that we might be going through, and He is encouraging us today to rejoice even when it doesn’t make sense. She advised that God has the capacity and enabling ability to make us rejoice in tribulations or persecution. She spoke about how God created new things with the testimony of a woman who conceived without a fallopian tube and gave birth. Sister Emma rounded up with encouragement for a shout of victory and rejoicing in faith as God began to turn things around for good. The devotional service ended with a call to the congregation, to pray earnestly. The congregational song to end the service on both days was “Be Glad in the Lord and Rejoice”. The total attendance on Sunday was 90.

Refreshments were served alongside a photo session. The 2024 Victory Conference revived the souls of many saints and provided the opportunity to share the glad tidings with so many visitors. We pray God bless every delegate that traveled from far and near, particularly across Western Europe. We bless God for the outpouring of blessings and for bringing increase to his fold in the Republic of Ireland.