It was another special meeting of many blessings for our group in Ireland spanning from the 1st to the 3rd of November 2024. The theme for the three-day event was, “This same Jesus” taken from the Book of Acts 1:11 and also supported by Hebrews 13:8 which says “Jesus is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”. The first day was an online revival prayer meeting to prepare hearts for the blessings God had in store for all throughout the event. The guest minister, Rev Francis Odudu (Regional Director for Mainland Europe) admonished all from Hebrews 13:8, Matthew 7:7,8, and John 16:23 with some testimonies, emphasizing that the name of Jesus still has the same power it did in time past and that whatever one’s need may be, if one would ask in accordance with God’s Word, God would answer. Brother Francis further encouraged all from Mark 11:22-26, emphasizing the need for faith without making provision for a second option.
The second day featured a ‘Youth Forum’ where young people had various activities and games including singing, Piano solo, Clarinet solo, Bible reading, Bible quiz, Bible game, Rubik’s cube, and “Pick it up and preach.”
The congregation thereafter sang ‘These are the days of Elijah’ before Brother Francis brought the Word of exaltation titled “Sold out for God”. Brother Francis challenged young people to give Jesus the first place in their lives, by projecting Jesus in all they do and wherever they may be, and illustrated the life of youthful Timothy using 1 Timothy 4:12-16, where Paul instructed him not to let anyone despise his youth and told the youths to win souls for Christ by ensuring they preach and invite their friends to Church. Brother Francis said the way to remain fresh in the Lord is to keep sharing the Gospel with others, as they also have the opportunity to receive it, that way, they would be like the freshwater of a river that flows.
Brother Francis asked the young people to have confidence in God and use the gift of God in their lives; they are to be bold and quick to share their testimonies wherever they find themselves.
After a short session of individual prayers, Brother Francis had an interactive session with the entire congregation where questions were asked and clarification was sought on both a Christian life and the administration of the church. Sister Christiana Ola-Odudu rounded up the session with a special prayer for young people. The day was closed with fellowship over a light refreshment.
The special weekend program continued on Sunday with Sunday School. Sister Grace Komolafe taught the Elementary class, Sister Christiana Odudu taught the Search class on The First King.
The devotional service prelude included instrumentals, selected choir singing “Jesus is ever the same”, which was the theme song for this year’s special meetings. After some congregational hymns, two brothers shared their testimonies of victory over sins.
The Bible reading was brought from Acts 1:9-11 by Sister Vivian Ogundipe. Brother Moses Itanola presented the special song “The power of God is just the same” before Brother Francis brought the Word of exaltation based on the theme of the special meetings “This same Jesus.”
Taking the opening text from Jude 14-15, Brother Francis spoke about the imminent return of Jesus for the Rapture of the saints. Referencing the feeling of the disciples as Jesus ascended to heaven, and said the angels spoke those comforting words to them on the fact that Jesus would return in like manner as He ascended to heaven. While they were in a state of despondency and hopelessness, God sent the angels that brought a message of hope to them which greatly rejoiced their hearts.
Brother Francis further extended the same assurance to the congregation, that the same Jesus is still here to bring hope to every hopeless situation, and said if one gives their heart to Jesus, they will enjoy the blessings of being reconciled with Him.
While citing various verses from Matthew 24, Brother Francis said it was evident, that the various signs of the Second Coming of Jesus had been fulfilled, and therefore the return of the Lord is imminent, and then urged everyone to be sure they are ready for the Rapture of the saints as this could happen at any moment. A good time of prayers at the altars followed as the sermon drew to a close.
A short meeting of workers and helpers was subsequently held, with Brother Francis expressing the Ministry’s appreciation for their support for the work in Ireland, and gave words of encouragement and expectations from the Ministry before closing in prayer. There was good attendance at each meeting and a strong belief many have been blessed. May the work continue to grow. Amen