Theme: He Lives in Me
Date: 29 – 31 March 2024
The Special meetings opened with an organ prelude followed by a trumpet solo “Above all Powers” performed by Daniel Oshodi and an orchestration “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. The choir also presented “At Calvary” following which Reverend Toyin Emitola the Pastor of Manchester Church and Regional Director for Midlands and Northwest, gave a short welcome address and led the congregational in singing some songs in commemoration of the Easter season. Reverend Victor Idowu led the Opening Prayer.
The morning session had a Bible Study titled, “The Passion Narrative”, which was taught across three age group classifications. Ages 11 and below had their class in the children’s hall taught by Olumide Ajayi, ages 12 – 45 had their class in the sanctuary taught by Adebanji Alade, and ages 46 and above were taught in the porch by Olumide Akintonde. The study focused on the narrative of the Passion week, the events that took place, and their significance as a build-up of activities to the ultimate sacrifice Christ paid for the redemption of mankind. The session ended with the congregation singing passionately “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”.
The congregation was urged to go for a short break, have some snacks, and fellowship time before returning to the sanctuary for the afternoon session.
The afternoon session began at 1:15 pm with Toyin Emitola leading the congregation in singing Easter choruses “On the Way to Calvary”, “I Love That Man of Galilee”, “What Manner of Man is Jesus,” and a host of other songs joined by the congregation singing heartily. Thereafter, he reminded the congregation to join their classes.
The Bible Study for the afternoon session was titled “The Crucifixion”. The main auditorium was filled with the age group 12 – 45 years led by Adebanji Alade, the porch was for the age group 46 and above led by Olumide Akintonde, and ages 11 and below were led in the children’s hall by Olumide Ajayi. The study focused on Christ’s Crucifixion, its significance, the power of atonement in the life of a Christian, and its numerous benefits. The day’s event came to a climax with a review session led by Toyin Emitola and then an altar service.
The day’s event began with a piano prelude, congregational singing led by Evangel Uwandi, and an opening Prayer by Uyi Akioya. The day was dedicated to the young people who had activities lined up for all age groups in attendance.
The Ice Breaker was a Bible Quiz with a QR code displayed for all to join with their mobile devices. Participation was encouraged for individuals and groups who were able to sign up for the quiz and earn points for correct and timely answers. While this was ongoing, the Easter egg hunt for the age group 11 and below took place simultaneously. The group searched in and around the church premises carefully for Easter eggs hidden and tucked in specific places before the program began.
The next activity was the Arts and Craft workshop at the Children’s Hall led by Adebanji Alade. He told the story of the Crucifixion alongside participants guiding them in painting the cross of Christ between that of the two thieves and the Joy that Calvary brought with the Blood that Jesus shed for the remission of sins. Participants thereafter placed their paintings to dry outside before going for a short break to allow for some snacks and fellowship time.
The afternoon session had three groups: the children, the young people, and the aged. The Children watched a movie titled “The Crucifixion of Christ” in the sanctuary, the aged had a discussion moderated by Toyin Emitola on healthy living and general personal care tailored for the group while the young people had their session in the children’s hall moderated by the youth leader, Brother Comfort Moyo.
The final event for the day was the auction of the painting of the cross done by the guest minister, Adebanji Alade who passionately donated the proceeds of the auction to the youth work in Manchester.
Sunday school began with a prelude from the Organist after which Victor Idowu led the congregation to sing “Christ the Lord is Risen today” in celebration of the resurrection of Christ and an opening prayer as well. The Junior Orchestra then presented “He Arose” and the Sunday School classes were distributed. Olumide Ajayi taught the adult class on the subject – The Risen Christ. He began the lesson with the key verse and texts taken from Mark 16:1-14 and John 20:19-29. The lesson highlighted the concept of resurrection, its significance, the risen Christ and the hope of all Christians.
The Junior class was taught by Evangel Uwandi, who took time to demystify the concept of resurrection, highlighting that it was part of the plan of redemption for lost mankind. The Sunday school ended with a duet by Oyin and Marvelous titled “The Old Rugged Cross,” and worshippers were given the opportunity to go on their knees in prayer.
The Devotional service began at 11:15 am with the orchestra playing the tunes “Crown Him with Many Crowns” and “Celebrate Jesus” and a choir rendition of “Jesus is Lord”. The congregational singing was led by the Toyin Emitola with varied selections of Resurrection, hymns, and an opening prayer led by Sam Ajayi.
The second special was titled – “Then Came the Morning” rendered by ChidinmaAgunu following which the visiting minister Adebanji Alade delivered a sermon titled, “Wounded but Winners”. Citing the text of the sermon from Isaiah 53:5. He encouraged everyone to join the Army of the Lord and to keep up the fight having it at the back of their minds that no matter how fierce the devil comes at them, they must determine to be winners at the end of time. The service ended with worshippers coming to the altar to pray.
Easter concert
All glory be to God for the success of the Easter Concert held on March 31 at 5 pm featuring members of the choir and orchestra from Manchester. The sanctuary was filled with both visitors and members of the church.
Toyin Emitolagave the welcome address followed by a congregational hymn – “He died of a Broken Heart” led by Victor Idowu and an opening prayer by DeoluDairo.
The Orchestra began on a very high tempo with the presentation of “Majesty”. As more guests settled into the sanctuary, the first reading from Luke 23:20-25 was taken by Joyce Mhike as the choir rendered “The Power of the Cross” and an octet “The Old Rugged Cross”. A special Quartet titled “Thank You Jesus”, and a presentation by the Youth Choir titled “Mercy Tree” was rendered. The second reading for the concert was John 19:38-42 taken by John Salami preceded by a Solo by Victor Idowu titled “Garden at Dawn” and a Solo/Choir/Orchestra accompaniment of “The Holy City” bringing an end to the first half of the concert. All these presentations were punctuated by the resounding “Amen” from the congregation. The choir and orchestra took a well-deserved break, and it was the turn of the audience to sing “Above All Powers” and “Because He Lives” led by ChidinmaAgunu.
After the break, various presentations were made including string orchestra “Because He Lives” by the string orchestra, the third reading was from Luke 24:1-6 by Ayomide Ajayi, “He is Risen Alleluia” by a male quintet, “Resurrection” by the female choir, “My Redeemer Lives” by the Youth choir and “No More Night” by the choir.
Following the vote of thanks, the congregation joyfully sang “He Lives”. Abiodun Salami gave the valedictory prayer after which everyone had the opportunity to fellowship after the concert.