One could feel the excitement and anticipation in the air, it was time for another 3-day special meetings weekend, which was held on 16-18 August 2024. The theme for the weekend was “Commitment to Christ”.
The Evening Revival Service began at 8:00 pm with an organ/piano voluntary, followed by the choir singing “Come unto Me”. Sister Joke Sobowale led the congregational singing, and hearts were truly blessed as brethren sang joyfully. Following the testimony service and the last special “Sweet Holy Spirit”, Reverend Delight Nyoni, guest minister for the weekend, brought the word titled, ‘’Follow Me’’. Taking his text from Matthew 4:19-22, Brother Delight spoke on the importance of making a commitment to follow Christ. He emphasized that Jesus is looking for people who will fully commit to following Him. He explained that commitment to follow Christ begins right from when we receive the call, and like the disciples, we must answer the call immediately as a matter of urgency. He went on to explain that there is a cost to making such a commitment to follow Christ.
He encouraged all present to commit/recommit to following Christ. Many were blessed as they tarried in prayer after the altar call.
Saturday was dedicated to a special youth forum which started at 2:00 pm with congregational singing, followed by an opening prayer by Brother Joshua Osayemi. Sister Ayo Olayisade led with an icebreaker. It was an enjoyable activity for all, including the online audience who were actively engaged to participate.
The main activity for the day was a panel-led discussion in line with the theme, “Commitment to Christ”. All were blessed this year to have some international guests among our panelists which comprised Sister Esther Olusanya (from Chicago USA), Brother Erik Calhoun (from Portland USA) Brother Joshua Nwaebonyi (from Peckham UK) Brother Sola Omolayo (from Richmond USA) and Sister. Lara Shorinmade-Oguntoke (from Birmingham UK). The panelists shared their experiences on their journey to commitment, what influenced their decision to commit to Christ, the obstacles they encountered in making that decision, and so much more. After a short break, the second half began with a Question & Answer session, in which attendees had the opportunity to ask questions that the panelists addressed as led by God.
The day ended with a time of prayer for all to choose to commit to Christ.
Overall, the day was blessed with amazing feedback received from attendees, such as, ” Really enjoyed the forum”. “God bless you for putting that together”. “It was really great and insightful”.
The final day of our special meetings weekend began at 10.00 am with Sunday School for all ages. This focused on Self Discipline, a perfect match for our special meetings theme.
Devotional Service began at 11:00 am with the orchestra playing Fanfare Prelude and Praise my soul the King of Heaven. This was followed by the choir giving an uplifting rendition of “He is here”, which was an encouragement to all. After this, we enjoyed a time of congregational singing led by Sister Emah Itang. We were blessed to have a baby dedication, which was followed by the choir singing, “Order my Steps”.
In line with the theme Brother Delight Nyoni, the guest minister, preached on, “Sold out for Jesus”. Using Philippians 3:7-10 as his key text and the Apostle Paul as his case study, he explained what it means to be sold out, how we can be sold out, the challenges we can encounter as a result of being sold out, and the eternal rewards of a sold out life. It was truly a time of blessing as commitments were made and renewed in prayer.
A youth service held at 4:00 pm brought the weekend of special meetings to a close. All enjoyed a vocal and guitar duet, after which the choir sang, “I will praise you God.” Brother Joshua Nwaebonyi led in a time of congregational singing.
After a time of encouraging testimonies, Brother Adebanji Alade brought the message, “It pays to be committed”. Using the story of Joseph as his case study, he explained that though sometimes challenging, being committed always pays. Using Colossians 3:23-24 and Proverbs 22:29, he encouraged all present to be committed in everything they do both in our secular life as well as to God.
The altar service was blessed as many tarried in prayer.
All glory and thanks to God for the blessings of special meetings in 2024, and should Jesus tarry, there will be a continuation of spiritual blessings and refreshing times throughout the rest of the year.