“Thursday, 28 July 2022”
Our Thursday morning service started at 10 am, those in the church before that time praying for God to fill the Church with the Holy Spirit. The service started with a piano solo ‘May I never lose the wonder of the cross’ which was powerful and encouraging to the soul, followed by our wonderful choir singing ‘sold out’. After another beautiful solo, we joined our voices together for congregational songs inviting God’s presence, and then we had a short prayer. The choir sang a marvelous song ‘Raise up an army, Oh Lord’. After the choir, people had the chance to testify, and all the testimonies were encouraging and filled with the glory of God. This was followed by the last beautiful special song, then we had our bible teaching from Brother Darrel Lee on the topic of ‘Love and Marriage‘ (Genesis 1:28)
In the afternoon, we had a children’s service which started with children under the age of 6 singing ‘This little light of mine’ followed by other children who were between the ages of 6 and 8 singing ‘Oh be careful little eyes what you see’ and ‘Read your bible pray every day‘ and many more Sunday school songs as our little ones grow in the Lord’s house. The 9 to 12 group also had their opportunity to sing ‘chosen generation’ and they were very confident as the beautiful rendition filled the room.
Click LINK for Children’s Church
It is sure to be said that we all had fun for we felt like we were in Sunday school again. The young choir from ages 13 to 17 sang a wonderful song‘God’s love’ followed by children’s testimonies which were motivational to see the little children testifying. Next, the children from Midlands presented a program that had musical renditions, an informational play, and bible recitals. The word for the day was given by Brother Solomon Akano who helped the children envision “The beauty of heaven” as it even surpasses the most beautiful place they have ever seen. The children were invited to pray whilst the Midland children group sang a closing song ‘O Lord send revival’.
After dinner, we had our revival service. The service started with a beautiful clarinet solo followed by the choir singing ‘Blessed be the name of the lord’. Followed by an amazing Father-Daughter duet which was very inspiring. After that we joined our voices together for the congregational songs, one of them was, ‘Look and live’. These songs filled the church with a good atmosphere and evidently lifted spirits. After that people had time for testimonies and each testimony was inspiring, with people thanking and glorifying God for his goodness in their lives.
Then we had a very touching special solo from one of our sisters from France before hearing the word of God – Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, by Brother Moyo. (Exodus 14:13) Click LINK for Thursday’s pictures
“Friday, 29 July 2022”
As it has been since the start of the week, today, Friday 29th of July 2022 began with a prayer meeting in the early hours of the morning at the campground. The prayer requests of the people were brought to God by the leading minister with the congregation affirming with echoing Amen.
At 10 am, the last Bible teaching for our camp meeting 2022 began with orchestration from the Northeast and Midlands choir officiating for the day followed by a choir rendition, How Firm A Foundation. The congregation joined in singing before the opening prayer. Afterward, the junior choir encouraged us about God’s Provision which was followed by soul-lifting testimonies. Shortly after this was the final teaching titled “Qualification for heavenly citizenship” with the key text taken from Matthew 22:1-14. We were reminded of that Great Kingdom, not as the kingdoms of this world but the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, that which He has gone to prepare for us. In the words of Bro Lazarus Simbanegavi who taught; Salvation is a must, Sanctification is a must, and the enduement of Power from on High make up the qualifications for that Heavenly Kingdom. The Spirit of God was undoubtedly moving in the congregation. Even before the altar call, people were moved to tears with their spirits stirred by the power backing his words. The teaching finished with the words of the popular hymn by G. A. Young, “Some through the waters, Some through the flood, Some through the fire but all through the Blood”.
In the afternoon, the day continued as normal with delegates continuing to arrive at the campground and those around having fellowship with each other. The afternoon’s meeting was a youth service starting at 3 pm. This began with a wind instrument quartet from some of our brethren from France, followed by a violin solo, then a band of four singers who were accompanied by guitar playing.
This youth service was an especially special service as it served as the sending off of the previous Youth leader for Western Europe Sis. Irenoa Olos served faithfully in the role for the last 11 years. This was followed by the installation of the new leader in her stead, the person of Sis. Lara Shorinmade. The service continued with duet music from a couple and then the youth choir sang a song titled ‘We bless you your name’. The word for the service by Sis. Irenoa Olos, was on God’s willingness to see past our mistakes of all shapes and sizes if we but come to him and repent. The youths were invited to make the decision to follow Christ and see how he would change their lives for the better.
The revival service was a power-filled one. Titled ‘Your Expectations for the camp meeting’ by Bro Matthew Bobo from France.
Our Northwest and Midlands choir continued to encourage us in the Lord with several Spirit-filled uplifting songs including a vibrant song from the youth choir titled Can He? Could He? Would He? The song before prayer was just as powerful, Let the Fire Fall. One could envisage the great power falling during the prayer session. Even before Bro Bobo’s sermon began hearts were already geared to reach out to God. Using the examples of Hezekiah, Abraham, and Solomon we were reminded that, unlike earthly parents that might give you just what you ask for, God goes beyond that. Hezekiah asked for victory and God sent His Angels to destroy the enemies, Abraham asked for a son, but God gave him nations, while Solomon asked for wisdom, yet God deemed it fit not only to give him wisdom but also untold riches. That is the mighty God we serve. All He requires is that we seek Him with our all. What a mighty revival service it was! Click LINK for Friday’s pictures
“Saturday, 30 July 2022”
Today is the day of the baptismal and ordinance service. A day many people who had been saved and had not had the experience of being water baptized were looking forward to. The ordinance service began with hymns and then a word about the biblical importance of partaking in the communion. Afterward, we were led to pray and during that prayer, we were given communion taken in remembrance of Christ’s blood and body. After prayer and communion, we again had a short word on the biblical importance of foot washing. As the foot washing began you could not help but feel blessed to partake in the fellowship of this ceremony as each person took turns to wash each other’s feet while the other laid hands upon the washer to pray for them. When it had finished, we sang more hymns and were treated to a lovely song by the choir from Aberdeen, a family trio, and a few impromptu pieces from members of the congregation. It was a beautiful ceremony for those doing it for the first time and for those who were doing it after the pandemic break.
We had an amazing time in the afternoon after being treated to a nice lunch, for it was time for those who have waited for their baptism. The service started in the church and as always, we started by praying to God after that one of our ministers gave a short sermon explaining the meaning of getting baptized. All the people who were to be baptized were wearing white garments. After the sermon, we made our way outside for the baptism and people who were not getting baptized came to support us by singing choruses in between each baptism. Hearing one of those who got baptized, she said, “I will never forget the emotion inside my soul; to be clean, to start fresh as a child of God. …It was such a special feeling”.We ended the afternoon service by further singing and gathering to take commemorative pictures of those who got baptized with the ministers and supporters.
Click LINK for Baptismal Pictures
During the time between services, it was clearly in the air that the camp meeting was nearing its conclusion as delegates used their time to continue to have the last full day to catch up with their peers. In the kitchen during dinner, as is customary on the Saturday of the camp meeting, we had BBQ for dinner. This brought the camp spirits high as we all got ready for the last evening’s revival service.
Our evening revival service started at 8 pm as always and I tell you it was very powerful. We had our sermon from Sister Mercy Adeyemi from Ireland, who taught using verses from the book of Habakkuk on “Tarring on the Lord”. However, before this we started by praying, welcoming the Holy Spirit into our midst, followed by spirit-filled performances of a piano solo, the choir who sang were ‘Singin’ Camp meeting style’ and ‘All your anxiety/Burdens are lifted’, the male group of 8 choir members and a special from the France group. The testimony service in the evening felt extra-special as we had many testimonies of people glorifying and giving praises to the Lord. The sermon that ended the night discussed the waiting time for the things we pray for, God’s timing for his response, and the answer He provides. After the sermon, delegates went down to pray and take advantage of the last evening at Camp 2022. It was sure that God has met many on their knees in a mighty way. Click LINK for Saturday’s pictures
“Sunday, 31 July 2022” Leaving day
We woke up to the sound of suitcases being wheeled, car tyres driving up and down and much movement from campers as we all tried to locate our departure bays, it was the last day of camp 2022! Amidst all the movement, phone number exchanges, photographs, and tender farewells, the final day of camp started with Sunday School for all ages.
The farewell service opened with a piano and organ voluntary of ‘To God be the Glory in appreciation for God’s many blessings. This was followed by the orchestra playing a beautiful rendition of ‘I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. The choir then gave us a special number titled ‘Ebenezer’. These preludes set the tone of the service which was one of Thanksgiving. We enjoyed a time of congregational singing as we praised and looked to God for guidance in the new spiritual year. After the opening prayer, the choir sang Thine Forever. The last special titled God will take care of you was a song of encouragement and assurance and our hearts were certainly strengthened.
Taking his main text from Hebrews 2:1,2, District Superintendent (DS) Rev Mark Mfandarahwareminded us of the messages we have heard throughout camp and the need to hold them fast and guard them jealously. We were admonished of the importance of not just hearing the Word but also being doers of what we know (James 1:22). God’s Word requires action, we are to practice it and live it! We were reminded that revival need not be limited to campmeeting time only but that if we take to all we have heard and remain consistent, God’s grace will be sufficient. We had a blessed time at the altars of prayers as the choir closed camp with the closing song ‘God be with you till we meet again’.
We give God thanks for the many blessings bestowed during the course of the just concluded UK campmeeting and should Jesus tarry we are already looking forward to another amazing time in His presence next year. Click LINK for Sunday’s pictures
Click this LINK for more UK Camp 2022 pictures