“Arrival on Saturday, 23 July 2022”
On Saturday the 23rd of July 2022, the UK annual campmeeting began following a hiatus of two years due to the Pandemic. In attendance we had delegates from 8 countries including France, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark, the USA, Germany, St Vincent, and Nigeria who all arrived safely through various means of transportation. Due to an early departure by our brethren traveling from the Midlands, UK, most of them arrived early to the campsite with beaming faces, and excitement all around so palpable. It is easy to imagine the atmosphere was similar in all other locations en route to Cefn Lea Park, Newton, Wales.
The arrival at Wales had not-so-welcoming showery weather, however, that did very little to dampen the excitement in the air, and in a way, it provided a sign of the revival waiting to pour down. As other delegates arrived, due to having not seen each other for 3 years, there were lots of greetings and laughter in the air. More hugs than can be remembered as people reveled in seeing each other once again after several Zoom meetings; thanking God on each other’s behalf.
In the cool of the evening after we had some dinner, we congregated in the hall for the official welcome meeting, this featured singing, an opening prayer, and addresses by Bro. Mark Mfandarahwa – (District Superintendent of the work in Western Europe) – and other camp officers with details of the activities to follow. At the end of the meeting, we returned to our accommodation for a good night’s sleep anticipating the services to come on Sunday. Click LINK for Saturday’s pictures
“Sunday, 24 July 2022”
The first Sunday of the campmeeting began with warm but cloudy weather, the service started promptly at 9:30 am. The sight in the hall was a familiar people-filled auditorium, with the gallery space allowing for more delegates to be seated. There was a Sunday school service, followed by the devotional service. Bro Mark welcomed the congregation and read out various campmeeting greetings and assurances of prayer support from branch churches around the world. After some hearty singing and orchestration from the choir, we had the bible reading and the first sermon preached by Bro. Darrel Lee. The principal bible text was taken from 2 Samuel 9:11, with the sermon titled ‘Feasting on God’s table‘.
After a nice lunch, the youth delivered the second service of the day. The service began with a piano prelude followed by a choir rendition titled God is still doing great things. The choir sang beautifully, and this was accompanied by the great sight of our youth choir who filled the entire platform by their numbers. The sermon was delivered by Bro. Comfort Moyo who spoke on “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever” from Hebrew 13:8. The encouragement was given for the youths to “taste and see that the Lord is good”.
The day continued with delegates filing into the dinner hall, where we were served baguettes and a variety of filling options. After this enjoyable dinner, we had the opportunity to have a brief period of rest, whilst some prepared for the service in the evening. The service began at 8 pm and had several beautiful musical renditions, from choir orchestrations to a solo with trumpet accompaniments. During the service, we heard several testimonies of God’s ability to provide, heal and bless his people. The service concluded with a message by Bro. Toyin Emitola [main text – Habakkuk 3:2] reminding us to look at the ‘Revive us again’ theme as a personalised ‘Revive me’ outlook, and the importance of this to the ultimate revival of the church. This first Sunday has provided an incredible foretaste of the days to come, we continue to look forward to what God was doing for the rest of the campmeeting. Click LINK for Sunday’s pictures
“Monday, 25 July 2022”
The first Bible teaching of campmeeting 2022 kicked off promptly at 10 am, this time led by the Northwest and Midlands Choir, who were alert and ready to offer their sacrifices. The atmosphere in the air was palpable as excited saints of God poured into the church minutes before the service started to pray down the power of God. The service started with a beautiful rendition from the orchestra titled ‘be still my soul’ followed by sweet melodious singing from the choir with a song titled Great and mighty God. The platform was filled with choir members, which further added to the harmonious sound of the choir. Praises were rendered unto God in the form of testimonies from brethren from all over the world bearing witness to God’s wondrous power to heal, save, protect and provide specifically during the past 2 years of Covid. The first Bible teaching began with a text from Joel 2:13-18 and was delivered by Bro. Mark Mfandarawa titled ‘Revive us again’ where we were reminded of the importance of turning to God now that we have the opportunity. We were encouraged that God is a merciful God and he is ready to accept us as we are.
After the service had finished, we all enjoyed an enjoyable lunch of jacket potatoes with assortments included such as tuna and coleslaw, which was topped with sugar sprinkle doughnuts. Once tables were cleared, everyone dispersed for an afternoon of rest before the revival service at 8 pm.
By 7:45, the auditorium was brimming once again with saints as they prepared their hearts for the blessings in store. The service started with a beautiful violin and cello duet which sure inspired the listening hearts. The choir gave a special presentation titled ‘O Happy day’ followed by the youth choir who proclaimed the power of God’s love. The testimony service in the evening was represented by our French-speaking brethren. The music special was a male solo that tied to the succeeding word by Bro Godwin Jimmy titled ‘Jacob at Jabbok’. The opening text came from Genesis 32:21-28 and we were reminded to go back to Bethel in order to receive the revival of God. It is evident that the Spirit of God is moving during this campmeeting and continued to move. Click LINK for Monday’s pictures
“Tuesday, 26 July 2022”
The day began as the previous day, with saints gathering to commune with Christ for the general morning prayer at 5.30am. At the prayer we sang choruses, read out prayer requests, and took time for prayer. Some went back to our respective rooms while others ventured out for some jogging exercise around the chalets before heading back to prepare for the morning bible teaching.
At the bible teaching, we had a presentation by the choir which filled the atmosphere full of joy and gladness. This was continued by the solo ‘Revival is here’ and violin and cello duet. During the testimonies, it was clear the power of Christ was working through the congregation as they all provided great encouragement to us all. The Bible teaching this morning was given by Bro. Ola Balogun titled ‘Humility‘ and the opening verse came from 1 Peter 5:5,6. This teaching served as a reminder for us to strive for and remember the importance of humility.
Following the morning service, we all gathered for lunch and to catch up. At 3 pm, the children’s church service began. People filled the congregation, adults along with their children of all ages. There were several presentations from children of different age groups from 1-17 including a violin solo, choir songs, and a play about Revival. Everyone was up on their feet and in good spirits during the choruses as we asked the Lord to come into our hearts. At the testimony service, the children thanked God for healing, their parents, and friends and it was clear through the repetition that they all appreciated God’s hand in protecting them from the last 2 years of Covid 19. The short sermon by Sis. Marble Mfandarahwa taught the children of God’s love and how things such as communion and the washing of feet is for everyone who is saved. After all this the children were all encouraged to go to the altar to pray through to their Christian experiences supported by the elders.
In the evening, after the high energy of the children’s service, everyone gathered for dinner. Then after a short recess, we went back into the tabernacle for the Revival service. The service started with a beautiful clarinet trio followed by a song from the choir. Then we joined our voices together for a congregational invitation of the Holy Spirit into the church. The first special by the choir ‘God can do anything’ laid the foundation for the testimonies that were given after, which were full of God’s praises and miracles in the lives of the congregation. This was followed by an amazing solo to finish before the sermon led by Bro. Nyoni, based on Psalm 46 highlighting once again that God can do anything like every song, and the testimonies which were given proved. Click LINK for Tuesday’s pictures
“Wednesday, 27 July 2022”
Can you imagine we’re already at the halfway mark? Today was left as a free day for all to spend as they so please. Some went into town whilst others enjoyed the feel of the cool breeze against their backs in the countryside as they engaged in some kind of sporting activity, and some used this opportunity to catch up on some good old sleep time.
In the afternoon, all first-timers to the UK camp were hosted to a welcome reception filled with fellowship, songs, activities and food…
At evening we returned to the tabernacle for the Revival service, and what a time of encouragement it was. The brass quartet opened with a lively rendition of trumpet voluntary followed by a piece titled ‘testimony, power, and praise’. The choir then gave us a rendition of ‘O the glory did roll’ and this set the tone for the rest of the service. Following this, we were led into a time of congregational singing where our hearts were lifted to heaven. We were blessed with a special number from the junior choir “It is truly wonderful what the LORD has done” and this ushered in a time of testimony followed by a beautiful solo rendition.
Using the story of Lazarus found in John 11: 38-44, Bro. Tunbosun in the preaching reminded us of the hope that Jesus can bring to even the most hopeless of situations. We were admonished of the different forms that a “dead Lazarus” could take in our lives; be it a rebellious child, unsaved family members, or even situations of stagnation in our lives. We were encouraged that irrespective of the form, all dead areas in our lives will hear the word of the LORD! Click LINK for Wednesday’s pictures
Click this LINK for more UK Camp 2022 pictures