- 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Ephesians 6:11-17
- 1 Peter 5:8-10
What better way could Jesus understand our problems and temptations and show us how to overcome them than to face them Himself? Hebrews 4:15 tells us that He “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Since He has been through suffering and temptation He knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted, and He is wonderfully able to help us. See Hebrews 2:18.
- What did Jesus possess that helps in overcoming temptation? See verse 1. Can we have the same help?
- Would it have been wrong for Jesus to have turned that stone into bread? Give a reason for your answer.
- What did Satan use in trying to cause the Lord to accept his offer of the kingdoms of the world? Were these kingdoms his to give?
- When Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, how did the Lord answer him? Can we defeat Satan in the same manner?
- As a last resort, Satan also tried using Scripture to make his final temptation acceptable to the Lord. What was that Scripture, and how does Satan use Scripture when trying to deceive people today?
- What is temptation, and will it come to a well-established Christian? Is it sin?
- Write several ways by which we can overcome temptation.
- While God has made it possible for everyone to be overcomers, what should a person do if he has yielded to the temptation to sin? See Revelation 2:5.
Old Testament history paints a colorful picture of God’s dealing with man, but the New Testament brings us to the climax of God’s redemptive work—the Messiah, Jesus Christ.“Who is Jesus?” is the thought-provoking question which establishes our theme for this quarter. Looking into the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we trace the story of Jesus’ time on earth, including His birth and some of the major events of His life.We find, as we delve into this story, that the incidents and occurrences recorded in a biographical sketch of Jesus hold many important lessons relevant to our lives today. Some of the highlights of Jesus’ ministry and His personal example to us are brought out in such lessons as His calling of the twelve disciples, His example in resisting temptation, and His formula for happiness as found in the Beatitudes. The quarter concludes with one of Jesus’ parables which emphasizes the importance of being firmly grounded so that we might be able to grow as Christians. The purpose of this quarter is to learn about Jesus Christ, not just as a personage of Biblical history, but as a living Savior who wants to be directly and personally involved in our lives.