God’s love sent Jesus, who fulfilled all the demands of holiness and justice. Jesus in turn poured out a flood of mercy, grace, and forbearance and made it available to everyone. By faith we can receive this mercy and have “peace with God . . .” and “. . . access by faith into this grace wherein we stand” (Romans 5:1-2).
- The dictionary tells us that the word mercy implies “compassion which forbears punishment even when justice demands it.” Though the word is not used in the account of the woman taken in adultery, in what ways was divine mercy demonstrated? How is divine mercy extended to each of us today?
- The woman taken in adultery was clearly guilty of breaking God’s Law. If the scribes and Pharisees wanted justice, why did they not take the woman to the judge to be tried? Why did they bring her to Christ?
- What do you think the Scripture means when it says that these were “convicted by their own conscience”? If they were convicted, how could any of these have received mercy?
- The Law demanded justice for the woman’s sins (Leviticus 20:10). How could Jesus circumvent this demand?
- What was the significance of Christ’s statement, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more”? How was it possible for the woman to do this?
- In Genesis 18:23-33 and 19:16 we find Abraham praying for God to extend mercy. How did God do this?
- In Titus 3:3-7, contrast the individual described in verse three to the one in verse seven. Then describe the elements which are mentioned in verses four through six that made the difference.
- One of the greatest benefits of Christ’s mercy extended to us is the salvation of our souls. But once we have been saved, His mercy is extended to us in other ways. List some of these.