I was born into a family of seven children. My father was so religious, prayerful, strict and disciplined that he would make us fast, pray every morning and evening as well as read and memorise some of the Psalms. However, all this did not remove sin from my life.
God tried to catch my attention to seek the salvation of my soul in different ways and one was my first very hard experience of childbirth that eventually resulted in a stillborn child. Another frightening method used by God was in the year 1970 when two men came to tell me that traces of tuberculosis had been found in my sputum.
A thought came to my heart to try God, so I started searching for the Lord. One day, I went to a shop and I saw a picture of an angel guarding children. I fainted and when I awoke one of the men around told me the wonderful story of redemption. At first, I attempted to justify myself as a devoted Church goer but by the time he explained the reasons why I needed Jesus as my Lord and personal Saviour, I was speechless.
Finally, one day a man took me to the Apostolic Faith Church, where I confessed my sins to Jesus and He forgave me all of my sins. He sanctified and baptised me with the Holy Ghost and Fire, and since then He has been everything to me.
In the year 1989, in London, God led me into a deeper walk with Him. I was at the altar praying when God told me to surrender my full-time service for Him. It was very difficult for me at the initial stage because I was the breadwinner of my family. In my desperation and to confirm that it was the Lord talking to me, I brought out my Bible. It flipped open once to the place where mention was made about the Lord providing for the birds. I knew immediately that it was the Lord speaking to me. When I delayed making the decision, God told me that if I refused Him, He would replace me with 100 people. That was when I surrendered totally to the Lord.
The Lord has blessed me in various ways. He taught me the computing skills and other interpersonal skills needed to work in the church office. He has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination especially with the salvation of most of my family members. I also thank the Lord for giving three members of my family the privilege to work in His vineyard. Please pray along with me that the Almighty God would grant me and my entire family 100% rapture.