It was in the year 1975 that I met Jesus. I was a sinner and on top of that, I was very sick. When I heard about the gospel, and that Jesus can heal, I immediately followed God’s people to church. The children of God prayed for me and instantly, I was healed.
I repented of my sins and God forgave me and saved my soul. God changed my life, and I started walking without blemish. I heard about sanctification, the second definite work of grace, and when I pressed forward God sanctified me and later baptized me with the Holy Ghost and fire. Since that time I have been living without sin overcoming me. Thirty-four years have passed since that landmark day of salvation and through them all God has been healing me, keeping me and caring for me so that I did not need to go to the hospital. He has been giving me victory! My desire is to make heaven my home, please pray for me.