I thank God for his saving grace and love towards me as I was a sinner and lost in sin but He lifted me from the ruins. Had it not been for his saving grace, I don’t know what would have become of me. My predicament is akin to that of the prodigal son who wandered and squandered his life but only to be rescued by the still words echoing through his heart and admonishing him to return to His Father whom he had cast off his back.
I thank God for keeping me through my educational pursuits and the grace to be bonded with people who brightened my paths. As I engaged in the teaching of music to all and sundry thus involving travelling, God directed a brother to me who invited me to the Apostolic Faith Church in 1996. I came to the church just to come and watch the proceedings as my prior understanding of the church on its stand on discipline and doctrines were on top of my mind as a topical issue – would I be able to conform and abide by these rules?
My visit to the church turned my life round about as someone touched me on that day. I knelt down to pray and the caption on the wall stated that “God commendeth His love towards us that while we were yet sinners He died for us” – this really touched me and prompted me to seek the Lord. I prayed to the Lord having confessed all my sins and in a miraculous way, all my sins were forgiven and the burdens which I had been carrying all these years were rolled away. I give thanks and glory to the Lord for this change and wonderful experience.
With the experience of salvation which I have just received, the urge to work in His vineyard was burning in my heart. I had a meeting with the pastor explaining my profession as an organist and the need to extend this to the members and to my greatest surprise, my request was granted. I thank the Lord for making me a labourer in His vineyard and by His grace I shall strive diligently to fulfil this task as long as I live… please pray with me along this line.
As time went by, God provided the bone of my bone within the church and we are so happy in the way God has been directing our home and affairs. I also give glory to His name as my wife who is also a member of the choir renders a supporting role towards the tuition I render through the Salem Academy of Music organised by the church – may He continue to give her the strength from above and make her a pillar of the church.
I thank God for the experiences of sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Ghost which he showered on me thus making me fully fit for His service and I know He will keep us to the end.. Please remember us in your prayers that He who has started this work in us will see us through and not only we, but all others who are looking unto His name. Amen!