Easter Music Specials at Aberdeen
Brethren across Scotland came together in a joint service to celebrate this year’s Easter. The Apostolic Faith Mission in Scotland has three groups in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow that hold weekly meetings in their respective cities. However, as part of a joint effort to spread the message of Christ throughout Scotland, it was decided that a combined service would be held in Aberdeen on the morning of April 9th, followed by a musical event in the afternoon to commemorate Christ’s resurrection.
The day began with Sunday School at the Inchgarth Community Centre, Aberdeen. It was a joyous moment as brethren gathered to fellowship and share the Word. The meeting opened with an organ prelude, followed by an orchestra piece titled “He Lives on High” and a solo/choir performance titled “Ten Thousand Angels.” Three congregational songs were also sung, which thrilled everyone in attendance, followed by congregational prayer, announcements, and a special song titled “He Lives,” rendered by Brother Joshua Oladimeji.
The lesson, titled “The Risen Christ,” was taught by Brother Gbenga Odufuwa and aimed primarily to help students understand that “the miracle of Christ’s Resurrection is the heart of the Christian faith”. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, the teacher engaged the students throughout the lesson, and everyone was blessed, as indicated by how they fervently prayed after the lesson. A total of Fifty-0ne people were in attendance. After a time of refreshment and fellowship at this venue, brethren travelled to Holburn West Church, Aberdeen, the venue of the musical event that was held in the afternoon.
The musical event, titled “Easter Music Specials”, began at 3 pm with a congregational song titled “Because He Lives”, followed by an opening prayer. The event showcased songs and instrumentation that conveyed the story of Christ’s resurrection and the victory it brought to humanity. The first part of the event featured an orchestra piece called “Hymns of Joy”, choir songs “Magnify, Glorify”, “Jehovah Reigneth”, and a female quintet, “At Calvary”. Other items included “Christ Arose”, “Partita 2 for Violin”, “Amazing Grace”, “Resurrection Morn”, and “I’ll Have a New Life.” There was a congregational song, “Victory in Jesus,” during the intermission before the second part.
The second part featured a few orchestra pieces and songs such as “Christ is Risen Today” and “He Set Me Free Medley.” Brother Tunbosun Oyedokun preached a short sermon, taking his text from Matthew 28:1,5-8. He highlighted a few benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection and, afterwards, challenged everyone to be ready for the soon return of the risen Lord. The sermonette was followed by the “Hallelujah Chorus,” heartily rendered by everyone, before the announcements given by Brother Matthew Ibukun. The meeting ended with a congregational song, “Burdens are Lifted at Calvary,” and a closing prayer.
Seventy-seven people were in attendance, but the event was also streamed via Zoom, with approximately ten connections and at least fifteen viewers. During the meet-and-greet session that followed, guests, including a local councillor, expressed their appreciation to the Church and would like our Christmas concert to hold at the same venue. This event was a significant milestone as it was the first musical event organised by the Church in Scotland during Easter. We pray that God will continue to bless His Church Scotland and bring more people into His Kingdom.