Report on Aberdeen Christmas Carols
Report on Aberdeen Christmas Carols
The 2021 Christmas Carols were held on 5th December, at The Father’s House, Aberdeen as part of nativity activities in commemoration of Christ’s birth. Evangelism remains the most important preoccupation of the Church, and the Christmas carol always presents the opportunity to reach out to the unsaved using music. The carol was, therefore, another platform to herald the good news of salvation and we are grateful to God for making it successful. This report presents the key highlights of the program.
A total of fifty-seven (57) people were in attendance, these included twelve (12) choristers from Manchester, Midlands and London. We consider the attendance a good turnout, given the ongoing pandemic situation. This testifies to the power of God to draw men to Himself, regardless of the uncertainty and anxiety prevalent in society.
Major highlights
The program commenced at 4 pm with a welcome speech followed by a congregational song (Joy to the world) and opening prayer respectively. The carol started with the choir singing “All hail, Immanuel” and “Sing the news”. This was followed by violin quintet “Christmas concerto Op 6 no. 8 pastorale” and “Angels we have heard on high”. Other songs rendered included “Calgaro’s cache of Christmas”, and “Ring out the merry bells”. The first half of the program ended with a trumpet duet, titled “The Entertainer” and “Beautiful Star of Bethlehem”. During the intermission, Scotland elementary Sunday school children presented some songs and recited memory verses. This session was rounded off with the congregation singing “While shepherds watched their flocks by night”. The second session of the carol began with a piano solo by Bro David Asaya, followed by orchestration “in the bleak mid-winter”. The choir then rendered two songs, “Come and Worship” and “In Bethlehem a star“ Other songs rendered included “Down from His glory” (vocal solo) and “Mary’s boy child”.
Reverend Ola Balogun, the Regional Director of the work in Scotland, used Luke 19:9–10 to give a sermonette on No Christ, No Christmas. He stressed the love of God for mankind and the need for everyone to reciprocate that love by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. He stated that Jesus came down to our level by taking on human form and was born of a virgin. He did not come with all the pomp and pageantry but was born in a lowly manger. He did this so that He can relate well with us, understand and feel any emotions we may go through. The sermonette, together with the salvation messages contained in the songs rendered, presented all attendees with the right information needed to find their way back to God.
The impact of the sermon and indeed, the entire program, was felt like one of the guests expressed his gratitude to the choristers, organist, leader of the work in Scotland, and all the attendees for a spirit-filled carol service. Other guests also expressed their happiness and satisfaction after the program. The program ended at 5.35 pm, after which everyone proceeded to a session of light refreshment.
Find pictures from the event here.