Theme: GRACE AND GLORY – (Victory Conference)
The Republic of Ireland group welcomed a team of 18 delegates (men and women) representing the Apostolic Faith United Kingdom led by Sister Emah Itang that included 16 Choristers, Brother Adebanji Alade (an officiating minister), and Brother Tomi Ibukun (AV dept) for the Annual musical evangelism. Arrivals were both on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th of May 2023 all were warmly welcomed at the Dublin airport.
The evening of music on Saturday 20th May, started at 6 pm with, congregation singing of the theme song for the conference “Holy Spirit Thou Art Welcome”. Brother Oluseyi Oyetuga gave the opening prayer. The presentations include orchestration, choir renditions, and special presentations. In between the songs, testimonies of victory over sin and various problems of life were given by some of the choristers. One sister testified of how God delivered herself and her daughter from suicide. Another sister of safe child delivery, a brother testified on the power of genuine salvation and the turnaround life of victory after giving his life to Christ, another brother spoke of the grace and glory of a Godly heritage, a sister of power of divine healing and many more on God’s giving direction in various areas of their lives.
Sister Emah rounded up with a sermonette in which she spoke on Grace and Glory – the theme of the conference. She read from Psalms 84:11 which gives us a promise that God will give grace and glory. It highlighted that it is the grace that comes first, that when we find grace in the sight of God, then the Glory of God will begin to manifest for salvation, restoration, repositioning, recovery, progress, and good health... She said many people seek the glory without obtaining the grace that only God can give and find themselves leaving with no spiritual blessings. The service concluded with a call to pray and accept the grace of God into their lives. The saints were revived and blessed abundantly. The total attendance on the first day was 62.
On Sunday, the meeting was opened with a clarinet solo from Emmanuel Ogundipe, a primary pal pupil, followed by a Sunday school lesson with classes divided into 4 different age groups. Inspirational music highlighted the devotional service with opening orchestration – ‘Calvary covers it all’ and the choir sang ‘Great is the Lord and Marvellous’. The Ireland young people joined the youth choir to render ‘Mighty to Save’, followed by other special numbers.
Brother Adebanji Alade from the UK admonished the congregation with words of encouragement taken from Mark 11: 23-26 and Psalm 51:17 and titled the sermon “The grace to let it go”. Sinners were encouraged to seek forgiveness of sins committed and saints were admonished to forgive those who offended them. It was highlighted that a sinful life or the spirit of unforgiveness will block channels of blessings that flow from the grace of God. He spoke of the power of God to transform one’s life in an amazing way when the glory of God begins to manifest in one’s life. The service concluded with a sweet time of altar call and people responded and prayed earnestly. The attendance on Sunday was 59.
The Victory Conference left both the church in Ireland and visitors revived. A time of refreshments followed each service. There was feedback from some attendees testifying of answers to their heartfelt questions. Plans for next year’s conference are already in motion if the Lord tarries. We are grateful to God for the saints who visited from our Western Europe headquarters, we pray that the Lord will continue to bless their Ministry. We are thankful for how the Lord continues to shower His blessings on His Church in this small island on the edge of Europe.