Reg. Director visits Irish Brethren
Mainland Europe Regional Director’s visit to Ireland 23rd to 25th September 2022
The Regional Director of the Apostolic Faith churches in Mainland Europe, Brother Francis and his wife Sister Christiana, visited the group in the Republic of Ireland from 23rd to 25th September 2022. The long delay they had with their flight from London Gatwick Airport meant they did not arrive at their hotel until past midnight that Friday.
Some visitations had been planned for their visit, and that commenced early on Saturday morning with Sis Mercy Adeyemi the leader of the Group, and her husband brother Joseph ready to pick them up at the hotel for the visits. The first point of call was Drogheda, County Louth to visit a young recently wedded couple, where they had sweet fellowship over lunch before heading to Portlaoise, which is in the opposite direction.
On arrival in Portlaoise, we were welcomed by the Chawanda family, who treated us to a sumptuous dinner, including some Zimbabwean specials. We had a good time of fellowship together.
The day was rounded up with an invitation visit to a lady the Adeyemis have been trying to invite to Church. It was a long day out covering about 300 kilometres journey but sure worth it for Jesus.
Sunday services started at 12pm at the Group’s rented facility in Sword, where the brethren had already gathered for service. We had the congregation singing a few choruses followed by a prayer session conducted by Bro Joseph Adeyemi. This was followed by a strings/clarinet orchestration.
Brother Chawanda led the Congregational song “When Jesus comes to reward His servants” to start Sunday School. While Sis Christiana Ola-Odudu taught the combined Elementary class, the Search class was taught by Sis Mercy Adeyemi on “Be ready”. This was followed by a good prayer session to make us all ready for the Rapture.
The Devotional Service was opened with the congregational song “Are you washed in the blood”. As it was the last Sunday of the month, there was a variety time of testimonies and songs in thanksgiving unto God for His blessings in the month of September. Sister Grace Komolafe testified of answers to prayers for healing and her residency status in Ireland that was recently granted after a 16-year waiting period. One of the young people also testified of her successful admission to the University of her 1st choice through the help of God.
Sister Vivian Ogundipe from Belfast in Northern Ireland brought the Bible reading from John 3:1-7. This was followed by the Youth Choir singing “Chain breaker” before Brother Francis gave the sermon. Taking his opening text from John 3:7,9-10,16, Francis preached on ‘The Real Thing’, encouraging the congregation to not settle for anything less than the real Gospel.
He compared the real Gospel to when one through hard work achieves career excellence that would give a comfortable income for a decent living rather than settling for a second–best that would only lead to a life of mediocrity. He said nothing would do other than to get genuinely saved through the Blood of Jesus, which comes by genuinely repenting from, and forsaking sins. This is the only way to be Rapture-ready.
The congregation had a good time praying at the end of the sermon. There were thirty-seven people in attendance.
After the service, we had a Church family meeting over lunch during which, Sister Mercy Adeyemi announced the commencement of Bible Study centres at locations that are closer to the people. This would ensure that neighbours who are unable to regularly attend Church services due to distance, can be more easily reached.
The Odudus returned to London on Sunday evening. We thank God for their journey mercies and pray that the work of God in Ireland continues to grow and that God prepares us all for the Rapture.