Report 2023
The first ever youth-led service for our Leicester group took place on Sunday, 12th March, 2023. It was a special service to be remembered by all in attendance. Sunday school began at 10:30 a.m. with the organ striking and two officiating ministers leading the service, Sister Lara Shorimade-Oguntoke the youth leader of our church for The UK and Western Europe, and Brother Anu Bakare. Brother Anu led the children into singing “I’ve got the joy joy joy”, “Singing hosanna” and “Praise Him all ye little children”.
An instrumental rendition was performed by the children including Deborah and Unique Alabi both playing violins, cello was played by Elizabeth Effah, and the flute by Gracious Malima. This was followed by congregational singing, including adults, who sang from the hymn book Collected Gospel Songs hymn 389. They were all led in an opening congregational prayer by Brother Anu Bakare.
After the opening prayer, Congregants moved to their various classes, Primary Pals Class was taught by Sister Emem Jimmy, who was assisted by Sis Ifeoluwa Bakare, Answer Class was taught by Brother Samuel Effah, and Adult Class by Sister Lara. In the adult Sunday school lesson, we were reminded that God’s house is to be reverenced as a house of prayer where His blessings abound for those that honour it and there are consequences for those that do otherwise. Sunday school finished at 11:30 a.m. and everyone had time to pray before the devotional service began.
Before the devotional service started, workers gathered in the prayer room to pray for the service ahead. After a time of prayer, Reverend. Isaac Adigun and his wife, Sister Stella Adigun, the former District Superintendent (DS) of The UK and Western Europe who is now DS for West and Central Africa (WECA) were presented to the workers. Rev. Isaac made a brief remark about how happy he and his wife were to be visiting the Leicester group and to see and witness how much our choir and congregant numbers had grown.
The devotional service began started at 11:45 a.m. with an organ prelude, as this was a special youth service, the youth choir took the stage, by starting with a Brass duet by Brother Stephen and Brother Kingsford Effah, and a solo performance of the song by Brother Shepherd Mpofu “How great thou art”, next was a choir rendition titled, “ Days of Elijah”. Brother Stan Nyakuhwa the leader of our work in Leicester, gave welcome remarks. Congregational songs were introduced and led by Brother Tolu Opaleye titled, “ Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest”, “Lord we lift up your name”, “You are my all in all” and “, As a deer” after which we were lead in prayer by Sister Tolu Ojebantele.
Brother Stan gave the announcements and also introduced Reverend Isaac and his wife Sister Stella, Sister Lara, and her husband Brother Segun Oguntoke, as well as the newcomers to the congregation. The second first special choir song, “How great is our God” was sung. The scripture reading was read, taken by Sister Lara from Leviticus 9:1-4 and the last special was the song, a quintet titled, “A Volunteer” by Brother Deji Ojebantele, Brother Anu, Sister Tolu, Sister Ife Bakare and Sister Tumi Olajide was rendered. The sermon for the service was given by Reverend Isaac Adigun on, “ The house of the Lord”. We were encouraged that the house of God was a place of blessing where we meet with the Lord. He is always there and that to bless us.
The closing song was from Collected Gospel Songs no. 696 led by Sister Nombulelo Shamba and the closing prayer was given by Brother Stan, and followed by congregation praying around the altar.
After we prayed on the message heard, we ate delicious meals, exchanged pleasantries, and took some beautiful pictures for the occasion. Sister Lara gathered the young people to encourage them in the different areas where they could support the church, and also for themes to look forward to, which are more youth-driven services as the year progressed. We all left the church feeling blessed and anticipating what God has in stock for the Leicester church group.