For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11
The All-knowing, All-powerful God has the perfect plan for our lives. That plan is better than any deal the devil, cultists, or any man can offer us in this world (John10:10). In it, we are completely and comprehensively insured. It is greater than the greatest insurance cover in the world. It is a master plan that covers every aspect of our existence from day one in our mothers’ wombs to the day we take our last bow from the world stage. (Jeremiah 1:4, 5)
Our individual role in life is unique and specially designed by God. There is an empty vacuum in history for each one of us to fill. The scripts to act out before this global audience are differently composed by God. It would therefore be disastrous, catastrophic, ruinous and devastating for anyone to ignore their God-given role and try to play out that of another person!
Unfortunately, many of us do not understand God’s plans for our lives. Some people spend their entire lives trying to live like the Joneses. What a waste? Many never discovered God’s design for their lives until the 11th hour when they are in the twilight of their lives. How painful?
The adage says: ‘Better late than never!’ Moses was 80 years of age when he discovered God’s perfect plan for his life. Before then, he had spent the first 40 years as a prince in Egypt, and the next 40 as a pauper in Midian. He had made mistakes and had derailed from the path of destiny. Nevertheless, he got re-connected to his destiny. In my own case, I had spent a significant chunk of my life, doing stuff that God had not called me to do, and living a lifestyle that heaven did not design for me. What about you?
Are we at the centre of God’s will for our lives? As we evaluate ourselves in the light of scripture and God’s will, can we honestly say that we are doing exactly what God created us for, and living exactly as we ought to be living at this point in time?
If we are not living in line with the Divine mandate for our lives, or we are consciously or unconsciously choosing to do things our own way, we are directly or indirectly passing some strong messages to God: that we know better than Him; that we really do not care about His purpose and plan for us and that we are too busy to care about why He created us in the first place.
We need to work out our own salvation as ignorance is no excuse. Our destiny is too important to be left to chance. God will hold us accountable for how we lived our lives (Matthew 25:14-30). It is our solemn responsibility to discover our place in God’s Great Agenda and then go all out to fulfil it. May God help us.
“As the saying goes; there are two important days in one’s life: the day you were born, and the day you find out why you were born.” Soren Kierkegaard