It’s Time to Move On


“Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward.” – Deuteronomy 2:3

A few years ago, I traveled to Portland, Oregon, to give a whole day seminar at George Fox University. It was late and raining heavily when I picked up a rental car. My strategy was to maneuver my way out of the airport as soon as possible and avoid the traffic. I took an exit and noticed that the cars in front of me were not moving. I could see a light and some people around what seemed to be the airport pay booths, but the only movement in the traffic was at the front of the lines. After almost fifteen minutes, I decided to get out of the car and find out what was happening. That is when I realized the cars in those lines had no drivers, and I had joined the rental cars at the car wash facility!

There are times in life when we find ourselves making no progress in our professional or personal endeavors. We knew what our goals were when we started. We had plans and maybe even resources, but at some point, progress stopped. I would have been in that car-wash line for hours had I not decided it was time to re-evaluate what was happening and make a change.

The account presented in Deuteronomy gives us a great picture of what stops us from moving forward spiritually, and how to overcome it. The Israelites had started their journey with a great vision—go to the land of promise and leave the land of bondage behind. Yet, because of their disbelief and complaining spirit, they ended up spending many years without progress in their journey. Then we read powerful words—”turn you northward.” God instructed them to turn and go in a different direction. Our situation can only have a different ending if we are willing to change, reevaluate our spiritual goals, and turn Heavenward.

Ask yourself honestly, “Am I in a better professional, personal, or spiritual situation than I was in last year?” Is it time for you to move on? If your answer is yes, ask the Lord to show you what is hindering your progress and what needs to change for you to obtain the promises He has given you.