
Devotionals Archive

By God’s Mercies

Aug 01, 2021

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. – Lamentations 3:22

After being intrigued by a timeline in a local restaurant, I decided to put together a timeline of my life, which covers
about sixty-seven years. I wrote down all of the most significant and life-shaping events of my life in chronological order. Then, as I looked over
my timeline, I was struck by how much God’s mercy has been a great part of my life.

Even from the very beginning of my existence, God’s mercy is evident to me. The fact that He allowed me to be born into a Christian home, and that He did
not cut me off in my sins but allowed me to live until I surrendered my life to Him, are just a sampling of His mercies to me. There were times of
trouble when only God could help, and times when God miraculously shielded me from danger. I am sure there have been other instances when my life was
at risk and I did not even realize it, yet God in His mercy protected me.

Toward the end of the timeline, I reflected upon an incident in which my life was spared by the mercies of God, which overrode my lack of foresight. I
was on a fishing trip by myself at one of the lakes in Southern Oregon when I strayed onto an old logging road. Thinking that I knew what I was doing,
I suddenly came to the end of the road with no convenient place to turn around, and with a deep canyon in front of me. Somehow, I survived the ordeal,
and to this day, whenever I am on my knees in prayer or simply meditating on God, I have a great swelling in my heart that says, “Thank You, God, for
Your mercies.”

In reviewing my timeline, I can truly see that the character of God’s mercy is great, new every morning, sure, abundant, and tender. We ought not to presume
upon the Lord’s mercies, yet we do want to appreciate what He does for us. Take time today to consider how God has been merciful to you, and thank
Him that “His compassions fail not.”