Continue reading “SEARCH 026 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



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Continue reading “SEARCH 024 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 023 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 022 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 021 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 020 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 019 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 018 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 017 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 016 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 015 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 014 – “WHO IS JESUS?””



Continue reading “SEARCH 012 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 013 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 011 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 010 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 009 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



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Continue reading “SEARCH 007 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 006 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 005 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 004 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””


Through man’s temptation and subsequent yielding, the curse of sin was brought into the world. But God offers mercy through His plan of redemption. The first promise of this is given in Genesis 3:15. On the Cross, the heel of the Savior was bruised in death, but the head of the serpent (Satan) is bruised every time a lost soul is redeemed or one of God’s redeemed withstands temptation.



Continue reading “SEARCH 003 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 002 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””



Continue reading “SEARCH 001 – “IT’S A FIRST. . .””

  1. According to our text in Colossians 3:17,23, what is supposed to be the motivating factor in a Christian’s life? In what manner is this to be accomplished?
  2. Any act on our part that would cause a brother to stumble spiritually or to become offended is not good. See Romans 14:21. Scripture indicates that an opposite course of action is the responsibility of the Christian, and that conduct of this kind will bring about the outcome desired by God. What is this opposite course of action? See Romans 14:19.
  3. In 1 Corinthians 6:12, we read the phrase, “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient.” The word expedient means “useful, or helpful to attain some end.” In light of this definition, how does the phrase apply to a Christian’s life?
  4. Name some ways one might be “unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 6:14). What would be the likely adverse outcome of a Christian’s putting himself into such a situation?
  5. After reading 1 Thessalonians 5:22, explain what a Christian should do about evil. Name several ways this can be accomplished.
  6. The Bible says, “Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good” (Romans 12:9). Make a list of things that are evil which a Christian encounters almost daily. How should we go about avoiding the evils that have been listed?
  7. In your own words explain how James tells us to plan for tomorrow (James 4:15). Why is this important?
  8. Knowing that 2 Corinthians 5:10 is true, why is it so important to look at the outcome of our daily living?



Continue reading “SEARCH 208 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. Just as the physical heart is endangered by excessive fat from overeating, so is the spiritual life endangered by overindulgence in the affairs of this life. Explain how this could happen. See Luke 21:34.
  2. How do the goals of Christians differ from those of non-Christians? What verse in our text indicates that Paul had realized this?
  3. Referring to question 2, how do the means of reaching these goals differ? How are they alike?
  4. Why did Paul say, “forgetting those things which are behind”? What do you think this has to do with self-discipline?
  5. In the first half of verse 15, Paul directs his words to “as many as be perfect.” He writes, “Let us therefore . . .” (referring back to verse 3). Who were these people with whom he included himself? See 1 Corinthians 2:6 and 2 Timothy 2:5.
  6. What assurance does Paul give to the Christian that God will be faithful to each individual and will help him align his life to the will of God?
  7. In your own words, describe the condition of an individual who allows himself to yield to every whim and fancy. Use Ephesians 4:14 as a reference.
  8. Self-discipline is a necessity if one is to succeed in attaining any kind of goal. Give your definition of self-discipline and then cite some examples showing why it is vital for spiritual success.



Continue reading “SEARCH 207 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. The word nobleman means “person of noble blood, usually princely.” Give evidence as to whom you think the nobleman represents in this parable. See Hebrews 12:2.
  2. The word servant is translated from the Greek word doulos which can mean “slave, bondman, or servant of a king.” In the New Testament epistles, doulos often denotes “one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will, or dominion.” With these facts in mind, identify whom the servants in this parable represent.
  3. The nobleman had ten servants. Each servant was given one pound. List the various gifts or talents which you think the pounds might represent. Refer to 1 Corinthians 12:4-11,28.
  4. Paraphrase the nobleman’s statement to his ten servants, “Occupy till I come.”
  5. Who are the citizens referred to in verses 14 and 27 of our lesson? How would you support this conclusion?
  6. Verse 15 tells us that having received his kingdom and returned, the nobleman called his servants to determine how much each man had gained by trading. Describe some of the “gains” one can experience in working for the Lord.
  7. Verses 20-26 deal with the other servant and his great error. Identify this error and interpret its meaning.
  8. The nobleman, in verse 17, pronounced the servant whose pound had gained ten pounds as “faithful.” Consider and note several actions which we could take to ensure a reward in eternity as a faithful steward of Jesus Christ.



Continue reading “SEARCH 206 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. As we read the story of Elijah, what are some of the stressful situations in which he found himself? How did he handle each of them? Particularly note 1 Kings 17:1,3,7,17; 18:17-24.
  2. What did God promise Elijah when he faced Ahab after the 3-1/2 years of drought (1 Kings 18:1)? What did Elijah do when this didn’t happen immediately?
  3. What attributes were shown by the three Hebrew children when they refused to obey the king’s edict to bow down to his idol? See Daniel 3:16-18.
  4. What did Jesus do when He was falsely accused and reviled for doing good? Since He was the Son of God, do you feel the stress and pressure He went through was any less serious than what we may feel? See Hebrews 4:15 and 1 Peter 2:21-23.
  5. How do most people react when they are reproved for something and realize they may have deserved it? How do most people react if they are accused of something of which they are completely innocent? Justified or unjustified, reproof can cause stress. In what way should a Christian react to stress? See 1 Peter 2:18,20.
  6. What are some of the situations that may arise in our present-day society that can induce stress and tension in one’s life?
  7. What are some ways people have tried to combat stress in their lives, as compared with what a Christian can do?
  8. What does the Bible instruct us to do when the cares, anxieties, and pressures of life come upon us? See Matthew 6:25; Philippians 4:6-7 and 1 Peter 5:7.
  9. What kind of Christian witness are we displaying when we meet the crises and tests of life as God would have us meet them?
  10. The outcome of giving in to stress can be physical distress and in some cases a total breakdown. According to Philippians 4:7-8, there is something we can do to counteract the pressures and stresses of this life. List several stressful-type situations that might come to us and, using this Scripture, explain what you could do to lessen the stress.


Continue reading “SEARCH 205 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. After reading the Genesis portion of our text, list the problems that were facing Joseph at this time in his life.
  2. The problems faced by Joseph seemed to revolve, for the most part, around his relationships with other people—just as the problems facing us often do. The Scriptures give us many guidelines which direct our responses and reactions to others. Look up the following verses and note the attitudes we should maintain toward others to alleviate or minimize differences.
    Romans 12:10
    Romans 12:14
    Galatians 5:14
    Galatians 6:1
    Colossians 3:13
  3. What was Joseph’s response when his father asked him to journey to Shechem to inquire after his brothers’ welfare? In view of the fact that his brothers hated and envied him, what was notable about Joseph’s answer and what lesson can we learn from it?
  4. In Genesis 37:15, we find Joseph facing a completely different type of problem. Identify his dif­ficulty, and explain how a solution was provided.
  5. Verses 19 and 20 reflect the contempt Joseph’s brothers felt for him. As Christians today, we must sometimes face contempt for ourselves and for our beliefs. How are we to react to this and what will occur if we follow the admonition given in Scripture? See Matthew 5:11-12 and 1 Peter 2:19-20.
  6. God, in His infinite wisdom, may allow trials to come for various reasons. Looking at Psalm 105:16-17, for what reason did Joseph have to go to Egypt?
  7. Hebrews 12:11 brings out another reason we may need to go through some times of trial and testing. Identify the reason and explain what benefit it will bring.
  8. In 1 Peter 4:19 there is a qualifying phrase which defines to whom this instruction is given. What is the phrase and why is it important?


Continue reading “SEARCH 204 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. Paul told King Agrippa that at an earlier time in his life, his ambition had been to put the followers of Jesus into prison, see them persecuted and even put to death. His attitude had been one of anger toward the followers of Jesus. Explain what brought about the change in his attitude, and tell why you think Paul was so willing to give his testimony before the King. Refer to Acts 9.
  2. The word surrender means “to give up claim, or to yield to another.” How do you think this word relates to service for God?
  3. There are some important principles established in Scripture concerning the call of God. Read Romans 11:29 and 1 Corinthians 9:16-17, and note what points you find in these verses.
  4. Reading verse 16 in our text, we find part of Paul’s call was to “witness.” What spiritual experience will help us fulfill this part of our call? See Acts 1:8.
  5. When Jesus sent His disciples into the cities, they were told that the conditions they would face might not always be pleasant. They were sent as lambs among wolves. They were to carry no provisions. They were not guaranteed a welcome. Why were they sent? How did things turn out for them? What was their attitude upon their return to Jesus? See Luke 10:1,17 and 22:35.
  6. Willing service to God is more an attitude than an obligation. If the question is posed, “Are you willing?” what is your response? If the response is, “If I have to . . .” or “I guess I can . . . ,” the attitude is saying, “I really don’t want to.” In today’s society we are told not to commit or box ourselves in because life is too short. But this is a trick of the devil to keep us from serving the Lord. Psalm 40:8 contains a key word which reflects a certain attitude that we should maintain as we serve the Lord. Note the word, and describe how you think it applies to our Christian service. Then briefly describe how an opposite attitude might affect our service.
  7. The magnitude of needs in the spreading of the Gospel, may sometimes seem almost overwhelming. We need to be aware that our duty is not universal, but rather personal and individual. God does not command us to “Go and do everything,” but He marks out a special path for each of us. Once we have committed ourselves fully to Christ and have told Him we are willing to do whatever He gives us to do, how can we know just what that service should be? Proverbs 3:5-6 will give you some direction in noting your answer.
  8. In today’s society we often find that those in lesser circumstances are in a position of serving those who are more affluent. Matthew 23:11 establishes a Biblical perspective which is somewhat different. In your own words, elaborate on true greatness as brought out in this Scripture.


Continue reading “SEARCH 203 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. The history of the Children of Israel, no doubt, would read differently if the people had followed Caleb and Joshua rather than the other ten spies. Explain the reason why it makes a difference to us whom we follow in our day.
  2. It is not always easy to make the correct differentiation between truth and error, especially when the pressure is great from those around you to pursue a course other than the right one. For example, would it have been easy for you to make the right choice between the conflicting reports given by the twelve spies in our text? On what should the Children of Israel have based their decision?
  3. Ten men said Israel couldn’t take the land, while Joshua and Caleb insisted that it could be done. Because they took their stand for what was right, they were the only two of their generation who entered the Promised Land. What spiritual lesson can we learn from this?
  4. Imagine the feelings of Joshua and Caleb when they realized that the people were siding with the other ten spies. There may be situations in our lives which cause us to be uncomfortable but force us to take a stand. For example: In a high school science class, the question is asked if anyone believes in the Biblical account of creation. No one raises his hand—but you believe. Will you raise your hand? Your face turns red, your palms are sweaty, beads of perspiration are on your brow, and you raise your hand. You hear a ripple of laughter. The teacher rolls his eyes. Give another similar situation that could necessitate standing up for the Lord. Name some emotions that might accompany taking this stand, and give pos­sible reactions to it.
  5. It is important to remember scriptural promises in these times when we must take a stand. Read Philippians 4:13 and explain how this verse could help.
  6. Define the word world in the context of 1 John 2:15-17. What are the consequences of daring to be different from the world?
  7. How can we obtain the spiritual strength to take a stand for what we know is right? See Psalm 27:1 and Isaiah 40:29-31.
  8. Give a Biblical example of a person who took a stand even though opposed by those around him.


Continue reading “SEARCH 202 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. The devil has been causing men to sin all through the years of time. What tactics did he use with Eve in the Garden that will likely be similar to those he will use with the inhabitants of the world after the Millennium (Genesis 3:4-5; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14; Revelation 20:7-8)? How do they compare with his tactics today?
  2. What deception did the devil, as a serpent, use on Eve to cause her to sin (Genesis 3:1,4)? In a similar vein, what temptation did the devil use to try to overcome Jesus in the wilderness?
  3. In what forms will Satan come to us today in an attempt to overthrow our faith in God?
    2 Corinthians 11:14
    1 Thessalonians 3:5
    1 Peter 5:8
    Revelation 12:10
  4. God has promised to give us victory over the temptations of Satan. However, His promises are conditional. He expects us to take action. Using the following Scriptures, what action must we take and what is God’s specific promise as we do so?
    Ephesians 6:11
    James 1:12
    1 Peter 5:8-10
  5. What spiritual qualities must we have and exhibit in order for us to be victorious in our fight with the devil? Luke 10:19-20 and Revelation 12:11 list two very important qualities. Tell what these are, and then mention some others.
  6. 2 Corinthians 2:11 tells us we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices, and he need not get an advantage over us. How can we determine if a trial or test or thought is from the devil or from the Lord? See James 1:13.
  7. Satan is called the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and his realm is one of spirits, not one of flesh and blood that can be seen (Ephesians 6:12). What lessons can we learn from the story of Job regarding the debate between God and Satan over men’s souls? See Job 1:7-10; 2:3-10.
  8. Jesus said that He has all power in Heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18). He defeated the devil every time he came against Him, even to being victorious over death through His Resurrection. Since we receive our spiritual power from Jesus, what confidence can we have in our encounters with the devil?


Continue reading “SEARCH 201 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. Our spiritual foundation, as stated in 1 Corinthians 3:11, is Jesus Christ. According to our text, what are the two sayings on the seal of the foundation?
  2. If you are a born-again Christian, you are a part of Christ’s church in the world today. In reference to Ephesians 5:27, what characteristics is Christ looking for in His church? What does this mean in terms of the kind of life we live?
  3. In our introduction, we are warned to beware of physical pollution. What are some of the things in our world which would contaminate a person physically? What must we do to avoid these pollutions?
  4. What do you think are the meanings of the expressions, “vessels of honor” and “vessels of dishonor”? How can one change from being a vessel of dishonor to a vessel of honor?
  5. A definition of lust is “overmastering desire.” This could include a lust for power, fame, or money, as well as unlawful sexual gratification. According to our text, what is the antidote for youthful lusts? Why are lusts harmful? See 1 Peter 2:11.
  6. James 3:16 discusses two pollutants that can assail the Christian. What are these, and how can they be avoided?
  7. What does the Bible say is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10)? Why is this pollutant so subtle?
  8. Listed in our text in Psalm 15 are eleven qualifications for heavenly citizenship. Make a list of all the conditions you can find.


Continue reading “SEARCH 200 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. What was the decision that Gideon was faced with making? Of what consequence was it if he made the wrong decision? See Judges 7:19-23.
  2. Name the four happenings upon which Gideon based his decision to do what God commanded him.
  3. Can one know God’s will in making a decision? Support your answer with Scripture.
  4. What is the spiritual meaning of putting out a fleece? Do you think this is a good way to make a decision? Explain your answer.
  5. Why is God concerned with even the lesser decisions we make on a day-to-day basis?
  6. What sources are helpful in making good decisions? What sources are harmful in making good decisions? See Psalm 1:1-2.
  7. Do you think it is possible to make every decision based upon God’s Word? For instance, will God’s Word tell a person which school to attend or which friends to associate with or which job to accept? Read Matthew 6:33, and explain your answer.
  8. Reflect back over the past year concerning any major decisions you have had to make. What were the processes you went through in order to make those decisions? Were there times when you should have done something differently?


Continue reading “SEARCH 199 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. Point out two things that Uzziah did early in his reign that brought him good success. How does Uzziah’s example apply to us today? See Matthew 7:7-8.
  2. God gave Uzziah good success in that He gave him victory over his enemies; He gave him helpful, intelligent associates; He gave him much cattle and vineyards; He gave him weapons of warfare. How can we parallel these things to success in the Christian life today? See Luke 10:19; Ephesians 6:13-17; Philippians 4:19 and 1 John 1:7.
  3. David, the author of Psalm 37, had proven God’s care in both good and bad circumstances. God gave him success over the lion, the bear, Goliath, and in many other situations because David trusted in Him. Relate an example from your own experience or knowledge of someone whose success came directly through God’s help.
  4. Later, David endured much persecution and was hunted as if he were a criminal. In what way might this difficult experience have contributed to David’s eventual success (Psalm 37:7-11)? How might dismal and disappointing circumstances contribute to our eventual spiritual success (1 Peter 4:12-13; 5:10)?
  5. Psalm 37:3-11 may be spoken of as a formula for success—spiritually and materially. Very simply stated, this formula is: Our part performed + God’s part guaranteed = success. From these verses, list the phrases which describe our part and God’s part.
  6. Arrange the following items in priority as to how you think they should be to assure success in your life: education, occupation, home and family life, recreation and social activities, individual spiritual life, church-related activities.
  7. What was the Apostle Paul’s main goal in life (Philippians 3:8-11)? What assurance did he have that he had attained this? See 2 Timothy 4:6-8


Continue reading “SEARCH 198 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. In our text the Apostle Peter writes concerning “growing in grace.” From what starting point does spiritual growth begin?
  2. What two things mentioned in verse 2 of our text are evident in the heart of one who is born again? How do you think these contribute to our spiritual growth? See Romans 5:1.
  3. To grow spiritually, where must we keep our faith focused? What are some ways this can be done? See Hebrews 12:1-2.
  4. According to our text, what assistance does God give to help us grow spiritually?
  5. List the seven increments of Christian graces that we are to add to our faith, and give a spiritual defini­tion of each.
  6. What will be the results of adding these to our lives?
  7. If a Christian does not add these graces to his life, what will be the spiritual result?
  8. Write a goal that you have for your spiritual growth. One reference that could be used is Ephesians 4:13-15


Continue reading “SEARCH 197 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. What is it necessary for us to do in order to have the definite knowledge of Jesus’ presence in our lives? See John 14:23, Acts 3:19, and Revelation 3:20.
  2. Once Christ’s presence is in our lives, we must ensure that He will continue to abide with us. John 8:31 indicates that we must continue in His Word. What do you think the word continue means in this context?
  3. Name some of the promised blessings Jesus’ presence brings to those who continue to love, obey, and follow Him.
    John 14:27
    John 15:11
    Acts 1:81
    John 5:14-15
  4. Paul and John describe our relationship with Jesus in 1 Corinthians 1:9 and 1 John 1:3 as being one of fellowship. How would you describe Christian fellowship?
  5. At times when we cannot actually feel the presence of the Lord, what confidence can we receive from God’s Word that He is, indeed, still with us? See 2 Corinthians 5:7 and Hebrews 13:5.
  6. There is a definite contrast between the circumstances shown in Matthew 18:20 and 2 Timothy 4:14-17, and yet Christ was present in both instances. Describe what is taking place in each case, and what we can learn about Christ’s presence from these Scriptures.
  7. God has promised to be with us in every situation. Look up the following Scriptures and explain how each verse shows us God will be there: Psalm 46:1; Isaiah 43:2; Mark 13:11; Hebrews 4:15-16.
  8. What effect did the presence of the Spirit of the Lord have on those of the Early Church in the Book of Acts (Acts 13:33; 5:12)? What effect did the Spirit have on the lives of the listeners?
  9. In order for the Gospel to be spread, the disciples had to move into other parts of the world. What initiated these moves?
  10. When we have the reality of Christ’s presence with us now, what is our hope for the future? See John 14:3, 1 Corinthians 13:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:17, and 1 John 3:2


Continue reading “SEARCH 196 – “GROWING GOD’S WAY. . .””

  1. Abraham’s life is an outstanding example of one who followed God in true faith and obedience. What are some traits in Abraham’s life that can be applied to Christian lives today?
  2. The Bible warns us against letting our lives become entangled with the affairs of this world. What is the danger in doing this? “Remember Lot’s wife.”
  3. In Genesis 25:27-34 we see an example of one who defaulted from the grace of God through the forfeiture of his birthright for temporary secular gain. He exchanged spiritual well-being for momentary fleshly gratification. What are some of the ways we, as born-again believers, may protect our spiritual birthright?
  4. What was John the Baptist’s particular purpose for this life and how is this call similar to the Christian’s call today? What can we do about it? See John 1:29-31.
  5. The account of Peter’s actions in Acts shows a far different person than the one who denied his Lord. Trace the events that brought about this change.
  6. Scripture indicates that those who are faithful in the service of the Lord and love His appearing will receive a crown of righteousness. Describe what being faithful means and how people who are looking for Christ’s appearing should conduct themselves.
  7. What assurance did Jochebed have that Moses would be safe when she placed him in the ark and laid it in the flags by the river’s brink? Explain how and why her attitude and actions are a good example to the Christian today. A helpful Scripture could be 2 Timothy 1:12.
  8. What quality in Solomon’s life is most commendable? Why is it important for Christians to seek this blessing?
  9. Each character in this quarter had decisions to make just as we do today. How do you know if the decisions you are making are right?


Continue reading “SEARCH 195 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””

  1. In 1 Kings 3:3 what was the attribute in Solomon that allowed God to trust him with the limitless offer, “Ask what I shall give thee”? Why is this attribute important in our lives also?
  2. By carefully studying Solomon’s answer to God’s question, how many Christian traits can you find in verses 6,7,8, and 9?
  3. List those things which God promised Solomon in answer to his request.
  4. Read James 4:3, then write what you think might have been God’s answer to Solomon had he asked for riches and honor instead of wisdom and understanding.
  5. What evidence do we have that Solomon’s request for wisdom was answered (1 Kings 3:16-28)? Was Solomon’s wisdom limited only to matters concerning righteous judgment?
  6. What did the Queen of Sheba think of Solomon’s wisdom? See 1 Kings 10:1-9.
  7. When we think of wisdom, we think of the ability to make right decisions and discern between good and evil, but godly wisdom extends beyond these characteristics. List some other characteristics given in James 3:17.
  8. How is godly wisdom to be attained today? List two or more things that are required. See James 1:5-6,22-25.

Thought Provoker: How is godly wisdom related to Christian maturity? See Ephesians 3:17-19 and 4:13. Have you observed Christians who cannot be moved from their faith by the most adverse circumstances? Have you seen some stand when it seemed all was going against them? Have you heard soft answers given when harsh words have been spoken? Have you noted Christlike people who took no offense but rather prayed for those who had mistreated them? These people are mature Christians who have been given a good measure of ”the wisdom that is from above.” Paul’s prayer for the church in Ephesus was that Christ would dwell in their hearts by faith, and that they might be rooted and grounded in love, so as to comprehend the breadth, length, depth, and height of the love of Christ, which exceeds all worldly knowledge, that they might be filled with all the fullness of God. So godly wisdom is manifested when we are filled with the love of Christ—and Christian maturity is really Christlikeness.


Continue reading “SEARCH 194 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””

  1. “Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river…” (Exodus 1:22). Through this commandment, the river became a symbol of grief and terror to every lsraelitish mother. What virtue did Jochebed display in overcoming that dreadful symbol?
  2. Why do you think Moses’ parents were not afraid of the king’s commandment? Under those circumstances, what would your reaction have been?
  3. What assurance did Jochebed have that Moses would be safe when she placed him in the ark and laid it on the brink of the river among the flags? Consider the word “safe” in reference to the key verse.
  4. How did the teachings of Moses’ mother influence him? See Hebrews 11:23-26.
  5. One of the great virtues that both Jochebed and Moses had was that of faith. Describe how this virtue was evidenced in their lives. How might the course of their history have been changed had they not exemplified this?
  6. Give an example from your own knowledge or experience of one who committed something to the Lord and saw a need supplied.
  7. Why do you think it is so difficult to reach a place of complete trust? See 2 Corinthians 3:5.
  8. What specific needs do men have that should be committed to the Lord?


Continue reading “SEARCH 193 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””

  1. What desirable attributes do we find exhibited by Elisha when Elijah cast his mantle upon him, showing God had chosen the right man? See 1 Kings 19:19-21.
  2. We hear nothing more of Elisha for several years. What was he doing? Had he gone back home? See 1 Kings 19:21 and 2 Kings 3:11.
  3. Explain the difference between the way Elijah was followed by Elisha and by the sons of the prophets, considering they all knew he was to be taken from them that day.
  4. What are some of the dangers involved in following God afar off in our day?
  5. We find Elisha facing several discouragements, some from Elijah himself, in his quest for a double portion of the power that was manifested in Elijah’s life. What were they, and how did he overcome them?
  6. What similarities do we find in Elisha’s receiving a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit recorded in Acts 2:4?
  7. After Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, what were some of the results in his life?
  8. What virtues does Elisha exhibit in many of the miracles he performed, including the four he performed in 2 Kings, chapters 4 and 5?


Continue reading “SEARCH 192 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 191 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 190 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 189 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 188 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 187 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 186 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


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Continue reading “SEARCH 184 – “PERSONALITY PROFILE. . .””


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Continue reading “SEARCH 180 – “AND HE SPAKE A PARABLE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 179 – “AND HE SPAKE A PARABLE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 178 – “AND HE SPAKE A PARABLE. . .””


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Continue reading “SEARCH 171 – “AND HE SPAKE A PARABLE. . .””


Continue reading “SEARCH 170 – “AND HE SPAKE A PARABLE. . .””

During this quarter the lessons have brought out how God provides for our needs. Is eternal life one of our needs? If we do not obtain eternal life, what is the alternative? Jesus said if one does not enter the strait gate and walk in this narrow way that leads to life, he goes through the wide gate, walking in the broad way that leads to destruction. In 2 Peter 3:9 we read that God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, we have everlasting life. That promise is found in John 3:16.


  1. The earthly social standing of Lazarus and the rich man were vastly different, but there was one common ground on which they met. What was that? See Hebrews 9:27.
  2. It wasn’t Lazarus’ poverty that made him worthy to be carried to Abraham’s bosom. It wasn’t the rich man’s riches which caused him to be cast into a place of torment. What was it that determined their eternal destinies?
  3. Do you think the rich man did or did not have the opportunity to prepare for eternal life during his natural lifetime? Why?
  4. Explain the rich man’s plan for getting his brothers ready for eternal life. Why did Abraham say this plan would not work?
  5. According to our text in John, why did Jesus tell His disciples that He must go away?
  6. Summarize how much the Christian has to do with the quality of his mansion. See 1 Corinthians 3:11-15.
  7. Jesus has promised to return. What will happen when this event occurs?
  8. In this past quarter, we have been studying how God meets our needs, including His provision for our eternal life. What must we do now to ensure our obtaining this greatest of all provisions?

Continue reading “SEARCH 169 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

Thanksgiving Day is a day appointed for the giving of thanks to the One who gives “life, and breath, and all things” (Acts 17:25). Christians recognize that God is the provider of spiritual as well as physical nourishment. This realization results in every day being a day of thankfulness to God.


  1. During the first part of the famine, ravens brought Elijah food and he drank from the brook Cherith. What did he have to do before receiving this provision and what can we learn from his actions?
  2. When circumstances change in our Christian life, we should realize that God won’t lead us down a deadend street. Analyze and write what Elijah did after the brook dried up. Then write what could have happened had he not followed God’s leading.
  3. In considering the first two questions, we can conclude that it is vital to obey the directions of the Lord. In so doing, we can then have genuine praise and thanksgiving for what He has done and know that He will supply our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). A good illustration of needs being supplied is in the Matthew portion of our text. When Jesus saw that the multitude was hungry, He commanded His disciples, “Give ye them to eat.” But the disciples were in a dilemma. They did not have enough food to feed 5,000 men plus women and children. There was a lad who had five loaves and two fishes, and this was taken to the Lord. What did Jesus do before giving the food to the disciples to distribute among the people? What lesson can we derive from this?
  4. Referring to our physical needs, Jesus said, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow . . .” (Matthew 6:34). What can we do to keep from being overly concerned about our physical needs? Support your answer with Scripture.
  5. Man cannot survive long without eating, yet many are trying to live spiritually without a proper spiritual diet. List some items that you consider an important part of a healthy spiritual diet.
  6. Read 1 Timothy 4:4-5. Why is it important to pray over our food before eating?
  7. Referring to our key verse, and looking beyond the obvious blessings of food, clothing and shelter, what are some of the things that might be included in the “all things” for which we are to give thanks?

Continue reading “SEARCH 168 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

Pentecost empowered the New Testament church to act on their belief and witness for Christ as they faced beatings, scourgings, separation of families, dislocation of homes, and even death itself. God provided miraculous deliverances, some of which are recorded in the first ten chapters of Acts. For example, in Acts 5, we read that the angel of the Lord provided deliverance from prison for two of the Apostles. Most importantly, however, God delivered, protected and preserved His followers from evil contamination by the sin all around them. As we study this lesson, we become acutely aware that God wants to provide the same deliverance from spiritual perils for us today.


  1. Webster defines deliverance as “the state of being freed; a release or rescue.” However, deliverance to the Christian does not necessarily mean immunity from suffering, persecution, or earthly troubles. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13 and note what you think this word means for Christians.
  2. Read Psalm 24:3-5 and summarize the condition of the one who shall “ascend into the hill of the Lord,” or “stand in his holy place.” Does attaining this condition have any bearing on our right to expect deliverance? Explain.
  3. On what condition does God “deliver” one who has been disobedient? See Psalm 51.
  4. God has promised us spiritual deliverance in every aspect of our Christian lives. Next to each Scripture below write what the deliverance is from.
    Psalm 18:48
    Psalm 34:4
    Psalm 54:7
    Matthew 6:13
    2 Peter 2:9
  5. Referring to our text in Acts, Peter undoubtedly knew that Herod had killed James. When he was seized and imprisoned by the same ruler, one might expect Peter to be afraid for his life and concerned about being imprisoned. If this was so, he demonstrated a great calmness in spite of it, for verse 6 tells us that Peter was asleep. How can you account for this? How might a heartfelt belief in the promise given in Romans 8:28 bring about a parallel attitude in our lives?
  6. What important event was continuing uninterrupted while the angel was awakening Peter in the prison and telling him to arise and follow him? What might we learn from this regarding situations where deliverance is needed?
  7. Comment on why you feel God sometimes sends an immediate deliverance in answer to a sudden short prayer, and sometimes delays His deliverance until much prevailing prayer has been offered.
  8. In reference to our key verse, the Psalmist is giving praise to God for deliverance. He mentions three ways God has given deliverance. Explain these in your own words, giving specific examples of what might be meant by each in our day.

Continue reading “SEARCH 167 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

At the time of the taking of Jericho, the Children of Israel had learned a hard lesson. They had just finished wandering in the wilderness for forty years because they had disobeyed God. He had told them He would fight for them if they obeyed and trusted Him. As they marched around Jericho, they were obedient to God. The method was unorthodox, but God gave the victory! The people shouted with a great shout, and the walls fell down flat.


  1. Why were the inhabitants of Jericho so terrified of the Israelites that they wouldn’t come out of their city to fight against them? See Joshua 2:9-11.
  2. After the fall of Jericho, Joshua 7 records that the Children of Israel were badly defeated when they fought against the much smaller city of Ai. The Israelites had been told not to take any spoil from Jericho, but Achan disobeyed God’s command, and all the people suffered because of it. What principle does this lead us to understand regarding deliverance from our enemies?
  3. Several times in the Old Testament, God used the forces of nature to fight against Israel’s enemies. Look up the following Scriptures and describe what instrumentality God used in each instance.
    Joshua 10:11
    Joshua 10:12-14
    Joshua 24:12
    1 Samuel 14:15-16
  4. We likely won’t face the literal battles like Joshua and other Biblical characters did. What kind of personal enemy might we face in our day?
  5. We don’t expect the Lord to slay those who oppose us, but what kind of help and victory can we expect the Lord to provide?
  6. What does the Lord expect of us after He has delivered us from our enemies? What benefit will we receive by doing this? See Psalm 107:1-2 and Revelation 12:10-11.
  7. One of the keys to receiving victory is praise. Paul and Silas are a notable example of this (Acts 16:25). How can we praise God when we are facing an enemy? Why does this increase our faith to believe for victory over our enemies?
  8. Jesus told His disciples that He gave them power over all power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Yet He told them not to rejoice in this. In what were they to rejoice? See Luke 10:20.

Continue reading “SEARCH 166 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”


Continue reading “SEARCH 165 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

God used the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day to guide the Children of Israel on their way to the Promised Land. Note that one has to follow God’s guidance in order to receive the benefit of it. The pillar of fire was light to Israel, but it was darkness to the Egyptians who were trying to recapture their former slaves. In like manner the Gospel is the savor of life unto life, or of death unto death. The Stone laid in Zion “is a sure foundation,” or “a stone of stumbling,” depending upon our following or rejecting Him. See Isaiah 28:16 and 1 Peter 2:6-8.


  1. God led the Children of Israel through the wilderness of the Red Sea on their way to the Promised Land. Why do you think He did this, even though it was not the most direct route?
  2. God used a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire to guide the Israelites. List some of the benefits of these manifestations.
  3. The Egyptians pursued the Israelites, wanting to capture them. What parallel might be drawn between this occurrence and the opposition a newly-delivered Christian faces?
  4. The Children of Israel were afraid when they saw the Egyptian army. What did Moses say (Exodus 14:13-14)? What promise does God give His followers today? See Romans 8:31.
  5. God divided the Red Sea after Moses stretched out his rod over it. At the point where Bible commentator, Adam Clarke, places the crossing, the water was estimated to have been more than 80 feet deep and approximately 12 miles across. The Bible says that as Moses stretched out his hand, the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong wind, and caused the ground to be dry. The people crossed over this dry ground while the waters stood as walls on either side of them. God is a God of miracles. Describe in detail how God destroyed the Egyptians.
  6. In 2 Samuel 5:18-25, David was confronted with two battles which seemed to be similar. After asking God’s direction, however, he found that God didn’t choose to operate in the same manner both times. To what can we attribute David’s success?
  7. What happens when people do not walk in the way God has revealed? Give a Biblical example to substantiate your answer.
  8. In Acts 16:6-10, what two means did God use to guide His missionaries?
  9. What one point have you learned regarding guidance? How would you encourage a person who is seeking God’s guidance?

Continue reading “SEARCH 164 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

Worldly wisdom and godly wisdom do not come from the same source, and they bring totally different results. Note the key verse and James 3:13-17. Godly wisdom comes when we ask God and then follow the instructions given us, which are always within the guidelines of the Word of God. These are revealed to us by His Spirit. See Isaiah 11:2 and 1 Corinthians 2:10-16.


  1. What is wisdom? How do we differentiate between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom? See James 3:13-17.
  2. Read Job 28:12-28 and list the different sources from which wisdom was sought and could not be found. Where is wisdom to be found?
  3. According to our key verse, the Lord gives wisdom to the man that is “good in his sight.” What are some of the attributes of a person who is good in the sight of God?
  4. During a Christian’s life span, he will encounter a variety of trials and direct attempts of Satan to overthrow his faith in God. In no sphere is wisdom so essential, or folly so disastrous, as in the matter of life’s reverses. A clear example of this is found in our text. King Nebuchadnezzar judged that Daniel and his three friends were ten times wiser than the magicians and astrologers in his land. How was this proved by subsequent events?
  5. Knowing that wisdom is God-given, how can one obtain and develop this most precious gift? How did Daniel go about receiving this? Daniel 2:17-23
  6. What was the prime quality of Daniel’s character as revealed in verse 30? Explain how you arrived at this conclusion and why you feel that this quality is an essential factor in obtaining wisdom.
  7. Read 1 Kings 3:7 and compare the attitude of Solomon to that of Daniel. The results of this attitude in Solomon’s life are brought out in 1 Kings 3:11-12. What were these results?
  8. There seems to be an important link between humility and the acquisition of wisdom. Why do you suppose this is so?
  9. In James 3:17 we read a number of attributes that are related to the wisdom that is from Above. Beside each attribute, give an example of how it is a part of godly wisdom. For example:
    Pure — every decision or motivation will be based on pure thoughts and actions.
    Peaceable —
    Gentle —
    Easily entreated —
    Merciful —
    Possessor of good fruits —
    Without partiality —
    Without hypocrisy —
  10. We seek after many things in life. The wisest man gave us some advice in Proverbs 4:7. Paraphrase his counsel.

Continue reading “SEARCH 163 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

Many times in the Bible we are given accounts of healing for the physical body. Since we know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) we have every right to believe that divine healing for our bodies is available today.


  1. In our text in Mark 5, we have a beautiful example of Jesus healing a young girl who not only was critically ill, but who actually died while Jesus was on His way to heal her. While He was going to her home, a woman who had been diseased for twelve years (verses 25-34) touched His clothes and was immediately healed. What attribute do we see exhibited by the father of the sick girl and by the sick woman, which resulted in their healing? In what way did they exercise this attribute in order to obtain the results?
  2. A miracle is an act of God whereby something occurs which is unexplainable in terms of known scientific laws, such as healing for an incurable disease. Give an example from your own experience or possibly from the experience of someone you know who has received a definite healing.
  3. Many will tell us that the day of miracles is past, that healing was provided only during Jesus’ ministry and in the time of the Early Church. Read Mark 16:17-18. In the light of these Scriptures, what conclusion can we reach in regard to the previous statement?
  4. In Mark 6:5-6 and Matthew 13:58, we find that Jesus was sometimes hindered in performing miracles. What reason is given in these Scriptures?
  5. On occasion, afflictions may arise which seem especially difficult with regard to healing. One such example is given in Mark 9:25-29. What did Jesus say was necessary in order to receive the answer in this case?
  6. Some may say that Christians should never become sick, and if they do it shows a lack of faith or that they are living a life displeasing to God. However, we have examples in the Scriptures that would indicate differently. In the following examples, what might have been the reason for the affliction?
    Job 23:10
    Psalm 119:7
    John 9:3
    2 Corinthians 12:7-9
  7. What formula does the Bible give us regarding prayer for the healing of our physical bodies? James 5:14-15
  8. If we are in need of divine healing, and are unable to go to an elder or have him come to us, what Biblical example do we find in Acts 19:11-12?
  9. Both the Old and New Testaments teach us that one of the provisions of Christ’s atonement on Calvary is healing for our body. How do Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24 substantiate the beautiful truth that Jesus’ Blood avails for our physical healing?

Continue reading “SEARCH 162 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

Webster tells us the word comfort is derived from the Latin com meaning “with” and fortis meaning “strength.” Hence the first meaning of the verb is “to give strength and hope; to cheer.” Another meaning is “to ease the grief or trouble of; console.” In 2 Corinthians 1:5, the much persecuted Paul the Apostle says, “For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.” Our study today is aimed at aiding us in being recipients of God’s assistance, support, solace, and consolation: in one word—comfort.


  1. Genesis 27:41-46 and 28:1-2 indicate that Jacob left the home of his parents, Isaac and Rebekah, for two reasons: He was running from the anger of his brother Esau whom he had defrauded, and he was going to find a wife from among his mother’s family. Why do you suppose Jacob was in need of comfort at this time?
  2. Jacob went northward to Bethel, traveling about fifty miles the first day. No doubt he was very tired as he gathered stones for his pillows. How did God provide comfort that night as Jacob slept with the earth for his bed and the heavens for his canopy?
  3. Recall a time of disappointment and the blessing that God provided which resulted in your comfort. Consider sharing this experience with the class on Sunday.
  4. In order to gain an appreciation of Jacob’s need for further comfort during the next twenty years of his life, read in Genesis, chapters 29-31, the story of his stay with his uncle. How did God comfort Jacob during his stay with Laban?
  5. Are there conditions which we must meet to be assured of God’s comfort? Refer to the following Scriptures and list the various conditions which Jacob met.
    Genesis 28:7
    Genesis 28:22
    Genesis 31:13
    Genesis 32:10
  6. How long did Jacob wrestle with the angel? What blessing and comfort did he receive as a result of this prevailing?
  7. At some time in one’s life, it may appear that all is gone: friends, family, job, etc. How can one find comfort during these times? See Job 23:8-12.
  8. During Jesus’ ministry, He said to a woman who came to Him, “Daughter, be of good comfort” (Matthew 9:22). What attribute was exercised to secure this blessing? He also promised comfort to His disciples when He said, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you” (John 14:18). In what ways does Jesus comfort people today?

Continue reading “SEARCH 161 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

When God sent the Flood upon the world, He provided protection for those who would accept it, in the form of an ark. Christians today are provided with protection far above that which the world knows. We have the promise of divine protection at all times.


  1. Hebrews 11:7 indicates that Noah was warned by God of impending judgment upon the wicked world. Since we read in 2 Peter 2:5 that Noah was a preacher of righteousness, we can assume that Noah’s preaching warned of the coming flood, a time when all people would need divine protection. What warnings do people receive today?
  2. Why was it necessary for Noah to make the ark exactly to the dimensions that God specified? Parallel this to what we must do if we want God’s protection.
  3. The schooling of the Lord, though sometimes strange to us, is perfect in His plan for our lives. He makes a straight path for our feet, and then lights the way with His presence. We may at times go through deep waters or fiery trials. What has God promised to us at these times? See Isaiah 43:2.
  4. Those in Noah’s day needed protection from an oncoming flood. Give a specific example of something you need to be protected from and tell how God meets your need in it. Then give an example where God protected you without your being aware of it until sometime later.
  5. What roles do angels play in divine protection? Refer to Psalm 91:11, Daniel 6:22, and Acts 12:7.
  6. Divine protection is promised when certain conditions are met. The following verses contain a promise along with a requirement. After each reference, give the required condition.
    2 Chronicles 16:9
    Psalm 34:7
    Psalm 41:1
    Matthew 6:33
  7. Do you think the unsaved should expect divine protection? Why or why not?
  8. As Christians, we sometimes still get hurt or find ourselves with problems and in difficult situations. We may be involved in automobile accidents, face persecutions, etc. Does this mean that God is not protecting us? Why do you think God allows these things to happen?
  9. The Great Tribulation is coming! What would you say is God’s ultimate protection for us?

Continue reading “SEARCH 160 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

God does not always work by precedent. Because He has communicated in one way at one time does not mean that He will always communicate in the same way at subsequent times. However, His will is sure to be made known to us. Our responsibility is to be attentive to His Spirit for direction.


  1. Just prior to our lesson text, Elijah had won a great victory on the mountain and undoubtedly was spiritually very much in tune with God. How quickly this changed! What was Elijah’s condition after listening to the threats of Queen Jezebel? What lesson can we learn from this?
  2. God sent an angel to instruct and encourage Elijah. Then the prophet journeyed on to Mt. Horeb. When Elijah arrived, God’s next communication was direct. It was in the form of a question, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” (verse 9). What would your reaction be if God spoke to you with a direct question?
  3. When Elijah heard the still, small Voice, he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went and stood in the entrance of the cave. Why hadn’t Elijah shown the same respect or reverence after seeing the manifestations of nature?
  4. God communicated with Elijah in an audible voice. Often He chooses other methods of revealing His will to us. What might some of these other ways be?
  5. Sometimes we may find ourselves having difficulty determining whether an impression or communication we are receiving is from the Lord. How can we know that it is the Lord who is giving us direction?
  6. God may speak to man through the forces of nature by way of judgment. See Exodus 7:24. Why is it possible that miracles alone will not lead men to God?
  7. What was the result of Elijah’s listening and responding to God’s communication?
  8. God’s responsibility is to answer our prayers, providing us with guidance and direction. What is our responsibility?

Continue reading “SEARCH 159 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

Our Lord was a miracle-working Savior on earth, both in the lives of men and in nature. We know He is the same in our day. He gave peace to those who had no peace—He will do the same today. He caused the winds to cease and calmed the raging water—He can do the same today as He puts at rest the storms in the lives of men.


  1. Note the scriptural description of the storm on the Sea of Galilee as given in the text: “There arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.” Have you ever been on a ship at sea during a storm? What significance is shown by Jesus’ restfulness during the storm?
  2. What caused the Lord to awaken from His sleep? And what was His response?
  3. The Lord rebuked His disciples for being afraid. Why? Is there never reason for us to fear? What lesson can we apply to our own lives from this happening?
  4. “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” the disciples wondered after the calming of the storm. Name several other instances in which Jesus displayed His power over nature. (See Matthew 14:20,25; 17:27; 21:19.) What do these miracles prove, and what should be our response?
  5. In what condition did Jesus and the disciples find the demoniac? What was the cause of this condition?
  6. What were the results of man’s efforts to help the situation?
  7. How was the man healed? What was the evidence of his healing?
  8. What was the attitude of the citizens of the city and country? What did the man who was delivered want to do? What instructions were given to him by the Lord?
  9. For what purpose was the Son of God manifested? See 1 John 3:8.

Continue reading “SEARCH 158 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

God’s love sent Jesus, who fulfilled all the demands of holiness and justice. Jesus in turn poured out a flood of mercy, grace, and forbearance and made it available to everyone. By faith we can receive this mercy and have “peace with God . . .” and “. . . access by faith into this grace wherein we stand” (Romans 5:1-2).


  1. The dictionary tells us that the word mercy implies “compassion which forbears punishment even when justice demands it.” Though the word is not used in the account of the woman taken in adultery, in what ways was divine mercy demonstrated? How is divine mercy extended to each of us today?
  2. The woman taken in adultery was clearly guilty of breaking God’s Law. If the scribes and Pharisees wanted justice, why did they not take the woman to the judge to be tried? Why did they bring her to Christ?
  3. What do you think the Scripture means when it says that these were “convicted by their own conscience”? If they were convicted, how could any of these have received mercy?
  4. The Law demanded justice for the woman’s sins (Leviticus 20:10). How could Jesus circumvent this demand?
  5. What was the significance of Christ’s statement, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more”? How was it possible for the woman to do this?
  6. In Genesis 18:23-33 and 19:16 we find Abraham praying for God to extend mercy. How did God do this?
  7. In Titus 3:3-7, contrast the individual described in verse three to the one in verse seven. Then describe the elements which are mentioned in verses four through six that made the difference.
  8. One of the greatest benefits of Christ’s mercy extended to us is the salvation of our souls. But once we have been saved, His mercy is extended to us in other ways. List some of these.

Continue reading “SEARCH 157 – GOD MEETS OUR NEEDS”

  • Romans 2:13
  • James 1:22-25

 Matthew 7:24-29; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15

Christ’s teaching regarding the importance of building on the Rock is a very plain statement. This comparison reveals that it is useless to call ourselves Christians unless we practice the things that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. The hearers of God’s Word are divided into two classes: those who hear and respond to what they hear; and those who hear but ignore what they hear. In which class are you?


  1. After reading Matthew 7:24-27, what similarities can you find in the two classes of hearers? What differences?
  2. After comparing and contrasting the two types of hearers, what conclusion can you draw about people who attend church and hear the Word of God, but fail to respond?
  3. To be a doer of Jesus’ teachings includes abiding by the teachings of the whole Bible. Unfortunately, some teachings of the Bible are not received among Christians as they should be. They may be heard, but not acted upon. Name one or more teachings of the Bible that you think are neglected by some Christians.
  4. The rains, floods, and winds come, and they prove what sort of foundation a life is built upon. Name some spiritual “storms” that may come into a life.
  5. Christ Jesus is the Rock that has been provided for us to build upon. What is the starting point in building a solid Christian life?
  6. What was the reaction of the people when Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount? Why do you think this was so?
  7. This past quarter we have studied some of the teachings of Jesus. Are we doing what He taught or have we only heard His words? Of the previous twelve lessons, which one has motivated you to be more of a doer in your spiritual life? Give a specific example.


  • Psalm 37:1-11
  • Proverbs 14:12

Matthew 7:13-14; Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Psalm 1:1-6

There are but two ways—right and wrong, good and evil—the way to Heaven and the way to Hell. We are all walking in one way or the other; there is no middle way now and no middle place hereafter. The difference between the saint and sinner, the godly and ungodly, is revealed by the way in which they walk. The narrow way leads to life, and the broad way leads to destruction.


  1. In Luke 13:24 Jesus encouraged His listeners to “strive to enter in at the strait [confined or narrow] gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” Immediately preceding this statement, one had asked a question of the Lord. Write the question and explain Christ’s response.
  2. Why is no sin allowed on the narrow way? Use Deuteronomy 25:16, Isaiah 59:2, and 1 John 3:8 to support your answer.
  3. Galatians 5:19-21 lists characteristics found in the lives of those on the broad way. Identify three of these characteristics that you are aware of in the world today and be prepared to cite specific examples.
  4. As we travel through life, there are many temptations that would draw us to the broad way. How can we best resist these allurements?
  5. The first Psalm contrasts the two ways—godly versus ungodly. What is the delight of the godly, according to the Psalmist?
  6. Staying in the right way will take effort. What can we do to improve the quality of our devotions?
  7. According to Psalm 1:1, what three things are to be avoided by the one who wants to be blessed? State in your own words what these mean.
  8. Moses set before the people a choice between life and good, and death and evil. Today, man is offered the same choice. If one decides he doesn’t want either the narrow way or the broad way, what is his alternative?
  • Romans 13:10
  • Galatians 5:14
  • John 1:1-9
  • Acts 13:47
  • Philippians 2:14-15
  • 1 John 1:5-9

Matthew 5:14-16; Daniel 6:1-28

Physical light makes vision possible, provides for life on earth, results in warmth and comfort, and dispels darkness. In Genesis 1:2-5, we find that light was so important God devoted the first day of creation to making it in order to dispel darkness. Without physical light, death ensues. Spiritual light is even more important. Malachi the prophet refers to Christ as “the Sun of righteousness” (Malachi 4:2). Without spiritual light there would be no eternal life.


  1. Read carefully John 1:1-9. What is the source of spiritual life? What happens when spiritual light is “screened out”?
  2. Considering then the importance of spiritual light, what do you think would happen to your school, your work world, your community, and the world in general if all Christians failed to follow Christ’s command in Matthew 5:16?
  3. Describe how Daniel, as the first of three presidents under Darius the king, “let his light shine.” Refer to Daniel 6:3-4.
  4. The 2 presidents and the 120 princes sought to find fault with Daniel so that they might accuse him to the king. Daniel was not only faithful to his God, but he was faithful to his country and to the king’s business. They could find no fault, but what scheme did they devise against him, and why?
  5. Once the decree was signed by the king, how did Daniel respond?
  6. The light from Daniel’s life had generated faith in the king’s heart in the only true God. How was this manifested in the king’s words to Daniel?
  7. What specific character trait radiated from Daniel causing the king to say in verse 16 and again in verse 20, “whom thou servest continually”?
  8. How far did Daniel’s light shine as a result of his steadfast faith and deliverance from the lions’ den?

Matthew 5:6-9,38-48; 18:23-35

Mercy is an attribute essential to Christian living, and unless we extend mercy, we will not receive it. Mercy shows compassion and forbears punishment, even when justice demands it. Mercy extends help to the lowly and even the undeserving.


  1. In your own words, describe mercy. Give an example, either from the Bible or from personal knowledge, of one who has practiced this attribute.
  2. God requires mercy in the lives of His children (Micah 6:8). What are the rewards for possessing this attribute?
  3. Why is it that our own acts of mercy cannot save us, if the merciful shall obtain mercy? See Titus 3:5.
  4. The parable of the Good Samaritan is a well-known example in the Bible of one who showed mercy. Read Luke 10:33-37, then write what specific actions the Good Samaritan did in order to offer mercy. In what ways might being merciful require our time, money, or personal effort?
  5. In our text, what was the servant’s attitude when the king demanded payment of the debt?
  6. How did the king react when the servant had nothing with which to pay the debt? Contrast his reaction to God’s forgiveness of the debt of sin.
  7. After the servant had been forgiven his debt, he put a fellow servant into prison for a small debt. This was obviously an unmerciful act. Name some ways in which a person might be unmerciful, though not necessarily outwardly so.
  8. If you had been the king, what would your attitude have been toward the unmerciful servant? What are some ways you might be able to show mercy?

The love of God dwelling in the heart produces humility, a beautiful ingredient in a Christian’s life. It is the complete opposite of self-exaltation or a proud spirit. It is not artificial or feigned, but is exhibited in each aspect of a true Christian’s life.


  1. How does God react to one who is humble, as compared with one who takes pride in his own accomplishments? See James 4:6.
  2. In our Matthew 8 text, the centurion who came to Jesus showed a humble attitude by saying that he was not worthy to have Christ come under his roof. Why is it important for us to have a humble attitude when we come to Christ? Substantiate your answer by Scripture.
  3. If one is living according to Philippians 2:3 and 1 Peter 5:5, in what way will his relationships with others be enhanced? Give at least one specific example.
  4. Does humility come naturally, or will one have to make a special effort to humble himself before God and others? See James 4:10.
  5. Jesus said that we should love our neighbor “as ourselves” (Mark 12:31). How can this teaching coexist with humility?
  6. Jesus is our perfect pattern. He is the Son of God, and worthy of all our worship and honor. What kind of an example in humility did He leave us? See Matthew 11:29 and Philippians 2:5-8.
  7. How must a sinner come before the Lord when he desires to become a Christian? See Luke 18:13. Why does the Bible tell us in 1 Corinthians 1:26 that not many wise or mighty or noble men are called?
  8. Is it possible for one to be proud of his humility? Is this true humility? Explain.

A house of prayer! Yes, that is what God wants His house to be called. God’s plan, which He gave to Moses, included the construction of a church in the wilderness—a tabernacle with a place where God’s presence would dwell. Today, God desires His presence to be in every church and in every life. If the manner of worship and respect for God’s House is followed as prescribed in His Word, God is pleased to dwell in that church.


  1. Hebrews 10:25 cautions us against “forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” This shows us the importance of attending church. What are some of the blessings or benefits of church attendance?
  2. Jesus drove out the money-changers and condemned other vices which corrupted His Temple. In reading Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, what instruction is given concerning our conversation in His House?
  3. In what way can we honor God’s House other than by our attendance and watching our conversation? See 2 Chronicles 29:15.
  4. In what ways might a person, knowingly or unknowingly, dishonor the house of God by his behavior?
  5. When the Temple which Solomon built was dedicated, the trumpeters and singers were as one—unity prevailed. The unity of the worshipers brought an overwhelming demonstration of God’s glory. God’s glory, or presence, is just as surely in His house today, and because His presence is there His house should be honored. Describe how you think a church service would be carried out if Christ were visibly present.
  6. The names of six individuals are listed below. They are famous or infamous characters, depending on their attitudes toward God’s House and holy things. Tell what each did, and the result of his/her action.
    Nadab and Abihu — Leviticus 10:1-2
    King Josiah — 2 Kings 23:1-3; 2 Chronicles 34:26-28
    King Uzziah — 2 Chronicles 26:16-20
    King Hezekiah — Isaiah 37:14-15,33-35
    Anna — Luke 2:36-38
  7. How can these people be examples to us today?
  8. How much money did King David give toward the building of God’s House? Why do you feel he gave such a large amount?
  9. David’s generosity affected his countrymen and they also offered willingly for God’s House: 5,000 talents and 10,000 drams of gold, 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of brass, 100,000 talents of iron, also precious stones. The people rejoiced and King David rejoiced with great joy. What does this tell us about the value of a good example in regard to honoring God’s House?



God has many ways of revealing Himself to mankind. The most commonly known is through His written Word, the Holy Bible. Men of God, over a period of time, recorded the Bible as they were directed and inspired by the Holy Ghost. The Bible tells how God revealed Himself to people of ancient times, and also how He will reveal Himself to us today. The Bible is different from all other religious literature because the Bible is the revelation of God, inspired by God, disclosing God’s plans and purposes for the ages of time and eternity, and centering in Jesus Christ the Savior of mankind.


  1. In 2 Peter 1:19, Peter parallels the “word of prophecy” to a light that shines in a dark place. Elaborate on this parallel, bringing out ways the Word is similar to light.
  2. 2 Peter 1:20-21 indicates that holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and recorded what God revealed to them. How can we be sure the Bible is not just a collection of private interpretations? Substantiate your answer with Scripture.
  3. In the Old Testament, most of the writers did not even know each other, while the New Testament writers were acquainted. Still the fact that their accounts are in harmony is remarkable. Name some of the men who were inspired by God to write portions of the Holy Bible.
  4. Our text brings out that the Bible is given for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Give a Biblical example, or one from your own experience, illustrating how the Bible can be used in each of the ways mentioned.
  5. Many people today are living unclean lives. Psalm 119:9 offers the solution to this problem: take heed to the Word. Define heed as used in this context.
  6. The benefit of having God’s Word in the heart is that one will be kept from sin. Sin separates one from God, it engenders untold suffering, and in the end, unforgiven sin brings eternal punishment. Hiding God’s Word in the heart and doing what the Scriptures say, are the solutions for conquering sin. How does one hide the Word of God in his heart?
  7. It is not necessary that we understand everything that is written in the Bible, but we must believe everything recorded in it. What will happen to one who takes away any part of the Word of God?
  8. Food is necessary for our physical bodies. Our spiritual lives also need sustenance and this is found in the Word of God. Using Hebrews 5:13-14 as a basis, an analogy can be made between the birth of a baby and the new birth of a beginning Christian. Compare the subsequent physical and spiritual growth and development of each. Ask yourself these questions: How long have I been saved? Does my spiritual growth reflect proper spiritual nourishment? Food cannot provide our physical bodies with nourishment before it is ingested. Have I been taking the Word of God into my spiritual life in order to benefit by it?



Countless volumes have been written by educators, psychologists, and learned writers in regard to the education and upbringing of children. They seem to feel that if this or that course were followed, the ills of mankind would be greatly reduced. How sad that many do not promote God’s plan for rearing children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. That would, indeed, make the world a better place in which to live.


  1. In the home, parents are responsible for teaching a child the Word of God. Why is Bible reading and study so important?
  2. Explain in your own words what Proverbs 22:6 means. Consider the concern, time, and financial resources parents will invest in various types of secular education or training, in the hope of securing particular goals for their children. If the primary goal for one’s children is that they make Heaven, what priority will be placed upon spiritual training?
  3. In 2 Corinthians 12:14, Paul makes a statement to the Corinthians regarding his feeling that they should not be financially burdened with his needs. To what parental duty is he referring? See 1 Timothy 5:8.
  4. The father’s duty is to correct and admonish his child, even though this may cause the child to become angry. With this thought in mind, what is your explanation of the key verse?
  5. Paul’s exhortation is that the young women should love their husbands and children. Give several hypothetical situations where showing love to a child or teenager is a vital part of the response to the situation.
  6. Our text says that if you honor father and mother, your days may be prolonged and that it will go well with you. What do you think honor means and how could it prolong your days?
  7. Tell in your own words what Proverbs 20:11 means.
  8. Since Proverbs 23:22 was written many centuries ago, do you think it still applies today? Why?
  9. Under Moses’ Law, a curse was pronounced on those who dishonored or despised their parents. In what way is a parallel in force in our day?
  10. What do you think is the most important factor in having a happy home?



  1. A Christian marriage is a total commitment of two people to the person of Jesus Christ and then to each other, a commitment in which nothing is withheld. It is also a pledge of mutual fidelity, and a union which helps both parties become all that God intends for them to be. Along with the commitment of marriage comes responsibilities. List some of the responsibilities that marriage places upon a couple. In addition to the text given, use Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and 1 Timothy 5:8.
  2. God can and will use a Christian marriage for His purpose. He will mold and refine the parties involved for their own spiritual benefit and for His glory. However, this can occur only when both husband and wife determine to fulfill the directives God has outlined for their marriage. How should a husband and wife meet the spiritual responsibilities of marriage?
  3. After a man and a woman take the wedding vows, they are married for life. Explain what Jesus meant by the phrase, “let not man put asunder.”
  4. Clarifying the husband-wife roles in a marriage can eliminate one of the major causes of marital disruption. The Word of God has specific directives regarding this. The Biblical assignment of authority and responsibility does not create a rigid relationship, but rather, it promotes order and understanding. Explain what Paul the Apostle meant when he stated that “the husband is the head of the wife.”
  5. In a God-directed marriage, each person is a complement to the other. Man realizes that woman was created for him; woman realizes that man is incomplete without her. Each cherishes the other as an extension and completion of himself. Amplify this thought using the words, “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh.”
  6. The bond of love in marriage is used as an illustration of the much closer tie that binds the Church (the Bride) to Jesus Christ (the Bridegroom). List the similarities.
  7. Why is it so important in a Christian marriage that the couple show love, honor, and preference to each other? See 1 Peter 3:5-7.
  8. How can a couple be assured that their marriage will be blessed of the Lord, and that they will continue to be happy together?



One of the most beautiful examples of proper conduct toward governmental authority in all the Bible is given to us in the life of Daniel. Here was a Hebrew lad, perhaps of princely descent, who found himself forcibly torn away from his people and homeland, and placed in a heathen court in the city of Babylon. Being a captive (essentially a slave), it would have been easy for him to hate his captors and feel resentment and rebellion. Instead, even after much testing and many years of service, the record shows that Daniel was so cooperative in this foreign environment that the people could find no fault with him until they wrote a law which required him to choose between God and King Darius. He not only obeyed the civil law of the Babylonians, Medes, and Persians where it did not conflict with God’s Law; but, because of his trust in God and God-given wisdom, he actually rose to a position where, as the man-in-charge  next to the ruling monarch, he administered that law.


  1. In what way did the young exile, Daniel (Daniel 1:1-16), show us how to blend the spirit of cooperation and obedience to authority, with the power of appeal to that authority?
  2. Why do you think Paul and Peter, through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, instructed followers of the Lord to obey governmental authority?
  3. List two laws with which you are acquainted, and the benefits of obeying these laws.
  4. According to Romans 13:5, what are two motivating factors for keeping the law?
  5. Clip from a current newspaper or magazine an article showing how a “minor” infraction of the law led to a major problem. Take the article and be ready to discuss it in class.
  6. What should the Christian’s attitude be toward existing tax laws?
  7. Suppose, for a moment, that you live in a totalitarian state where you are forbidden to openly declare Christ or gather with other Christians to worship God. What would you seek to do about the situation, and why?



The Law of God is sometimes divided into two parts: That which applies to our duty toward God, and that which applies to our duty toward our fellowman. We cannot serve God acceptably without proper regard for our fellow man—our neighbor, our servant, our master. The world sees an example more quickly than it hears a precept. It is possible that nowhere is Christianity more observed than in the conduct of the Christian laborer on the job.


  1. What is the responsibility of the employer, as far as his employee is concerned? Use our text and Colossians 4:1 to substantiate your answer.
  2. What is, perhaps, the most important word that governs the employee’s relationship to his employer? (Ephesians 6:5) Why is this so important?
  3. Many times an employee may have complaints about his boss—he doesn’t spend enough time on the job, he doesn’t pay enough wages, he expects too much, etc. The employee must remember that the boss pays the wage that has been agreed upon and it is his prerogative to do whatever he pleases—this is not the employee’s business. Does the Bible give any license to the employee to talk in a derogatory manner about his employer? What does our text say regarding this?
  4. What is meant by the phrase: “Not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers”?
  5. Why is it so important to work faithfully in this world? How would the Scripture quoted in question 4 apply to monitoring carefully the amount of time spent on breaks, lunch hours, etc.?
  6. Who is the most important—the employer or the employee? Explain.
  7. Name at least one result of employees’ counting their employers worthy of all honor.
  8. Explain how our key verse relates to both employer and employee.



  • Deuteronomy 24:15
  • Colossians 4:1
  • Titus 2:9
  • 1 Peter 2:18

Down through the ages, Christians have continually been opposed by Satan and his followers. The human instinct, when one has been attacked or injured, is to respond with vengeance and inflict punishment. However, God’s Word teaches us that as Christians we are not to retaliate, and that His Spirit dwelling in us will give us the power to stand even though we are afflicted or persecuted.


  1. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us many instructions concerning Christian living. What did He say about our attitude toward those who would do us harm?
  2. If we show love for our enemies, what has God promised to give us in return? See Luke 6:35-36.
  3. What actions will we take toward our enemies if God’s love is abiding in us? (Luke 6:27-28) Give an example, Biblical or otherwise, of one who was eventually brought to the Lord through a Christian’s acting in this manner.
  4. What responsibility does Romans 12:17-18 place on a Christian regarding his actions, whether in the company of believers or non-believers.
  5. What is the general attitude of the non-Christian toward someone who does him wrong? (Proverbs 24:29) What should the Christian’s attitude be toward someone who does him wrong? See 1 Peter 3:9.
  6. How did the Christians retaliate when Satan’s efforts threatened the Early Church? See Acts 4:15-31.
  7. Previous questions have dealt with our reactions when attacked by an enemy. However, Satan often tries to bring disunity or hard feelings even between the brethren in Christ. When a difference arises, what are some ways we might be tempted to retaliate? What are some of the ways we can resist a response which would not be pleasing to Christ?
  8. What should one do if faced with an enemy’s threats which could cause one to compromise his Christian principles? See Acts 5:27-29.
  9. What does Peter tell us we should do when we are reproached by others and suffer because we are Christians? See 1 Peter 4:12-16.


  • Acts 7:57-60-18

The relationships we have studied so far this quarter have been positive. However, there is one unpleasant situation that every Christian is faced with from the moment of conversion. The power of the devil is real, but God sets the limit as to how far he can go. Man is made a free moral agent and it is within his power to choose to withstand the fierce powers of darkness or to let them overcome him. When God provides the armor to withstand the devil, He gives man the means of victory.


  1. The Bible uses different names for Satan. Write the names beside the particular verses below.
    Matthew 4:3
    Matthew 13:19
    John 14:30
    2 Corinthians 4:4
    Ephesians 2:2
    Revelation 12:10
    Revelation 20:2
    What are we to deduce from these names?
  2. When the Lord asked Satan, “Whence comest thou?” Satan answered that he had been going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it. What verse in our lesson lets us know that he is doing the same today, and more?
  3. What type of man, spiritually speaking, was Job? What four tragedies befell him, as recorded in the first chapter?
  4. Upon hearing the news of these calamities, what did Job do immediately?
  5. Why do you think God allowed Satan to attack Job?
  6. What heavenly assistance did Jesus have when combating the devil in the wilderness? (Matthew 3:16; 4:1,11) What defense did Jesus use? What is the Christian’s defense against the devil today?
  7. Define resist. Refer to James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:9.
  8. List the six separate parts of the spiritual armor which make up the whole armor of God as found in Ephesians 6:14-17.
  9. According to Revelation 12:10-11, how does a Christian overcome Satan?
  10. Describe a spiritual battle that you have fought and won. What was the key to obtaining the victory?



  • Matthew 4:1-11
  • Ephesians 6:13-18

The relationship between Christ and the true believer provides the basis for a worthwhile and fulfilling life. The one who is at peace with God is at peace with himself. An extension of that inward contentment is evidenced in the caring concern the Christian shows to those who suffer from spiritual weakness and discouragement. Admonitions to encourage one another, build each other up, and inspire each other to love and good works are woven all through the Word of God. One of the plainest expressions of love in the Scriptures is that of sharing with others. Some of the most valuable things we can share are our time, talents, and energies in building up those in the Body of Christ who particularly need spiritual support or encouragement.


    1. We need to develop our power of spiritual observation and discernment in order to see areas where we can be used to encourage someone. What are indications that a person may be spiritually weak?
    2. When we observe that a brother or sister is having spiritual difficulties, what is our responsibility in the matter? Doing nothing is not the answer. How can we best approach him in an encouraging manner, and avoid the risk of offending or alienating him?
    3. The first two verses of our text in Isaiah list three things that we should do for the weak. How would you translate these instructions into some specific ways we should reach out to the spiritually weak?
    4. There is a distinct difference between the spiritually weak person who is finding fault with holiness, the church, Christian people, etc., and the person who is simply ignorant of the deeper truths of the Gospel. How are we, as mature Christians, to identify and minister to their needs?
    5. Jesus promised His disciples that the Holy Spirit would dwell in them. The Greek word parakletos, or “helper,” was used to describe the Holy Spirit. That word in its literal sense means “one called alongside.” How can the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives be a pattern for our influence in other people’s lives?
    6. There is a danger in neglecting our duties as Christians. Refer to Ezekiel 34:10 and Matthew 25:44-46. How might these verses apply to us?
    7. Our greatest example of servanthood was Jesus, who was the essence of compassion. In Philippians 2:7, we read that He took on Himself the form of a servant. Though many of the miracles Jesus did while on earth related to helping those in physical distress, He also ministered to people with spiritual needs. In both the Old and New Testaments, we read of God’s encouragement to those in need. Describe how God encouraged:
      Abram — Genesis 15:1-6
      Gideon — Judges 6:11-23
      David — 2 Samuel 7:8-16
      Palsied man — Matthew 9:2
      The disciples — Matthew 14:25-27
    8. In reading John 13:34-35, we see that the Lord gave a new commandment. Explain what this commandment was, and how it relates to us as we attempt to strengthen the spiritually weak.
    9. Our text in John 15 reiterates the commandment discussed in the previous question, but this time with an added depth to it. Explain verse 13 in your own words, and describe how we can fulfill it in our day.
    10. Of all the promises and assurances you know in the Bible, which has been the most encouraging to you in a time of weakness?



  • Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
  • Galatians 6:1-2

Jesus Christ left us many beautiful examples of ministering to the needs of one’s neighbors, even to the extent of going a great distance or spending much time in order to do it. In this parable Jesus shows us that our neighbors are those with whom we come into contact, regardless of nationality or social status.


  1. The lawyer who came to Jesus asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” This was a good question, but there are indications he was not sincere. What were these indications?
  2. In John 4:4-29 and 21:8-9, 12-13, we see two examples of Jesus showing brotherly love or concern for those about Him. Describe the ways Jesus ministered in these two instances.
  3. Read Luke 11:5-8. What excuse was given for not meeting the friend’s need? Do you think that this was a valid or acceptable excuse? Why or why not?
  4. Some of the duties of a priest were to make sacrifices, burn incense, and teach the people God’s Law. The Levites were appointed to assist the priests and, no doubt, had heard the message of the priest. In what way did they fail in their obligations?
  5. The Samaritans were absolutely despised by the Jews, and they had no dealings with each other. In spite of this, when the Good Samaritan saw the man’s suffering, what did he do?
  6. In John 5, we read of a man who suffered from a serious physical affliction. In verse 7, he tells Jesus why he had not been healed. What reason did he give? How might this relate to our duty to those who are physically disabled or afflicted?
  7. If you love your neighbor as yourself, what are some of the things you will be doing as outlined in the following Scriptures?
    Matthew 5:16
    John 13:35
    Romans 15:2
    Ephesians 4:32
    1 John 3:17
  8. Consider the admonition in our key verse that instructs us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Then note some of the ways we care for our physical, mental, and spiritual selves and our material requirements. Which of the ways noted should be extended to others?


  • Deuteronomy 15:7
  • Isaiah 58:10
  • Matthew 25:34-46

In this lesson we discuss the relationship between the members of the Body of Christ. Good relationships begin with individuals following Jesus first and then submitting to the authority of the ministry as discussed in previous lessons. When we put into practice the admonition given in our key verse, the end result is unity—oneness of spirit, aims, interests, and feelings among individuals. When this is present, we will receive God’s blessing and see much accomplished for the Lord.


  1. Give an example, Biblical or otherwise, where two or more worked in unity and achieved positive results.
  2. Define the following words as used in our key verse and text:
  3. We are told in Ephesians 4:2 to forbear one another in love. Give an example of how someone might need to forbear (endure or tolerate) you.
  4. Give an example of the coordination, or unity, that exists within your physical body. Then discus the result of a breakdown in this unity, such as a physical ailment. Finally, explain what Ephesians 4:15-16 means to you.
  5. Adam Clarke explains the phrase, in one accord, in this way: “It signifies that all their minds, affections, desires, and wishes, were concentrated in one object, every man having the same end in view; and, having but one desire, they had but one prayer to God, and every heart uttered it.” What are the advantages of the spiritual Body of Christ being in one accord?
  6. What is the difference between Christian unity and the unity in worldly organizations such as unions and political parties? With this thought in mind, what kind of statement can be made regarding the importance of maintaining Christian unity?
  7. In the space of thirteen verses in John 17 (verses 11-23), the need for oneness is mentioned four times. What conclusion can we draw from this passage of Scripture?
  8. Name five of the spiritual roles recorded in our text that Christ gave to men, and explain why He gave them.
  9. How is it possible to have spiritual unity among individuals with diverse personalities, backgrounds, and preferences?
  10. If a person finds himself in a situation where his unity with another is being threatened, what should he do?


In the first chapter of Acts we are told that Jesus, shortly before leaving this earth to go back to Heaven, commanded His disciples not to depart from Jerusalem until they were baptized with the Holy Ghost who would give them power to witness. Christ’s purpose for His followers today is that they witness to the unsaved and endeavor to win them for Him. All of us cannot be missionaries in foreign lands, but we can help to spread the Gospel. The man across the street needs to hear the story of Jesus just as much as the man on the other side of the ocean.


  1. Define witness as pertaining to the Gospel. Why cannot a sinner be an effective witness for Christ?
  2. Verbal communication is one way of witnessing. It can be used as an objective approach (one which points to Christ), or a subjective approach (one which points to one’s own experience). Which approach is used in Mark 5:18-19? in Acts 8:35? Which of the two approaches can be used by all Christians? Why?
  3. In our text, Paul is the chief speaker. As pertaining to objective and subjective witnessing, to which was he ordained? Along with the text, refer to Acts 26:9-19 for your answer.
  4. Prior to the earthquake, we have no record of a verbal witness to the jailer by Paul and Silas. Yet there must have been something which prompted him to ask the question, “What must I do to be saved?” What might this have been?
  5. Name some opportunities for nonverbal witnessing other than in times of persecution.
  6. What kind of testimony might the former demoniac of Gadara have given to his friends at home? (Mark 5:1-20) Contrast this to the testimony given by the little maid to Naaman’s wife. (2 Kings 5:1-3) What would be the main point of difference?
  7. In our text, we are given the admonition to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” How might this apply to those who do not have the privilege of standing in the pulpit to preach?
  8. Witnessing! Is it a spiritual gift given to some or a commandment to all Christians? See 1 Peter 3:15.


  • James 5:20

God gave His best when He sent His only Son Jesus to this earth so that we might have eternal life. His love lies at the very heart of Christianity and is the essential key to the relationship between God and man. God not only loves but He is love. All human love, whether Godward or manward, has its source in God. However, if it is not manifested toward both God and one’s fellowman it is dead and worthless. A Christian must love God supremely and his neighbor as himself; he must love his enemy as well as his brother. Love is the bond uniting all Christians as well as all Christian virtues.


  1. Paul the Apostle in 2 Corinthians 9:15 referred to Jesus Christ as God’s unspeakable gift. Give a definition of the word gift. Using your definition, compare the attributes of a gift in our secular society to Jesus—the great Gift that God gave.
  2. There are certain aspects of any gift which affect our regard for it: its usefulness, uniqueness, value, source, and durability. Using these five words, write a brief comment describing how each relates to Jesus—God’s Gift to us.
  3. The Wise Men who came to Jerusalem probably had little light on the birth of Christ, the manifestation of God’s love. Undoubtedly, they encountered many hardships and problems as they sought to find the newborn King. However, God in His love provided a means of leading the Wise Men to their hearts’ desire. What means does God’s love provide in our day to bring men to Him?
  4. The gifts the Wise Men brought to Jesus had a special significance, perhaps even beyond the comprehension of those who brought them. Gold was representative of deity; frankincense of worship or the priesthood of Christ; and myrrh of suffering. Match the following Scriptures with the appropriate gift:
    Isaiah 53:4-5
    Luke 1:35
    Hebrews 5:6
  5. What reason did the angel give to Joseph that the Child’s name should be Jesus?
  6. The name Jesus was not chosen by Joseph and Mary, but was given to them by the angel Gabriel. The name Jesus is a transliteration of the Hebrew name Joshua meaning, “Jehovah is salvation.” Using Philippians 2:9-11 as a reference, what place does the name Jesus hold in the plan of God? What is the meaning of your name?
  7. If we consider God’s love in sending Jesus to this world, we can see that it encompasses the whole of man’s needs. Colossians 2:10 says, “Ye are complete in him” (Jesus Christ). How many titles given to Jesus can you think of which lend credence to this statement? Examples: Wonderful, Counsellor, Good Shepherd, Bread of Life


Ezekiel 33:1-11; Jeremiah 3:15

The Word of God teaches us in many places that the ministers are instructed by God to feed us His Word, and they will be held accountable as to whether they have done this. We are taught to obey those who have the spiritual responsibility for the welfare of our souls.


  1. How did God provide for the spiritual leadership of His people in Old Testament times? See John 1:17 and 2 Peter 1:21.
  2. Under the Law, it was vitally important for the people to obey what “Thus saith the Lord” as it was revealed to them through His priests and prophets. Punishment, many times death, was inflicted on those who disobeyed (Hebrews 10:28). There are many places in the Scriptures where we are shown the importance of being obedient to those God has put in a position of authority over us. Why should His commands be obeyed and the instructions from His ministers and pastors be heeded in our day?
  3. What provisions did God make for the spiritual leadership of His people in the New Testament church? See Ephesians 4:11-12.
  4. The leader of a church congregation is usually called a pastor. Webster defines pastor as one who is a “shepherd of the flock,” or one who feeds the people spiritually. Note some of the responsibilities of a shepherd in Bible times, and parallel these duties to the duties of a pastor.
  5. Why is it important that a pastor, or one with similar responsibilities, seeks God’s guidance and wisdom in all the decisions he makes for the welfare of the congregation, and that he be faithful to the soul of each one?
  6. Many times, students in school are taught to think things out for themselves, to question authority, and, indirectly, not to submit to their elders. How does Hebrews 13:17 refute these humanistic teachings?
  7. At what age should children be taught to honor and obey their elders and ministers? See Isaiah 28:9.
  8. What kind of life does God’s Word command His ministers to live? (Titus 2:7-8) What effect will this type of example have on a minister’s congregation and on others who meet him?
  9. Why is it not necessary for us to fully understand the reason for each decision made by the ministry in order to heed it?


Matthew 4:18-22; 11:28-30; 16:24-27

Surrender to Christ brings a blessed relationship with the holiest, wisest, most powerful Being that is, was, or ever will be. This relationship affects all other associations we have, whether they are with the saved or unsaved. If we place Christ first in our lives, He will show us how our associations with those around us can be in conformity with His teachings.


  1. In the first portion of our text, Jesus called Peter and Andrew. In Matthew 11:28-30 the call was extended to become a universal invitation. Explain the steps necessary to enter into a relationship with Christ.
  2. Christ’s yoke is easy and light compared to the load of sin. Too often people have the idea that a yoke is heavy, and they don’t get much farther than that thought. In reality, yoking shares the load and the effort. A weaker, less experienced animal is yoked to a strong, lead animal. In essence, the lead animal pulls the heavier load or carries the most weight. With this thought in mind, what are the advantages of having Jesus’ yoke upon you?
  3. When Jesus met Peter and Andrew, He used these words to call them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” How would you explain the word follow? Using your definition, what do you think Jesus was really asking of these men?
  4. What was the reaction of these men? Give an example of one with an opposite reaction.
  5. How did this relationship with Christ affect other people with whom they came into contact? See Acts 4:13. How do people today recognize a follower of Christ?
  6. When Jesus spoke of taking up the cross, He was not referring to a symbol on a chain around the neck, a shiny pin on the lapel, or the smooth and varnished emblem at the front of the church. He was not speaking of a rough instrument of torture and death, but an evidence of self-denial and sacrifice. With this thought in mind, what can we determine regarding this command of Christ in relation to our lives? What advantage can there be for one in denying himself and taking up his cross?
  7. Explain Matthew 16:26 in your own words.
  8. Galatians 5:22-23 describes some of the characteristics we will evidence if we have a close relationship with Christ. How will these characteristics help us live in harmony with others?

Imagine walking through one of twelve enormous gates—each made of a single pearl—and being surrounded by massive walls of crystal-clear jasper. People may stroll along streets of pure gold, to a beautiful, pure river that is also crystal clear. On either side of the river is the tree of life bearing twelve kinds of fruit. Everyone is so happy! There is no sorrow or crying or pain. This City was prepared for you by God himself. It is more than just an imaginary scene. It was revealed by God to John the Revelator, and it will someday become a reality to us if we prepare for it here on earth.


  1. What great event precedes the coming of the new heaven and the new earth? See Revelation 20:11.
  2. Write a brief description of the new Jerusalem that John saw.
  3. Explain what the absence of sorrow, pain, crying, and death will mean to you.
  4. Revelation 21:7 tells us that “He that overcometh shall inherit all things.” What constitutes an overcomer? See 1 John 5:4-5; Revelation 2:26; 12:11.
  5. Who will be excluded from the new Jerusalem?
  6. Who is the Light in this City? How does that relate to us today? See John 8:12; Matthew 5:14-16.
  7. 2 Peter 3:13 lets us know that there will be only goodness in the new heavens and new earth. Not everyone will be able to enter. How can you be sure you will have a part in that wonderful place?
  • 2 Peter 3:13-14

The seven-sealed book spoken of in Revelation 5 is generally thought of as a scroll or a series of scrolls, each portion being sealed with an individual seal. It is thought by many that this book has to do with the price and purchase of redemption. God’s plan for the salvation of mankind from sin had to be fulfilled before the seals could be broken. As we begin our text we find this question, “Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?”


  1. In reference to the seven-sealed book in Heaven, John wept when the strong angel proclaimed that “no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.” He then was comforted by an elder who assured him that there was One who was worthy, One who prevailed. Who was worthy? What is significant about the name which the elder used as a title for Him?
  2. In Revelation 5:6, John speaks of seeing a “Lamb as it had been slain.” Who is the “Lamb,” and what is the significance of the Lamb to the Christian?
  3. Why was only the Lamb worthy to open this Book and the seals?
  4. After we are redeemed, it is important to offer our thanksgiving and praise through prayer. Verse 8 tells us that these prayers are not wasted. Explain, using our text and Revelation 8:3-4.
  5. In Revelation 4 and again in this lesson, the description is given of twenty-four elders and four beasts (or living creatures). What is their position in Heaven (Revelation 4:4,6), and how did they arrive at this exalted state?
  6. What was the theme of the “new song” sung by the four beasts and the elders?
  7. In our key verse, we read that mankind was created for God’s pleasure. How can mankind live to please God (Hebrews 12:14)? Find at least two additional Scripture references which give other ways to please God.
  8. Verses 11-14 speak about the universal worship of the Lamb in Heaven. What are some ways we worship the Lord while we are still on earth?



At the time of the Great White Throne Judgment, God will assemble before Him all the unsaved, “small and great,” regardless of what their status on earth might have been. The wicked dead are raised; death holding the body and Hades the soul, surrender their prisoners. In the agony and shame of their sins, they stand before a Throne which is described as “great” and “white.” Each sinner is face to face with God alone, and is doomed because he did not accept God’s salvation. The doom of the unsaved is a “lake of fire,” the place of isolation from God for all evil and sinners.


  1. When does the Great White Throne Judgment take place? What happens to the devil just prior to this time? See Revelation 20:5-10.
  2. The overcoming saints will not be judged at the White Throne Judgment. Why?
  3. What three words in verse 12 of our text show us that even a person who considers himself to be insignificant will be at the Great White Throne Judgment?
  4. How do we know that the sinner who has had his body cremated will still be at the Great White Throne Judgment?
  5. What is the importance of the record kept in the Book of Life? Why do you think this book will be opened at the Great White Throne Judgment?
  6. To get our names recorded in the Book of Life we must experience God’s forgiveness for our sins. How can we receive this forgiveness? See 1 John 1:9.
  7. How is it possible to have your name removed from the Book of Life? See Exodus 32:33.
  8. What is recorded in the “books” mentioned in our text?
  9. What is the second death? See Revelation 21:8.



Something big is about to happen. Jesus Christ is coming for His Church. Once He has come and taken them to be with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the full fury of the Great Tribulation will break upon our world with the Antichrist as the world ruler. Then the climax of the Tribulation will take place when Christ returns with His saints at the time of the Battle of Armageddon.


  1. Jesus’ ascension into Heaven is recorded in Acts 1:9-11. In Zechariah 14:4-5 and Revelation 1:7 we read of the coming of Jesus Christ as King. Note here some similarities between Christ’s ascension and His return to govern the world.
  2. After reading the text in Matthew 24:29-31 and Revelation 6:15-17, describe how the sinners will react to the Revelation of Christ.
  3. Using Revelation 1:13-16 and 19:11-16, describe the manner and appearance of Jesus Christ as He leads His heavenly army to meet Satan’s earthly army in the Battle of Armageddon. Complete the following statements:
    He is riding
    His eyes are like
    On His head are
    His clothing was
    His name is called
    Out of His mouth goes
    On His clothing was written
    His feet were
    His countenance was like
  4. What does Revelation 19:19 predict?
  5. Where is this great battle to be fought? See Revelation 16:14,16.
  6. What characterized the armies which followed Christ from Heaven? See Revelation 19:8,14.
  7. During the battle, what happened to the Beast and the false prophet?
  8. What happened to the army of the Antichrist?
  9. Who came with Christ when He came back from Heaven?
  10. How can we qualify to be a part of Christ’s army when He comes back to earth to destroy the Antichrist and rule for a thousand years? See Revelation 3:5.



During the period known as the Great Tribulation, there will be misery, suffering, trouble, and sorrow such as this world has never known. It will be a time of God’s wrath upon the earth because of mankind’s rejection of God’s love and mercy. Human language could never paint the horrible picture that will unfold here on earth during this time. We try to imagine as best we can, using the insights that the Word of God gives us, yet it is certain that our minds grasp only a small portion of the horror that will be the experience of those who live on the earth during this fearful period.


  1. After the saints are raptured, the term “tribulation” is never mentioned again in Holy Scripture. Instead, the term “wrath of God” is mentioned thirteen times from Revelation 6:16 to 19:15, during which time “they repented not,” is mentioned three times. Using Romans 1:18 as a reference, tell why this time of trouble comes upon the earth.
  2. What is the time frame of the plagues listed in our text, as compared to the other happenings in the Book of Revelation?
  3. The plagues spoken of in Revelation 16 are literal and are not meant to be spiritualized or symbolized. List the seven plagues mentioned.
  4. Compare the reaction of Pharaoh to the plagues in Egypt (Exodus 7:13), to the reaction of the people on the earth at the time of the seven plagues.
  5. Describe what takes place when the sixth vial is poured out.
  6. Give the meaning of Jesus’ words, “It is finished” (John 19:30), and the words of the great Voice out of the Temple of Heaven, “It is done.”

The name Antichrist introduces to us one who is absolutely opposed to Jesus Christ. The spirit of antichrist is already in the world, working in the children of disobedience. As Jesus Christ is the express image of God, so it appears that the Antichrist is the culminating manifestation of Satan. Also known as the Beast, his coming is through Satan who gives him power to work signs and lying wonders. His reign during the Tribulation will be ushered in by flatteries, prosperity, and a call for peace, but he will cause all, both small and great, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, to take a mark which seals their doom.


  1. What is another name given for the Antichrist? Using 2 John 7 as a reference, explain the purpose of the Antichrist.
  2. Since the spirit of antichrist is in the world today, how can we avoid being deceived? The answer can be found in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
  3. Using Matthew 24:24, tell how the spirit of antichrist will work, and the schemes that will be used.
  4. As the Antichrist gains control of the world during the Tribulation period, those who follow him will wear an identifying mark. What are the consequences of having the mark?
  5. Anyone who does not take the mark will not be allowed to buy or sell. The Antichrist will have complete control of all the world’s economy: commercial, political, and religious. Name some specific aspects of your own life which would be affected by such control.
  6. What role does the false prophet perform during the Tribulation period? See Revelation 19:20.
  7. What will be the end of the Beast (Antichrist), the false prophet, and the devil? See Revelation 20:10.
  8. What can we do each day to be accounted worthy to escape all these things and to be ready to stand faultless before the Son of Man? See Luke 21:36.



We live in the dispensation of the Holy Ghost. God has sent His Spirit into the world to seek a Bride for His Son. When the Bride has made herself ready, and when the time on God’s clock has reached the hour that He has appointed, the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, will appear in the azure above to catch away His Bride. Then the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will take place while the Great Tribulation is running its course here on the earth. No wonder that the text tells us, “Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.”


  1. Matthew 9:14-15 and John 3:28-29 help us understand that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is the Bridegroom at the Marriage Supper. Draw a parallel between an earthly bridegroom and Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom of those who have made themselves ready.
  2. The Bride of Christ is made up of overcoming saints who have “washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” What is the significance of the white wedding apparel of the Lamb’s wife as indicated in the following Scriptures?
    2 Corinthians 11:2
    Ephesians 5:27
    2 Peter 3:14
    Revelation 3:4-5
    Revelation 19:8
  3. In our Matthew text, we read a parable about a king who made a marriage for his son. Describe what happened to the guest who came without a wedding garment, and make a spiritual application.
  4. Luke 12:35-37 tells us that at the Supper, the Lord himself will serve those servants whose lights are burning. Describe the feelings one might have realizing they are being served by Jesus, and compare them to the feelings Peter might have had when Jesus washed his feet. See John 13:6-9.
  5. After the Lord’s coming at the Rapture, He will reward His servants for faithful service. What are some of the rewards promised to the overcomer? See Revelation 2:7,11,17,26-28; 3:5,12,21.
  6. Two of Jesus’ parables in Matthew liken the Kingdom of Heaven to a marriage — Matthew 22:1-4 and 25:1-13. The requirements for being in the wedding party are very specific. If we fail to meet these requirements we will be left behind. Name some of these as shown in the following Scriptures:
    Matthew 22:3
    Matthew 22:5 and Luke 14:18-20
    Matthew 22:11-13
    Matthew 22:14
    Matthew 25:6,13
    Matthew 25:7-8
  7. The Apostle was instructed to write, “Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.” In Revelation 17:14, those who are with the Lamb are “called, and chosen, and faithful.” In your own words, identify the called, the chosen, and the faithful.




According to Scripture, the Second Coming of Christ encompasses two separate events: the Rapture of the saints, experienced only by those who are overcomers; and the Revelation of Christ, when Jesus comes with His saints from Heaven to set up His Kingdom. During the intervening time, the raptured saints will meet at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, while the Great Tribulation is taking place here on earth. In this lesson we will be studying the Rapture of the Church.


  1. The dictionary gives several definitions for the word rapture. Which definition best fits the event described in our key verse?
  2. At the time of the Rapture, who will rise first? What happens next?
  3. What is the difference between the words resurrect and translate? Paraphrase our key verse using these two words.
  4. We read in Revelation 1:7 that every eye shall see Him. This is speaking of the Revelation of Christ, not the Rapture. Why are we sure that only the saints will see Christ at the Rapture?
  5. What is the warning implied in our text in 1 Thessalonians 5, as well as in Matthew 24:27 and 1 Corinthians 15:52?
  6. The Bible teaches that there will be a great separation when Jesus comes for those who are ready. After reading Luke 17:34-36 and Matthew 25:10-12, describe the two groups mentioned in these accounts.
  7. What change will take place in our physical bodies at the Rapture (Philippians 3:20-21)? Using the following Scriptures, describe the characteristics of Jesus’ glorified body:
    Matthew 28:9
    Luke 24:31
    Luke 24:41-43
    John 20:19
    Acts 1:9
  8. In reading the following Scriptures, what conclusions can we draw as to the timing of the Rapture in regard to the Tribulation and the revealing of the Antichrist? See Isaiah 26:20-21; Matthew 24:37; Luke 21:36; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8.
  9. What promises do these Scriptures contain for those who look for His coming?
    Matthew 24:45-47
    John 14:3
    Hebrews 9:28





Just the knowledge that we are living in the last days does not make us ready for Jesus’ coming. We are commanded to watch for His coming, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 25:13). True watching is an attitude of mind and heart, which would joyfully and quickly turn from any occupation or activity to meet the Lord. In this lesson, we will consider how we can be ready. It is vital to prove by our daily living that we both know and are prepared for the most exciting event of all ages—the Rapture of the Church.


  1. At Jesus’ coming, the Bride of Christ will be raptured to meet Him in the air. Look up the following Scriptures and determine what qualities the Bride will have.
    Psalm 15:1-3
    Psalm 24:3-4
    Matthew 5:8
    Ephesians 5:27
    Titus 2:11-13
    Revelation 19:7-8
  2. A number of sins are listed in Galatians 5:19-21, including adultery, fornication, witchcraft, and drunkenness. The sins listed are commonly accepted by many in the world today, even in some so-called religious circles. What does the Bible say about those who do such things? How do the above sins compare with those of Noah’s time?
  3. Use Hebrews 9:28 and 1 John 3:2 to fill in the blanks in the following statements: The purpose of Christ’s first coming was to bear the _________________________ with His death on Calvary. To those who look for Him, He shall appear the second time without ________________________________ unto ______________________. We know that, when He shall appear, __________________________; for our bodies shall be changed to be like Christ’s glorified body. These promises apply to those who can say, “Now are we the ____________________________.”
  4. Read the parable of the ten virgins given in Matthew 25:1-13. Why were some of the virgins left behind? What will it take to be a “wise virgin”? Use 1 John 1:6-7 as a supplementary Scripture in formulating your response.
  5. Prior to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry at His first coming, John the Baptist preached, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.” The message of the Gospel to mankind today anticipates Jesus’ second coming. Compare the responses of men in those days, with the responses of men today.
  6. Compare Matthew 24:42-44 and 1 Thessalonians 5:6. What point do these verses make?
  7. In spite of Noah’s warnings for about 120 years, life continued as before, with man’s attention diverted to things other than the coming Flood. List some things that you think capture the attention of people today, preventing them from being ready for Jesus’ return.
  8. What will be the consequences of our not being ready? See Revelation 21:8.#



Genesis 22:15-18 — Promise to Abraham

Deuteronomy 28:64-66; Ezekiel 37:21-22 — Dispersion and restoration of people

Leviticus 26:27,31-33; Ezekiel 36:8-11,29-35 — Desolation and restoration of land

Leviticus 26:42-46 — National identity

The nation of Israel began with a promise to Abraham. Its name was taken from that of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. In later years the twelve tribes were dispersed in fulfillment of earlier prophecies. When they were restored to their land and became a nation in 1948, they named their country Israel.


  1. In reference to our text, what were the promises God made to Abraham?
  2. How were all the nations of the earth blessed through the seed of Abraham? See Matthew 1:1,21.
  3. Ten tribes of Israel went into captivity to the king of Assyria and were dispersed according to the prophecy in Deuteronomy 28. Why and how did this occur? See Deuteronomy 28:58 and 2 Kings 17:6-8.
  4. Jeremiah 25:1,11 tell us that the kingdom of Judah (which included the tribe of Benjamin) would go into captivity for seventy years. The name of the king who would order their return to Jerusalem was prophesied some two hundred years earlier in Isaiah 44:28. Read 2 Chronicles 36:22-23, and tell how these verses show a fulfillment of both of these prophecies.
  5. The destruction of the Temple, as foretold by Jesus, occurred when the Roman general, Titus, captured the city in A.D. 70. However, Jews continued to live in the land of Israel until A.D. 135. The Roman emperor, Hadrian, decided to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, make it a Roman colony, and build a temple to Jupiter on the former site of the Jewish Temple. The Jews revolted and were defeated and scattered over all the world, not having a nation of their own until 1948. What prophecy does this fulfill?
  6. For over 1800 years the Jews were without a homeland. Why, in spite of all their persecution, were they not completely destroyed?
  7. God told the Children of Israel that their land would be desolate if they disobeyed. Other than by the dispersion, how did God accomplish this? See Deuteronomy 28:23-24.
  8. What other events in today’s history verify that Ezekiel’s prophecy is coming to pass? Bring some documentation to class from current encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, etc.


Time is running out! The human race today is facing a crisis that is literally unimaginable for most people. But indicators in God’s Word reveal that the dramatic events happening all around us signal the end time is at hand. In this quarter we will be delving into these events and their meanings in light of prophecy. In the heart of every true believer is the assurance that Jesus Christ will come back to earth and deal with the insurmountable troubles that face this globe, and will establish His dominion here upon earth. This quarter revolves around the statements made by a group of ancient Hebrew prophets, whose predictions and statements have the stamp of divine authenticity. Much of what they prophesied is yet to come. But we can have confidence in their predictions. All of their prophecies whose time for fulfillment has already come have been literally fulfilled with 100 percent accuracy. The events detailed by John in the Book of Revelation are interwoven with these earlier prophecies. The first lesson focuses on Christ. By establishing the validity of prophetic statements concerning Him, we provide a basis for the remaining lessons in the quarter and for our faith that soon the end-time prophecies will be fulfilled. The second lesson moves on to explore prophecies concerning the nation of Israel which have already been fulfilled. The third lesson, Signs of the Times, establishes where we now stand on the time-line of history. Succeeding lessons move on into events prophesied which are yet to come. The purpose of this quarter is to help us understand the events we are facing in this world and to recognize the urgency of being ready for the most exciting and glorious event of all—the Rapture of the Church




Isaiah 28:16-18                 1 Peter 2:6-7
Psalm 118:22                      Acts 4:8-12
Isaiah 7:14                          Matthew 1:18
Isaiah 53:3                         John 1:11
Isaiah 53:12                       Matthew 27:38
Isaiah 9:7                            Matthew 1:1
Zechariah 12:10                John 19:34
Psalm 34:20                      John 19:33
Psalm 16:10                        Matthew 28:9

What is going to happen next? Today as never before people are striving to find out what the future holds. If one makes the claim that he understands prophecy, people will flock to hear him. Many are turning to fortune-tellers, astrologers, and the occult to find answers. In our lessons for this quarter, we are going to study what God inspired some of the old-time prophets to write concerning the days in which we now live. Since they also foretold Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection with 100 percent accuracy, we can believe that their predictions of the present time and of coming events will certainly happen.

The dictionary definition of the word prophet is, “one who declares what will happen in the future, one inspired by God to teach His will to men and to announce future events.” How is it that seers, specialists in the occult, etc., of our day, appear to be correct in some cases?
What are the qualifications of a true prophet? How can we determine if the words of a prophet in our day are true or false?
In Matthew 21:42, Jesus refers to Psalm 118:22. Why do you think He made this reference?
Read Acts 4:11, Ephesians 2:20, and our key verse. What do these Scriptures have in common?
Genesis 3:15 is the first prophetic reference to Jesus in the Bible. How do you think the salvation of a sinner “bruises” the head of Satan?
Which Scripture in our text foretells the virgin birth? How does the fulfilling Scripture in the New Testament confirm it?
Isaiah 9:7 tells of Jesus upon the throne of David. Matthew 1:1 confirms that He was of the lineage of David. How long will Jesus actually sit on the throne of David? See Luke 1:31-33.
In Psalm 34:20 there appears an isolated prophecy concerning the crucifixion of Jesus. How does John 19:32-33 confirm this?
Read Isaiah 53:3, then define the words despised and rejected. Using John 1:11, with these definitions in mind, write your own description of how the Jews received Christ.
In the study of this lesson we have seen how the prophecies about Christ have been fulfilled with complete accuracy. What does this reveal to you concerning the prophecies of the future?


Time is running out! The human race today is facing a crisis that is literally unimaginable for most people. But indicators in God’s Word reveal that the dramatic events happening all around us signal the end time is at hand. In this quarter we will be delving into these events and their meanings in light of prophecy. In the heart of every true believer is the assurance that Jesus Christ will come back to earth and deal with the insurmountable troubles that face this globe, and will establish His dominion here upon earth. This quarter revolves around the statements made by a group of ancient Hebrew prophets, whose predictions and statements have the stamp of divine authenticity. Much of what they prophesied is yet to come. But we can have confidence in their predictions. All of their prophecies whose time for fulfillment has already come have been literally fulfilled with 100 percent accuracy. The events detailed by John in the Book of Revelation are interwoven with these earlier prophecies. The first lesson focuses on Christ. By establishing the validity of prophetic statements concerning Him, we provide a basis for the remaining lessons in the quarter and for our faith that soon the end-time prophecies will be fulfilled. The second lesson moves on to explore prophecies concerning the nation of Israel which have already been fulfilled. The third lesson, Signs of the Times, establishes where we now stand on the timeline of history. Succeeding lessons move on into events prophesied which are yet to come. The purpose of this quarter is to help us understand the events we are facing in this world and to recognize the urgency of being ready for the most exciting and glorious event of all—the Rapture of the Church.




As we look at the three words which express the theme for this quarter—pardoned, prepared, and powerful—we find a spiritual goal set before each of us. God’s part and our part in each of these words are closely intertwined. When we come to God in a spirit of consecration and surrender, He pardons our sins, prepares us for service by giving us the deeper spiritual experiences, and makes us powerful witnesses to the world. As we review the lessons we have studied this past quarter, let us not fail to give honor to God who has provided so much for us.


  1. How do the consequences of Adam’s disobedience extend to all mankind? See Romans 5:12. Given that knowledge, what is our hope? See 1 Corinthians 15:22
  2. What does the word redemption mean, as used in the Biblical sense?
  3. What is the difference between conviction and repentance, and why are both necessary?
  4. Salvation is a gift, and our redemption was purchased on Calvary by the Blood of Jesus. Still, action must be taken to receive this experience. Read Ephesians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 7:10, and 1 John 1:9, and then describe this action.
  5. Is the great work of sanctification immaterial? Is it left to the individual Christian as to whether he should seek for this second definite work of grace? Why or why not? See Genesis 17:1, Leviticus 11:44, and 1 Thessalonians 4:3.
  6. In reference to Acts 1:8, what does the Holy Ghost bring into our lives? Why is it important to put this into action?
  7. Jesus’ command, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) was basically limited to personal witnessing. Preaching to large groups was also a possibility, as the Apostle Peter did on the Day of Pentecost. What are some of the means of communication used effectively in spreading the Gospel today? How can each individual help in this endeavor?
  8. The Gospel in the early time of the Apostles had been preached only to the Jews, Samaritans who observed the Law of Moses, and converts to Judaism (known as proselytes), excluding the Gentiles. Peter, in preaching at Cornelius’ home, stated, “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). What was the significance of this statement? What happened as Peter was preaching?
  9. We have often heard the quote, “Keep on keeping on.” Several Scriptures encourage us to do this in order to have complete victory. List some of the ways Satan would try to hinder our walk with the Lord. In addition, list some of the ways we can fight the enemy’s attack. See James 4:7, 1 Peter 1:13, Isaiah 26:3, James 1:12, and Galatians 6:9.



Down through the centuries battles have been won and battles have been lost. Yet, in every conflict there is a common goal—VICTORY! That victory may have been conquering a hill, a city, a country, or it may just be achieving a personal goal. To the Christian engaged in spiritual conflict with the “enemy” of his soul, victory means “enduring unto the end” and spending eternity with Jesus.


  1. Paul commanded Timothy to be “instant in season, out of season.” How can we as Christians do this?
  2. Before a person can go to battle he must identify the enemy. List ways that you think might help one to be able to identify his spiritual enemy.
  3. Timothy was told, “watch thou in all things.” Why is it necessary that we watch? See 1 Peter 5:8.
  4. The enemy challenges Christians in every phase of life: in school, at home, on the job, wherever they are. How will one who has determined to endure to the end respond when he encounters:
    Physical affliction
    Pressure from acquaintances
    Financial burdens
  5. Verse 5 of our text lists three other things that the Christian is instructed to do in addition to enduring affliction, the subject of our lesson. What are these three things, and what connection can you see between each of them and the command to “endure afflictions”?
  6. Everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike, have things in their lives that they must endure. Afflictions come to Christians for various reasons. Explain. See 1 Peter 2:19-20.
  7. How would you relate the word motivation to the Christian walk? What is our motivation to endure for Christ’s sake? What are some ways we might be able to increase our motivation?
  8. Every Christian will not face the same set of circumstances or trials. What are some specific things a Christian may endure for Christ? Consider Biblical examples as well as examples from your own knowledge or experience.
  9. In verses 7 and 8 of our text, Paul speaks of having finished his course, and goes on to tell about the reward he expects to receive. Those that “love his appearing” are eligible for the same reward. In Revelation 3:11, we find the key to Christian endurance. State it in your own words.



The Christian soldier’s strength and power is in the Lord. God has provided spiritual armor for us. It is not enough for us to know that it is available. If we are to stand in the day of battle we must put the armor on. The battle is not against foes which we can see, but against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God” (2 Corinthians 10:4). The armor of God has several parts, and like any system of personal armor, works best when it is complete. As we put on each part and use it effectively we can be more than conquerors.


  1. In our text, the first mention of the armor is that the loins be girt about with truth. In the context of this verse what does truth mean? Using Jesus’ experience in the wilderness of temptation, explain the importance of this part of the armor. See Matthew 4:1-11.
  2. The second piece of equipment is the breastplate of righteousness. Can you explain the difference between self-righteousness and the righteousness received from God? Use Matthew 3:7-10 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 as references.
  3. Another part of the armor is the helmet of salvation. Read how it is described in 1 Thessalonians 5:8. Using Isaiah 26:3, explain the importance of having our minds covered with the helmet of salvation.
  4. The Christian soldier’s feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. This allows him to be prepared at all times to declare God’s peace and goodwill to the world. Using 2 Timothy 4:2 and 1 Peter 3:15, define preparation as it relates to our walk with Christ. List ways we can be better prepared for Christian service.
  5. “Above all, taking the shield of faith.” Why is faith so important in this spiritual warfare? And why, “above all”?
  6. We have observed thus far that all of the pieces of armor mentioned have been of a protective nature. However, the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, is designed to be used both offensively and defensively. It is to guard the Christian soldier, and by it he can vanquish all his foes. The Sword can be adapted to every state and circumstance in which we are placed. How can we effectively use the Sword of the Spirit? See Psalm 119:11 and 2 Timothy 2:15.
  7. Prayer is essential to the Christian warfare. What did the Apostle Paul mean when he said, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit”?
  8. Ephesians 6:11,13 refers to the “whole armour of God.” What a relief to know that we do not have to lean upon our own understanding to provide proper protection. The Christian warfare is a battle of right against wrong. Some have said that the best defense is a good offense. A Christian is not merely holding his own, but is moving forward and defeating the enemy. Where, in your own life, might you use the offensive weapons illustrated by the following verses: Proverbs 15:1; Romans 12:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:15?



It is good, especially in the work of the Lord, if responsibility can be distributed among as many people as possible. This is sound practice for several reasons. In the first place, there are to be no “lords over God’s heritage” (1 Peter 5:3), but all are to be “subject one to another,” and “clothed with humility” (1 Peter 5:5). Like the stones that were cut and shaped in the quarries and then brought to the Temple site, the saints of God are prepared by God for a specific place in His Church. This is accomplished through the consecration of one’s self to God and the seeking of His gifts and graces. All of God’s people have a place in the work of the Lord. None are excluded; none are forgotten; none are to be inactive. None are considered unworthy of some place in the service of God—in a capacity that fits their capabilities. Each one, then, will be rewarded for the manner in which he fills his God-given responsibility.


  1. What was the first recorded task Philip was asked to do for the Lord? Why was this task so important? What types of helpers are most needed in the church today?
  2. The duties to which Philip and the other six men were appointed consisted of ministering to a physical rather than a spiritual need. Why, then, would the Apostles require spiritual qualifications? See John 4:23-24.
  3. In your own words define the spiritual qualifications required by the Apostles for this task.
  4. What circumstances brought Philip to Samaria (Acts 8:3-5)? How did he seem to react to his circumstances?
  5. Philip was the first called upon to help the Apostles, and in Acts 8:14-15 we read how two of the Apostles came to help Philip. In what way did Peter and John help Philip? How did their actions set an example for us?
  6. Give a specific example of how a person was used of God to help you.
  7. In today’s lesson, how did being full of the Holy Ghost help Philip?
  8. Philip was living his life to be used of God when suddenly he had the opportunity to speak to one who wanted to hear the message he had. God gave him that privilege because he was living a spotless life, filled with God’s Spirit. Many people have similar opportunities today only to be passed by because their ears aren’t in tune with God’s directing Spirit. How can you insure that you will be alert to the opportunities God sends your way?





Up to this time the Gospel had been preached only to the Jews, Samaritans who observed the Law of Moses, and converts to Judaism. The Apostles seemed to think that the Gentiles had to be circumcised before they could be accepted into the Church. However, God soon made it plain that the Gospel message was to all men. In this lesson we learn that, by an extraordinary series of events, an orthodox Jew is witnessing to a Roman centurion. It was God’s divine orchestration that caused this unusual occurrence.


  1. What spiritual attributes did Cornelius, the Roman centurion, exhibit that caused God to take note of his life (Acts 10:2)? What conclusions can be drawn about the type of person this man was?
  2. Peter had a vision of a sheet which was let down from Heaven. In the sheet were all kinds of animals that were considered by the Jews to be unclean, but God revealed to Peter that they had been cleansed. God used this to open his understanding that the Gentiles were to be full beneficiaries of God’s graces. Why is this revelation of such great importance to us?
  3. We see the moving of the Holy Spirit throughout this entire account. He moved in Cornelius’ house in Caesarea, and then at the house in which Peter was staying in Joppa—He instructed Cornelius to send for Peter, and told Peter to return with Cornelius’ servants. What is the limit to which God will go to reach a hungry soul? Relate an experience in your own life or in the life of an acquaintance wherein the Holy Spirit has worked in a special way in this regard.
  4. Why would it have been natural for Peter and the Jews who went with him to hesitate to go into Cornelius’ house? See Acts 10:28 and Leviticus 20:26.
  5. As Peter preached Jesus to Cornelius and his house, they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Verse 34 of our text states, “God is no respecter of persons.” In the context of Peter’s statement, what is the significance of this verse? Name several souls who would have been lost if Jesus had not reached out to them, even though others thought they were not worthy.
  6. Paul the Apostle recognized the universality of the Gospel call, and this was reflected in his words to the Romans. He told them, “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call on him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:12-13). Elaborate on the ways the Lord is “rich” to anyone who comes to Him in honest repentance.
  7. Read Matthew 28:19-20, and note here the phrase which ties these two verses to the theme of this lesson. Think of a story or conversion experience of someone you know about which illustrates this theme.






After His resurrection, Jesus gave His eleven disciples what we now call the Great Commission. He told them to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone. The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus lives, and all who believe on Him will be saved. The disciples were to teach the people God’s Word and to assure them that Jesus’ presence would always be with them. That commission is for Christians today too. The world has grown and every Christian has his or her part to do in spreading the Gospel. Great joy is experienced by all who love Jesus, when a new soul is added to the Church.


  1. Just before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave His Great Commission. What was that Commission, and who were directed to have a part in the work?
  2. Constant communion with God the Father was vitally important for the disciples, and the Holy Spirit was the important communicating Agent that they needed. He fills the same office for the Church on earth today. Name several of the ways in which overcoming Christians are dependent upon the Holy Spirit today.
  3. Jesus told His disciples, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Jesus imparts a portion of that power to His followers to help them perform the work of His Kingdom on earth. How was this God-given power to be used? Were the disciples to rule with rigor the Church and people who came under their influence?
  4. The disciples were to preach Christ’s message of salvation. That message was not just for a select few. Jesus had commanded them to preach to “every creature,” wherever they could be found. What were the results that followed the disciples as they went forth preaching and teaching as Jesus had commanded?
  5. Although Jesus’ Great Commission was given to the eleven disciples who were with Him at the time, they could not speak the Gospel to every person in every part of the world throughout all the ages of time. However, the Gospel faithfully proclaimed made new disciples who in turn took up the commission. We know that Jesus promised, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” What did He mean by that?
  6. The Apostle Paul is an example of one who became a “new disciple,” and obeyed Christ’s command to preach the Gospel. Name some of the situations that Paul faced during his ministry.
  7. Implicit faith in the Son of God will bring about great and marvelous things. Jesus assured the disciples that mighty miracles would follow their preaching of the truth. List some Scriptures which give us assurance that Jesus Christ still manifests Himself in behalf of those who truly honor and work for Him today.
  8. The Great Commission included water baptism. It is an outward act that is indicative of the inward work performed by the grace of God. It is performed in behalf of those who have given their lives to Christ. How is the Holy Trinity represented in the ordinance of water baptism?




  1. The disciples were commanded to tarry in Jerusalem until they received the power. Why was it important for the disciples to wait for this power, rather than to start right away to preach the Gospel? How does this principle apply to us?
  2. Jesus told His disciples He would send the “promise of the Father” upon them. This promise was that they would be baptized with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:4-5). See also Joel 2:28. What does it mean to be baptized with the Holy Ghost? What is the purpose for which this experience is given? See also John 14:26 and 15:26.
  3. There is no Scripture or verbal instruction by Christ that the disciples were to seek for a manifestation of tongues when seeking the gift of the Holy Ghost. If not tongues, what were they instructed to seek for? See Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8.
  4. What phenomenon in the receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost convinced the listeners that this was of God?
  5. The disciples did not know how long they would have to continue in prayer, but they were encouraged that before many more days had passed they would receive the Gift. What spiritual attributes did the disciples display as they waited for the outpouring of the Spirit? See Acts 1:14 and 2:1.
  6. It is interesting to note that among the first acts recorded after the Day of Pentecost is that of disciples going to a prayer meeting. What significance does this hold for us in our day?
  7. What was one of the first acts Peter did which gave evidence of the power he received at Pentecost by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
  8. Some may feel that only those who are called to be preachers, evangelists, missionaries, or to do similar services need the baptism of the Holy Ghost. What does Acts 6:1-6 reveal to us?





  1. When a person turns to God, repenting of and forsaking his sins, God is faithful and just to forgive those sins. However, there still remains in the heart the sin-principle which was born in him. He is not responsible for it; it was handed down from his forebears. Yet, God has made a way for this to be removed. The same Sacrifice that brought salvation to man also provides the means by which he might be sanctified—a second, definite work of grace in the heart, in which the principle of sin, or Adamic nature, is eradicated. Therefore it is necessary to seek sanctification.


  1. Who was Jesus praying for in John 17:9? What would you say was the spiritual condition of these people? Why do you think so?
  2. What verse from today’s lesson proves that the world hates the followers of Jesus? Why is this true?
  3. In verse 11, Jesus prayed to His Father, “that they may be one, as we are.” Ephesians 4:3-6 gives a further description of this oneness. Why is this unity among believers so vital?
  4. Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” What is sanctification? How does this experience help a follower of Jesus?
  5. The dictionary gives two definitions for the word sanctify: “to set aside for a sacred purpose or to consecrate,” and “to free from sin, or purify.” When Jesus said, “I sanctify myself,” to which of the definitions did He refer? How do the two definitions apply to us when we seek to be sanctified?
  6. How do we know that sanctification is within God’s will for us? See John 17:15-20; 1 Thessalonians 4:3.
  7. Why is sanctification necessary in the life of a Christian? See Matthew 5:8; Hebrews 12:14.
  8. Describe, in your own words, what you think the key verse means. See also Leviticus 16:11-19,27.
  9. How do we know that Jesus’ prayer was answered in the lives of His disciples? See Acts 2:1.






After a person has been convicted of his sins and is truly repentant, he must believe that the Lord will save him. He will then receive an experience of Bible salvation, an act of God’s grace by which he receives forgiveness of sins. This is not just a mental assent or a hope-so or guess-so type of Christianity, but His Spirit will witness with that one that he is a child of God. See Romans 8:16.


  1. Give the meaning of the word quickened, as used in the first verse of our text. Review the last two lessons which deal with conviction and repentance. How do these two words relate to the word quickened?
  2. Explain in your own words what walking “according to the course of this world” might mean.
  3. Peter tells us that our salvation has been purchased through the shedding of the Blood of Jesus on Calvary. He speaks of this as redemption, and explains that this was God’s plan for our salvation before the world was created. These words are precious to us when we consider that Jesus gave His own life to be our Redeemer. Redemption means literally, “the buying back and freeing of our souls from sin and its penalty, death,” which was brought upon the world by Adam’s transgression. Jesus paid the ransom price in the only way possible to satisfy God’s justice, by the shedding of His innocent Blood. How can this great salvation be obtained, and why is it necessary?
  4. If after one has been converted he then returns to sin, is that person still a Christian? Using Ezekiel 33:12; 2 Peter 2:20-21; and 1 John 3:8-9; 5:18, explain your answer.
  5. Our text states that God is merciful and has great love for us. Do you think He might overlook just a little sin in our lives? Explain.
  6. Who is the prince of the power of the air? What influence does he have in the lives of sinners? How does he attract the Christian?
  7. Who are the children of disobedience? Who are the children of wrath?
  8. Tell in your own words the meaning of verses 6 and 7 of our text.






When Jesus began to preach, His message was, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). What is repentance? Who is to repent? How does repentance affect an individual? God’s Spirit causes us to understand that this message comes from Heaven and is directed to each of us. We cannot repent without God’s help. So the Holy Spirit was sent into the world to “reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8), thus leading men to repentance.


  1. Repentance is a godly sorrow for sin with a renunciation of it, and is necessary in order to receive salvation. What is the penalty for sin as stated in our text in Ezekiel? What does the prophet say the wicked should do?
  2. The Spirit reveals sin. Without this enlightenment from Heaven one will never be able to comply with the call to repentance. One must first realize he is a sinner and that God’s judgment hangs over his Hell-bound soul. Then the Holy Spirit assures him there is hope. You aren’t doomed forever. There is forgiveness of sins through the Name of Jesus if you will repent. Using the text, the key verse, and 1 John 2:25, list the promises made to those who turn away from their sins.
  3. Before Jesus came, John the Baptist preached the message, “Repent ye: for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2). He preached with such power and anointing that whole cities in that area were emptied of their inhabitants as people went out to hear him. Some did repent, others did not. There were many scribes and Pharisees who joined the crowd presenting themselves as candidates for baptism but who had not repented of their sins. John rebuked them saying, “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance” (Matthew 3:7-8). What do you think John meant by the words in the 8th verse?
  4. Many people in Christian circles today believe that once you have given your life to the Lord you are eternally secure, and that there is no way you can drop out of fellowship with Christ. In our text in Ezekiel, find a verse that refutes this idea and explain, in your own words, what that verse says. Then find a verse in the New Testament which states the same truth.
  5. Many times people like to place the blame for not being a Christian on someone else. They use this as an excuse to justify themselves for living an ungodly life. From our text we realize that the blame rests upon the one who sins. “The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.” If they continue to excuse their ungodly lives, and fail to repent, they will find that sin has negative repercussions. Briefly tell how sin ruins lives today.
  6. The Lord said that He had no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He loves all mankind. It is not His will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. He didn’t say, “join a church,” or “subscribe to some creed,” or “do the best you can to live a good life.” He said, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish,” (Luke 13:3). What provision did He make so that the wicked would not have to die? List several Scriptures that prove the Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
  7. Our text in 2 Corinthians 7:9 tells us that Paul rejoiced because the people sorrowed to repentance. What is the difference between being sorry and having sorrow to repentance and what is the outcome of both?
  8. Jesus said that He came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance. We should understand that repentance was necessary under the Law (of which John the Baptist was a representative), but it is of no less importance under the dispensation of grace (of which Jesus is a representative). Many people think that God is so merciful that they can come to Him any time they are ready. We are warned in the Bible against presuming on the mercy of God (Psalm 19:13). Read what is said about Esau in Hebrews 12:17, and then explain why it is dangerous to put off the call of the Lord.



The dictionary lists several meanings for the word conviction, but we are concerned with the one which says, “an aroused perception of error or sin; a strong admonition of the conscience.” It would be impossible to come to the Lord unless we realize our need of Him. The Spirit of God is faithful to show us our need and to draw us unto the Lord. He speaks to us through our conscience and we are made to realize that we are sinners and need to repent.


  1. Paul was called upon to stand trial before Felix, the Roman governor of Judea. What was Paul’s attitude, and why? See Acts 24:10-13.
  2. Felix deferred sentence until the chief captain, Claudius Lysias (Acts 24:22-24), should come, but why did he call for Paul?
  3. What effect did Paul’s message have on Felix? What does this tell us concerning Felix?
  4. The governor told Paul, “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” How did his response indicate that he was being convicted? Why is it dangerous to try to evade conviction?
  5. What did Felix hope that Paul would do?
  6. In Psalm 38, David graphically portrays a man under conviction. This may well have been something he experienced personally, or it may be allegorical. In any case, it is an excellent description of a person feeling the guilt of his sins. In verse 1, what does David indirectly acknowledge?
  7. Aside from physical afflictions, explain, in your own words, how conviction affected David. See Psalm 38:3-4,6,8.
  8. Contrast the effects of conviction on David and Felix.
  9. Read Acts 2:37-41. What brought about the salvation of the three thousand souls who were mentioned in this passage?





God’s commandment was clear and plain. Adam could eat fruit of any of the trees in the Garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Adam disobeyed God and ate of that tree. Spiritually, he died immediately. Physically, he died some years later. The curse of sin passed upon Adam and all future mankind. The situation would have been hopeless, except for God’s love and grace. Along with the curse upon sin, God promised a Redeemer—our Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. The word redeem means, “to buy back, repurchase, or free from the bondage of sin.” Review the previous lesson, and in your own words briefly summarize why there was a need for redemption.
  2. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). This being true, who then can be redeemed? See John 3:17; Romans 5:17; 1 Peter 1:17; and 2 Peter 3:9.
  3. There are those who think they can purchase their own redemption by giving largely to religious organizations or worthwhile charitable concerns. Others may depend on their own good works or their adherence to certain rules of conduct to make their way into Heaven. Read 1 Peter 1:18-19 and describe how the Bible says we receive redemption.
  4. In what unique way does Jesus Christ qualify to be our Redeemer? Use 2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Peter 1:19 to help you with your answer.
  5. When was Jesus Christ foreordained as our Redeemer from sin?
  6. How does the Apostle Peter compare the life span of man with the grass of the field? What does this have to do with redemption?
  7. The disobedience of Adam in the Garden caused the curse of sin to pass upon all men. The obedience of Jesus Christ brought redemption, or righteousness, to all who believe in Him. How can one avail himself of this redemption?
  8. What is the end result of our righteousness through Christ Jesus, if we remain faithful? See Romans 5:21. Find another verse in the Bible which gives a parallel promise.
  9. How does Matthew 16:26 relate to man’s redemption?

Paul encouraged the Christians in Rome to present their bodies “a living sacrifice.” This metaphor referred to the bringing of sacrifices to the altar of God. The person making an offering selected the choicest of his flock, one without blemish, and brought it to the altar and presented it there as an atonement for his sins. We, too, are included in Paul’s exhortation. When Jesus, the Lamb of God, died to take away the sin of the world, He made it possible for Christians to be living sacrifices to God. We are to give ourselves wholly to the Lord, just as the burnt offering was wholly given on the altar—no part held back for any other use. The whole man—body, mind, and soul—is to be given to God. When this has been done, we can live a holy life, one that is “wellpleasing” to God (Hebrews 13:21), and we can know that our future is in God’s hands.


  1. At the end of the key verse we read: “. . . which is your reasonable service.” After reading the introduction to this lesson, how could offering this type of complete sacrifice be considered “reasonable service”?
  2. Review the lessons from this quarter, and give several ways we can glorify God in our body and spirit.
  3. Excerpts from Adam Clarke’s commentary on Philippians 3:13-14 give some clarification: “Whatever gifts, graces, or honors I may have received from Jesus Christ, I consider everything as incomplete till I have finished my course, have received this crown, and have had my body raised and fashioned after His glorious body. The sole business of my life is to forget those things which are behind and reach forth to those things which are before. In other words, my conduct is not regulated nor influenced by that of others. If others think they have time to loiter or trifle, I have none. Time is flying. Eternity is at hand and all is at stake.” Give an example from daily life (either hypothetical or real) that would give the impression that one is living by this Scripture.
  4. In verses 12 and 13 of our text, Paul says he had not yet “attained,” meaning he had not yet reached the goal. But a very good formula is given in verses 13 and 14 to help one in reaching the goal. What is it and what does it have to do with our future?
  5. A traditional phrase in Christian churches is, “I will go where You want me to go, I will say what You want me to say, and I will do what You want me to do.” While these are noble words of actions which will affect your future, what might be some indication that you really meant what you said?
  6. Many times we feel the excitement of a revival and determine in our minds that we are going to consecrate everything to God, including our future. But Satan is also aware of these good intentions, and after you tell the Lord that your life is totally submitted to Him, Satan will try to cause you to ease up and be less “radical” about all this. You see, Satan knows total commitment to Christ means NO commitment to him, so a war will take place. However, Jesus said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). How far-reaching might the results be if we turn back from a total commitment of our future to the Lord? See Psalm 106:15.

In concluding this lesson as well as this quarter, it is obvious that we must first decide where we will place Jesus in our lives. Jesus teaches that we should love Him more than anyone or anything—no other relationship can compare with our relationship with Him. We must be willing to say from the depths of our being that He will have preeminence over all others. We must be willing to say, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). This is the only proper response that we can give God for the great things He has done for us. There is no way to be holy other than by being instruments set apart by God to fulfill His purposes in our world. Holiness is not a “better than you” attitude, but a willingness to let God set you apart for His work. Will you let Him? We do not know what the future holds, but we can know the One who holds the future.



Years ago, Will Rogers advised, “Buy land because they’re not making any more of it.” Another thing “they” are not making any more of is the number of hours in a day. God has given to every man a measure of time to be used as man chooses. Today, as always, the wise man uses his time for spiritual gain.


  1. Complete the following statements from Scripture:
    Psalm 89:47 — Remember how ________________. (4 words)
    Hosea 10:12 — It is time ________________. (4 words)
    Luke 19:44 — Because thou knewest ________________________. (6 words)
    Romans 13:11 — Now it is high time ____________________ (5 words)
    1 Corinthians 7:29 — But this I say, brethren ________________. (4 words)
    Revelation 1:3 — Keep those things which are written therein:_________________________ . (6 words)
  2. Which of the above Scriptures point out the importance of using our time for spiritual betterment, and why?
  3. Using your dictionary, define the 6th and 13th words of the key verse. Then rewrite the verse using these definitions.
  4. Listed in Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 are twenty-eight things that there are times for in life. Which two from the twenty-eight things are generally done by the disposition of God? Explain how they differ from the list of other activities regarding our use of time.
  5. What is our responsibility with regard to how we use our time?
  6. List ways that you use your time for spiritual gain.
  7. Referring to the Luke 14 portion of our text, all of those invited to the great supper made excuses why they couldn’t go. Three specific excuses are recorded. What do you think was the true reason each excused himself from going to the great supper?
  8. What are we telling the Lord when we say we don’t have time to be involved in His work?
  9. What Scripture in today’s text is the key as to how we should make future plans for our time? What are the benefits of applying this thought to our daily plans?

THOUGHT PROVOKER: If you knew that your time was down to the last sixty minutes, how would you spend it?


Jesus died on the cross and made salvation possible, not only so that we could enter into Heaven, but so that He could work through us and accomplish things He wants to have done in this world. To each of us who has been saved, He has given the commission to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, deliver the oppressed into freedom, and bring justice to the downtrodden. He wants us to be instruments through which such important things can be done. As we consecrate our all, including our finances to be used for God’s work, we can be assured that we will receive God’s greatest blessings.


  1. Many people misquote the verse in 1 Timothy 6:10 and say, “Money is the root of all evil.” However, Scripture says it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. What is the difference? Give a hypothetical example.
  2. It is possible to have a small amount of money, yet be so consumed with desire for more money that one can think of little else. Some people even say that once they get what they feel they need, then they will begin to serve God as they know they should. Unfortunately, the “green spot over the hill” is never quite reached, so the Lord is not served. Others may say they know God is blessing their lives because they have an abundance of material goods. Does one’s material wealth prove he has God’s blessing? If not, what is the proof that God is blessing him?
  3. Read Acts 2:44-47 and describe the feelings in the hearts of that group of early Christians who gave of their substance to God. Are these feelings any different than what the world desires now? Explain.
  4. A part of giving money is done by means of tithing. The word tithe means “a tenth part.” We first read about tithing in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 14:20). In chapter 28, verse 22, we see where Jacob vowed a vow and said, “All that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.” Other references are Leviticus 27:30; 2 Chronicles 31:5; Malachi 3:10. We never would think of robbing a bank or stealing money from our neighbor, but how about from God himself? Read Malachi 3:8-10 and explain what you think these verses are saying. How does Matthew 23:23 indicate that tithing was still necessary after Jesus fulfilled the Law?
  5. Jesus spoke the words of our key verse when He was instructing His disciples on the requirements of their spiritual life. Read the key verse and explain what it means.
  6. It is good to reflect on the past and analyze how often the Lord has come through for us, not only spiritually but materially. Think back over the times you have given to the Lord and write down how the Lord has blessed you through your life. Remember the last line of the key verse.

We who are members of the Church (the believers) must be reminded that the Church does not exist to be served and to be the receiver of gifts. Instead, the Church exists to serve and give of itself to others, just as Jesus was rich and became poor for our sake. We must learn that the best gift we can give to Jesus is ourselves. This means, then, that we will live to serve the least of our brothers and sisters and be willing to give of our resources to meet their needs. As children of God, He expects us to do what we can to meet the needs of others so they can see and experience His love also.



For our Mother’s Day lesson, Proverbs portrays a beautiful example of a godly mother. She is honored by her children and praised by her husband who implicitly trusts in her. However, as valuable as the influence of a Christian mother and wife is, it in no way releases the other members of the family from their obligations to the Lord. Each of us has a responsibility to God that no one else can fill. If we accept that responsibility we will be blessed here on earth and rewarded in Heaven.


  1. What is indicated by the phrase, “Who can find a virtuous woman?” List some of the characteristics of this woman, and note some of the pressures or trends in our world today which might influence a woman striving to exemplify these traits.
  2. The woman described in our lesson has many commendable observations made about her. She is praised by her husband and honored by her children, but which of her attributes do you consider most praiseworthy?
  3. To receive God’s blessing, who in the family is responsible for establishing the spiritual foundation of the family? How can this be done? See Deuteronomy 6:5-7.
  4. We are given this excellent example of a godly woman and how she occupied her time. Write briefly what you think the Lord might expect of a godly father. See Deuteronomy 4:9; Proverbs 13:24; 1 Corinthians 15:58; 2 Corinthians 12:14; Ephesians 6:4; Hebrews 10:25.
  5. At what age does the Bible encourage us to seek the Lord (Ecclesiastes 12:1)? What are the advantages of following this advice? What are some things godly parents can do to encourage this?
  6. Having established spiritual guidelines for mothers and fathers, what are the two major instructions given in the Bible to children? See Exodus 20:12 and Colossians 3:20.
  7. In looking back over our last questions, we see that both parents and children have certain responsibilities toward God and each other. If each individual is fulfilling these, what effect does this have on the family as a whole?
  8. Consider next a family in which all the members are united, but this time they are united in their worldly interests and their lack of desire to serve God. What might we expect to see evidenced in that family?

THOUGHT PROVOKER: When each member of a family fulfills his responsibility as directed by God’s Word, that family can expect God’s blessing. “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:4-5).






Relationships with those of the opposite sex can only be blessed by God if the parties involved stay within the guidelines of God’s Word. The outcome of such a relationship may be marriage. In the beginning God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone,” and He created Eve to be the companion of Adam. If it is ultimately a marriage blessed by God that we wish, the steps we take to get that mate must also be blessed by God and in accordance with His will. With this in mind, it would be well to lay out a formula that would lead us from a place of unattachment to a union God can bless.


  1. What is implied by the words “walk together” in Amos 3:3?
  2. What is the meaning or implication of the word yoked in 2 Corinthians 6:14? In what way is this verse in harmony with the Scripture in Amos?
  3. What should be the criterion used for making a decision as to whom we will date?
  4. In Ephesians 4:1, Paul exhorts us to “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.” Tell briefly what you think that means.
  5. To guard against getting out of God’s will in a dating relationship, what is the man’s responsibility? What is the woman’s?
  6. What happens to the relationship of a dating couple when they each draw closer to the Lord?
  7. In the context of a dating couple, what might it mean to “defile the temple of God”? See 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
  8. In light of the above Scripture, what allowance is given for the current trend toward having a sexual relationship outside of marriage?
  9. Dangerous stress is added to a relationship if self-love or self-interest enters in, and one presses for an immediate marriage. If we are within God’s will in the development of a relationship, occasionally God may signal, “Wait.” What might be some of the indicators that point to the fact that postponing a marriage would be wise?
  10. What is the key requirement for the development of any relationship as given in Matthew 6:33?


  • Deuteronomy 7:2-3
  • Matthew 19:3-12

In Proverbs 23:7, we learn that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Our actions are almost always preceded by thoughts. Once we have committed our hearts and minds to Christ and are truly born again, our desires are changed from those which are sinful to those which are pure and godly. However, as long as we are here on earth, we can be tempted to think to do evil. Therefore, it is important that we make a conscious effort to direct our minds away from evil and toward the good. With our new godly nature, we must continue to live with minds controlled by the Spirit of God.


  1. We cannot ignore the evil in the world. Christians love sinners but hate the evil they do. Clip articles from your newspapers or magazines which illustrate some of the evils present around us, and some illustrating Christianity in action. Note your reaction to these articles.
  2. Research the meaning of the word meditate.
  3. Name Old Testament characters who meditated often on God’s Word.
  4. Select a Scripture that at some point in your life you meditated on and from which you gleaned some spiritual insight or strength. Write down this Scripture and what it meant to you.
  5. Write Psalm 119:148 in your own words.
  6. Psalm 143:5 gives us appropriate things on which to meditate. Read the verse and then give a specific example for each.
  7. It has been said that even the good and necessary can keep us from the better, which can, in turn, keep us from the best. Explain how this can be with reference to what we think about.
  8. Isaiah 26:3 gives one benefit of keeping our minds fixed on God. What is it?
  9. Peter exhorts us to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Even Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). In light of today’s lesson, note here the action you plan to take to increase your Christian stature.

THOUGHT PROVOKER: At the end of a regular workday, take inventory of how many times during the day your mind was on Scripture, a hymn, the presence of Christ, the need to see your fellow workers saved, a prayer, and the like.


Seemingly, one of the hardest things for man to do is to submit to the will of God. The Apostle Paul says the carnal mind is enmity against God and is not subject to the Law of God (Romans 8:7). For those who wish to make Heaven their home, it is absolutely necessary to conform to God’s will; not only when their lives are first surrendered to the Lord, but they must submit daily to the will of God.


  1. How many disciples accompanied Jesus to Gethsemane, and which three did He select to be with Him as He went to pray? Why do you think Jesus asked these three to go with Him?
  2. Do you think the sorrow Jesus felt was only because He knew He was going to the cross? Explain.
  3. Who came to strengthen Him? Luke 22:43
  4. Explain in your own words what “this cup” (verses 39-42) refers to.
  5. Why didn’t the Father in Heaven spare His own Son? Romans 5:8-21
  6. What condition would the world have been left in if Jesus had called for more than twelve legions of angels to come and deliver Him (Matthew 26:53-54)? How was His submission an example to us?
  7. We have many Biblical examples of those who were willing to submit to God’s plan for their lives. Tell about one and what might have happened if he or she had refused to obey God.
  8. What are some of the ways we can ascertain whether a certain course of action is in the will of God for us?

THOUGHT PROVOKER: Jesus Christ, who is equal with God, submitted to the will of His Father even unto death. Shouldn’t we, who are His creation, be willing to conform to His will in our daily lives?


The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. One of the most striking examples of this statement is the human eye. It is mentioned at least 534 times in Scripture. Our eyes were created to adapt to extreme sunlight or near darkness. In the dark, their sensitivity increases 10,000 times so that one can detect a faint glow, less than a thousandth as bright as a candle’s glow. God gave us color vision superior to most animals’. Each retina contains about 130 million cells which connect with the brain to provide instantaneous response. It has been estimated that from the vast panorama presented by our eyes, each eye can send a billion impulses per second to the brain—then our mind chooses significant details. We can stare at a sign without becoming aware of its message, while on the other hand, a fragmentary glimpse of some familiar object attracts our attention immediately.


  1. In considering the wonders of this organ of our bodies, we value our eyes highly and care for them. But Jesus said we would be better off to go into eternity without one of them if it should cause us to sin. What conclusions can we draw from Christ’s teaching in Matthew 5:29?
  2. Scriptures relate several instances in which people were affected by what their eyes did or did not see. In the following examples, fill in the situation described in the text given and tell what we learn from each of these instances.
    Joshua 5:13 — Joshua
    2 Samuel 11:2 — David
    2 Kings 2:10-12 — Elisha
    2 Kings 6:17 — Elisha’s servant
    Matthew 14:30 — Peter
    Acts 22:6 — Saul
  3. List some of the things which might be classified as tools of the devil and describe how they could be used to allow evil to enter into the mind through the eye.
  4. List some things that our eyes can look upon which could be classified as being spiritually beneficial.
  5. One of the best ways to keep our eyes from focusing on the wrong thing is to have our spiritual eyes single toward Christ. Read Luke 11:34. To illustrate the meaning of the word single, place two dots on your paper. Suppose that one dot represents Christ and one yourself. What conclusions can you draw regarding the relationship between the two points?
  6. What do you think verse 35 of our text in Luke implies? You may use 1 John 1:6-7 as a supporting reference for your answer.
  7. What are some of the things we are promised if we use our eyes to look on the right things?
    Psalm 121:1
    Isaiah 33:15-17
    James 1:25
  8. Consider the differences between the physically blind and the spiritually blind. Which would be the greater handicap, and why?

As we study our text and related Scripture, we realize that God is speaking of much more than just our ears receiving and identifying audible sounds. God expects us to act upon what we hear and be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. We should also be aware that there are voices to which we should not listen. We must carefully evaluate what our ears hear, rejecting that which is contrary to the Word of God.


  1. In the text in Matthew, was the man wise because he could remember all the sayings taught by the Lord? Give a reason for your answer.
  2. Think about the characteristics of a rock and sand. The man mentioned in Matthew 7:26 had a problem because he built on something that was shifting, movable, changeable. What are some of the things we may hear in our world today which are also shifting and changing?
  3. In John 5:24, what action did the hearer have to take to receive eternal life?
  4. In Romans 10:17, the Apostle Paul says that we receive faith by hearing. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Is hearing more than just perceiving an audible sound? Would deaf people be unable to gain faith because they cannot hear? Write the definition for the word hear.
  5. The wayside hearers mentioned in Luke 8:12 are those who listen to the devil when he comes with doubts or a suggestion such as, “Hath God said?” Inasmuch as we rarely have a head-on confrontation with the devil, how might he introduce some of these doubts and fears into our minds?
  6. Read James 1:23-24. Unto what does James liken the one who is a hearer but not a doer of the Word? What do you think this means?
  7. List some of the things to which a Christian should not lend an ear. See Proverbs 6:16-19; 10:18; 20:19; Romans 16:17.
  8. We cannot shut out the audible sounds of the world around us even though they are not in accord with the spirit. How do we deal with them?

When our hearts have been consecrated to God, we have given Him direct access to our lives. From that point on, our speech will be directed by God. Our feet will be following Him—going where He leads. And when our feet have taken us to the area where He would have us serve, our hands must be ready to perform the task God has for each of us, be it great or small.


  1. Moses, Joshua, Aaron, and Hur had a particular part in the fight against Amalek. Outline the sequence of events described in our text, and describe what part each of these men played.
  2. How were the hearts, tongues, feet, and hands of the four men named in question 1 involved in this sequence of events?
  3. How were these four men doing what is commanded in our key verse? Explain the verse and write how you think it applies to our lives.
  4. What do we learn from Matthew 10:41-42? Phrase your explanation using a present-day situation.
  5. In 1 Samuel 30:24, what is meant by, “so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike”? Give an application that would have meaning to us today.
  6. Given below are some Scripture references to hands. Can you identify the situations given and the people involved?
    Proverbs 31:20
    Matthew 14:31
    Mark 9:27
    Mark 10:16
    Acts 3:7
    Acts 9:41
  7. How does our present-day situation differ from the four men listed at the first of our lesson? How is it alike?
  8. List several things that can be accomplished for the Lord with your hands.

THOUGHT PROVOKER: Frances Ridley Havergal wrote a song entitled, “Take My Life and Let It Be.” Can you ask God with her, “Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love”?


The sound of the guard’s footsteps echoes outside the cell door—does he come with a message of freedom? Footsteps approach a pitiful hovel—could it be someone is bringing a morsel of food? That steady tread approaching a secluded mountain village—is it a missionary bringing the story of salvation? Followers of Jesus have a divine challenge and responsibility to be ambassadors of Christ. The Apostles were instructed to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. That commission is just as binding today as the day it was given. The task is tremendous.


  1. When Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me,” of what was He speaking?
  2. Acts 10:38 declares that Jesus went about doing good. The Gospel can be represented by many acts. How many ways can you think of that would come under the title of helping to spread the Gospel?
  3. In what ways could the actions of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33) be used as an example in spreading the Gospel?
  4. What goes hand in hand with faith as the Gospel is carried to the world? Why? See James 2:14-16.
  5. Often people have a feeling of responsibility for the needs of the world. James states specifically to whom we should offer clothing or food. What does he say?
  6. Mark 16:15 focuses on a different and broader responsibility of the Christian. What is this responsibility?
  7. Write in your own words what you think Isaiah 52:7 means.
  8. When Peter and John were called before the council and commanded not to speak or teach in the Name of Jesus, they responded, “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Today, what sort of witness should we exhibit to the world? See John 20:29 and 1 Peter 1:8.
  9. What does John 9:4 tell us about the urgency of our responsibility?

The importance of having a heart right with God is also stressed in this lesson on the tongue. James explains the spiritual danger of not controlling the words that proceed from the mouth. It has been said: “There is nothing in all the world so good or so bad as the tongue. It can bless or curse, bring joy or wring the heart with sorrow; it can bring peace or war; it can lead to virtue or seduce to vice; it can speak the truth or utter lies; it can be harsh or mild, rough or smooth, refined or vulgar, pure or impure. It is with the tongue we bless God or curse man.” (S. L. Flowers: The Serpent’s Fang)


  1. What things that are small in size, and possibly seem insignificant, are mentioned in our lesson as being of very great importance? Consider the power they exert.
  2. Think on how a large forest fire can be started by a very small spark. How does the Bible compare this to the tongue?
  3. What types of communication will bring the blessing of God, and what kinds will grieve the Spirit of God? See Ephesians 4:29-31; 5:19-20.
  4. Using Ephesians 4:29 and 5:19-20 for guidance, explain the feeling one experiences when speaking things which edify and encourage others.
  5. What does the lesson teach us about a wise man’s conduct and conversation? Ask yourself: Does my conversation qualify me as being wise?
  6. What do these Scriptures teach us to do about controlling our tongue? See Psalms 15:1-4; 34:13; Proverbs 21:23; James 1:26.
  7. Explain how the motives of the heart and the use of the tongue are related.
  8. What is God’s attitude toward the person whose tongue utters those things which proceed from a righteous heart and mind (Malachi 3:16-17)? Give some specific examples of ways the tongue can be consecrated to God’s use.

The physical heart is a muscular organ which maintains life by pumping blood through the body. But in our lesson we are dealing with the spiritual heart which is the seat of life and strength—the mind, soul, spirit, will—one’s entire emotional nature and understanding.


  1. Using the dictionary, define treasure. Read Luke 6:45 and, in the context of this verse, list some things that might be considered good treasures of the heart.
  2. If we haven’t confessed and believed unto righteousness, what things did Jesus say will come forth from our hearts?
  3. What does Paul say is necessary in order for us to receive God’s salvation into our hearts? See Romans 10:9-10.
  4. Look up Jeremiah 29:13. What three words in this verse give us the key to a successful search for God?
  5. Read 1 Samuel 10:9-11. Who was the man this Scripture refers to and what happened to him?
  6. Read 1 Samuel 15:3,13-24. What happened to the spiritual condition of the man mentioned in the preceding question? What does this show?
  7. In Proverbs 4:23 the writer tells us to keep a careful guard on our hearts. In doing this, the actions of other members of our body will be guided. Name several of these. See Proverbs 4:24-27.
  8. What did Jesus say was the first and great Commandment? Is our love for Him complete? See Matthew 22:37-38.
  9. Proverbs 3:5-9 shows that if we will yield our hearts completely to the Lord, He will direct our lives. Name several ways we can do this.

As we have studied during the past twelve weeks, we have considered the question: What makes a hero? The answer to that question depends, to a great extent, on who is asking the question. To a child, a hero would be someone entirely different from that of an adult. Similarly, a Christian’s criterion for designating a hero is dramatically different from that of a sinner’s. A person becomes a hero to someone else when a certain quality, ability, or attitude is admired so much that it would be imitated by the admirer.

During this course of study we have seen particular qualities exemplified by the lives of twelve of God’s faithful servants. These people can be considered heroes because all Christians desire the same qualities and attributes that their lives portrayed.

In considering these heroes, we should be challenged to ask ourselves the question: How can I have a greater measure of these Christian qualities? As we assimilate and grow in Christian graces we will be better able to do as the Apostle Paul commanded Timothy, “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers . . .” (1 Timothy 4:12).



  1. In six words or less describe the Christian character quality that we admire for each of the following people:
    Elisabeth and Zacharias
    Joseph (earthly father of Jesus)
    John the Baptist
    Widow of Zarephath
    Woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment
  2. Must a person have a well-known name to qualify as a hero?
  3. The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is known as “The roll call of the heroes of faith.” Note that verse 36 of our text begins with the words, “And others,” referring to some heroes who were not even named. What one quality was universal among all of these heroes?
  4. Explain the relationship between two phrases found in our text in Hebrews 12:1, “. . . we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses . . .” and “ . . . let us lay aside every weight. . . .”
  5. Who is the leading example, both in this quarter’s study and throughout the Bible? Explain.
  6. Using Psalm 1 as reference, explain why associating with the ungodly more than is necessary can be spiritually dangerous.
  7. What was the most important point you have learned during this quarter?
  8. After studying about several heroes this quarter and looking closely at their lives, read 2 Corinthians 3:2 and explain the responsibility of every Christian concerning the example they portray.

In the first portion of our text we see the willingness of Elisha to follow the man of God, Elijah. Elisha burned his plow, made a sacrifice of his oxen, said goodbye to the family, and was on his way. Let’s take a look at how important it is to have a willing and uncomplaining spirit in the service of God.


  1. What did Elijah do when he passed by Elisha? What was the significance of this?
  2. How did Elijah respond when Elisha followed after him? What would the natural human reaction be to the response Elijah gave?
  3. Elisha proved his willingness by his actions. What were these actions? What do they tell us about how we should respond to God’s call for service?
  4. Paraphrase Matthew 10:38-40.
  5. What was Moses willing to give up and what was he willing to do? For what reason? See Hebrews 11:24-26.
  6. What was Ruth willing to do to serve the Lord? See Ruth 1:15-17.
  7. What do you think is most important in our service to the Lord?
  8. We not only need to be willing in our service but also uncomplaining in our attitude. The Children of Israel often complained in the wilderness. What does it mean to be uncomplaining, and why is it so necessary?
  9. There are rewards connected with service for the Lord. What does Isaiah 1:19 tell us about this?
  10. How do our attitudes toward God’s service affect those around us? See Colossians 3:23.

Continue reading “SEARCH Lesson 077 – Elisha”

The dictionary definition of available tells us that one who is available is one who “can be used.” God has chosen the instrumentality of man to spread the truth of His Gospel. But it is up to the individual to make himself “available” to God—ready to be used by the Lord in whatever capacity or location He deems best.



  1. To be used of God, our spiritual condition must be in order. What was the spiritual condition of Ananias? Search through the text for clues as to his character. Then read Acts 22:12 and add that to your description.
  2. Look carefully at each of the attributes or characteristics you have discovered about Ananias. Give a reason why each would be necessary for a Christian in our day.
  3. God spoke to Ananias through a vision. Tell of some of the other ways God communicated His words to those in Biblical times.
  4. Saul had quite a notorious reputation in Israel among the followers of Christ. Ananias must have felt some anxiety when God asked him to go and see Saul, yet he did go. Many people worry about what they may be asked to do in the Lord’s service. Tell of an experience in your own life where you were asked to do something for the Lord which you thought was beyond you. How did you feel at that time? How do you feel now when you look back on the incident?
  5. With what words did Isaiah answer God’s call (Isaiah 6:8)? Write down a word which describes the attitude of both Isaiah and Ananias.
  6. According to Scripture, what does it take to be great in God’s Kingdom? See Matthew 20:26-27.
  7. The key verse lists three specific instructions for the believer. Write down the three, and give a short description of what you think the word or phrase means relative to the life of a believer in our day.

Mark 5:24-34

The woman mentioned in our lesson exhibited perseverance and determination. The crowd that surrounded Jesus would have been an obstacle to a well person; how much more to one weakened by illness! She did not expect Jesus to lay hands on her, speak to her, or any such thing. She simply believed that she would be healed if she could just touch the hem of His garment, and because of her persistence she was healed.



  1. What obstacles did the woman face which might have discouraged her perseverance, and what were the results of her determination to reach the Lord? What obstacles may appear when we desire something from God?
  2. Take special note of Jesus’ question to the crowd (verse 30) and His reply to the woman (verse 34). How does this incident encourage us?
  3. Four men carried a man who was sick with the palsy to a place where Jesus was speaking. How did they demonstrate their perseverance in bringing this man to the Lord? See Mark 2:3-4.
  4. How did Jacob show perseverance and what did the angel tell him? See Genesis 32:28.
  5. Jesus told the Jews that believed on Him that they should “continue in my word.” Explain what you think is meant by this phrase. See John 8:31.
  6. What are some areas in our daily Christian lives where we may need to practice perseverance?
  7. We equate conversion with being “saved.” Use Matthew 10:22 to find when we are really saved.
  8. There is a goal—something to be obtained through perseverance. Look up Revelation 3:11. What things should we “hold fast” in order to retain our crown?

Acts 6:1-15; 7:54-60

The outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit in Jerusalem had stirred the whole city and in just a few months the new church had grown to the point where the Jewish leaders remarked that these people had “filled Jerusalem with their doctrine.” When God works, Satan seeks to oppose! At issue was the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ: If Jesus had risen, then the Jewish rulers had crucified the Son of God, their Messiah. They—the religious leaders of their time—were not about to admit to having murdered the Son of God! Because of this conflict, the Apostles had been imprisoned and warned not to teach or preach in the Name of Jesus. About this time, Stephen appears on the scene.



  1. Give a short analysis of Stephen’s character.
  2. Why did the Jews of the synagogue of the Libertines, Cyrenians, and Alexandrians charge Stephen with “blasphemous words” in Acts 6:11,13, and 14?
  3. Look back at your characterization of Stephen in question 1, and at the Scriptures in our text which brought out his attributes. What part did these attributes play in Stephen’s ability to withstand persecution? Could he have withstood without them? Explain your answer.
  4. Stephen’s God-given wisdom did not keep him out of trouble in witnessing for Jesus. When we can foresee difficulties or persecution arising from our testimony, what should we do?
  5. Why would some think Stephen did not use “wisdom” in his stinging condemnation of his listeners in chapter 7, verses 51-53? Is the course he took in this situation always appropriate? Why or why not?
  6. Name several possible reactions to conviction for sin. In our text, how does this relate to persecution?
  7. Paraphrase Matthew 10:39, placing yourself in the verse.
  8. In Matthew 5:11, what are the three words which give us the clue to receiving the blessing of God with regard to persecution?

At the center of the Christian’s experience is that seed of faith whereby he first entered, and now continues in the Christian walk. Should a time of testing rob him of that faith, he is a pauper, and will remain so until it is regained. But the one who guards his faith as a treasure beyond value will persevere and triumph in every trial of life.




  1. Describe the situation that the widow of Zarephath was in when the prophet came to her.
  2. While the widow went to fetch water for Elijah, he called to her with another request which elicited a pitiful response from the widow. What options did his request leave her?
  3. What parallel can you draw between this woman’s decision in how to respond to Elijah’s demand and the decision facing every sinner who hears God’s call?
  4. Verse 15 brings out what very important truth concerning faith?
  5. What might the consequences have been had the characters in the following verses not exercised faith?
    Genesis 6:13-18
    Jonah 3:4-5
    Matthew 15:22-28
  6. Give an example from your own life that illustrates how faith sustains a person.
  7. Luke 18:8 poses a very piercing question. How does it apply to the world in which we live?
  8. How can we guard against the onslaught of the forces which would destroy or diminish or faith?

In 1 Corinthians 10:1-15 the Apostle Paul recounts some of the things that happened to the Israelites because of their unbelief, disobedience, murmuring, etc. These things were written as a warning to us that we might not be caught in a similar snare of Satan. It is encouraging to read of a man who lived among these people, and yet retained his purpose to walk with the Lord! We, too, can be kept by the power of God if, like Caleb, we determine to wholly follow the Lord.



  1. Caleb was one of a group of men who had been selected as spies for Israel. Ten of the spies told of a good land, but felt that the land would be impossible to take. What did Caleb say? See Numbers 13:30; 14:6-9.
  2. Whom did the Children of Israel choose to believe? What was the result? See Numbers 14:1-4,33,34.
  3. What promise was made to Caleb and why? See Numbers 14:24.
  4. How old was Caleb when Moses sent him to spy out the land of Canaan and how old was he when he came to Joshua to receive his inheritance?
  5. What did Caleb have to say of his own physical strength?
  6. What had the ten spies said about the people who lived in the area Caleb desired? See Numbers 13:33.
  7. Before we come into our inheritance we face many “giants” today. Name some.
  8. We can use Caleb’s “secret weapon” against the giants and their fenced cities that we face. What was the secret weapon?
  9. Explain the difference between the words holy and wholly.
  10. List some things one must do to wholly follow the Lord. Be specific!

There are vast armies of religious people in the world today, and all claim to be a part of God’s army. What a wonderful thing if every professing soldier of Christ were of the stamp of Gideon’s band! The sad truth remains that the ratio between the true soldier who is willing and ready to venture all that he has for the cause of Christ and those who are fearful and afraid, or those who want to take the glory and credit to themselves, or those who would rather take their ease than face the enemy, is still the same as it was in Gideon’s day. One out of a hundred passed the exacting test that God put them through. What a startling thought!




  1. How many men were in Gideon’s original army? How many returned from Mount Gilead, and for what reason?
  2. Why were not all the remaining men allowed to go to the battle? How many men did Gideon eventually take with him into the camp of Midian?
  3. What was the final test that brought Gideon’s army down to such a small number? What did the test signify?
  4. What lessons can be learned from the fact that God chose so few men to fight the battle?
  5. Define trust. Find a Scripture which uses the word.
  6. Could there be such a thing as trusting “halfway”? Explain your answer.
  7. We probably will not be called upon to take our stand before an angry king, to slay a giant, or be thrown into a den of lions. But we will meet circumstances in our daily lives where it will require courage to take a stand for Christ. Read Matthew 24:12; James 5:14-15; and 1 Peter 5:8; then write the dangers to a Christian from which God promises deliverance.
  8. What are some ways we can increase our courage?

True confidence in God is based upon following God’s Word. False confidence brings defeat, and is based upon an unwarranted use of sacred things, such as the name “Christian.” This actually is the name given to those who wholeheartedly follow the Lord. Today many suffer defeat and have no victory over sin because they are Christians in name only. Just because Israel was Israel did not guarantee their victory over their enemies. They had to wholly follow the Lord in order to have victory, and this is what Deborah did.


  1. What was Deborah’s occupation? What did that mean in terms of her civic responsibilities?
  2. What characteristics of Deborah made her outstanding? How did the Lord use these characteristics?
  3. Which verse shows Deborah was an inspiration to Barak?
  4. The opposite of confidence in God is mortal fear. Using 1 John 4:16-18 as a reference, explain how to rid your heart of fear.
  5. In Romans 8:35-39 we read of many things that we might face as we go through life, yet we can be more than conquerors through Him who loves us. How many of these experiences have you gone through? Give an example from your experience.
  6. There are things that we must do in order to have a victorious life in Christ, without fear. Using God’s Word as a guide, finish the following verses:
    When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh ______________________________________. — Proverbs 16:7
    Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall ____________________________. — Psalm 119:165
    Be careful [worried] for nothing; ______________________________________________let your requests be made know unto God. And the _________________of God, which passeth all ___________________________________________________________. — Philippians 4:6,7
    Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, ____________________________________: because he ________________________________________. — Isaiah 26:3
  7. Listed below are the names of several men and women of the Bible. How does your experience compare with theirs?
    Adam and Eve – temptation
    Cain – hatred
    Samuel – answering the call
    Job – affliction
    Daniel – purpose
    Paul – thorn in the flesh
  8. In this lesson we see God intervening for Israel against another nation, and giving them a physical deliverance. Today we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). What kind of deliverance can God give us? See Ephesians 6:13.


The time—God’s time—had arrived! The Messiah, Jesus, was about to be revealed to the world. People everywhere were groaning for deliverance from sin and God had now sent His “only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” But all the smallest details foretold in God’s plan were to be accomplished. Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1 had spoken of a specific person who was first to come on the scene as the forerunner of Christ. He was John the Baptist.


  1. Six months before Mary was told she was to give birth to the Son of God, who announced to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist, and what was John’s mission in life to be? See Luke 1:13-19.
  2. Within this lesson’s text, what was the theme of John the Baptist’s remarks? Relate this theme to Isaiah 53:4-7, and tell in your own words what taking away the sin of the world might mean.
  3. John the Baptist’s chief mission on earth was _______________________ . In other words, he was to be a ___________________ of the coming Christ. John even witnessed unselfishly to ____________________ and said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” See John 1:29 and 36.
  4. What are the five questions the priests and Levites from Jerusalem asked John, and what answer did he give to each?
  5. What did Jesus say about John the Baptist? See Luke 7:28.
  6. The word “witness” occurs at least seventeen times in the Gospel of John. Using a dictionary, define the word witness. How did this apply to John the Baptist? See John 1:34.
  7. How does witnessing apply to Christians today? See Acts 1:8; 2:32.
  8. What lesson could we learn concerning our witnessing for Christ from the fact that John said he was just a “voice”?
  9. Think of several people you know who need a Christian witness. Then pray and purpose to seek the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in witnessing to them and leading them to the Lord.

Thought Provoker: If you were to be paid $10,000 for each soul you helped to win for Christ, how much harder would you be working at witnessing for Him?



In a few days we will be commemorating the birth of Jesus. To the one who really understands what that means to the world, it is a special time of rejoicing as eternal salvation depends on that wonderful Gift of God (John 3:16). Our text brings out some other remarkable truths concerning Jesus, in that He existed prior to His birth (John 1:1-3), and that one day He will establish a Kingdom that will never end. See Isaiah 9:7.


  1. The Child spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah in our text was the earthly manifestation of the Second Person of the eternal Trinity, Jesus. How could the prophet know about the birth of this Child over 700 years before it came to pass? See 2 Peter 1:21.
  2. In the first verse of the Gospel of John, to what do you thing “In the beginning” refers? What part did Jesus actually have in the creation of the universe?
  3. Explain in your own words the meaning of John 1:5.
  4. When Jesus said, “I am . . . the life,” what other attributes did He add to that statement in the following Scriptures?
    John 14:6
    John 11:25
    John 5:24
  5. In our key verse, the statement is made that the Lord is, was, and is to come. We have explored Biblical references to the fact that He was with God at the time of Creation, thus establishing that He was. Name some ways that it can be proved that Christ is alive today.
  6. Having established that Christ is and was, on what can we base our belief that Christ will be in the future? Use Mark 16:19, Revelation 1:4-7, and any other Scriptures you can find to substantiate your answer.
  7. According to Romans 1:3-4 Jesus Christ “was made of the seed of David according to the flesh,” but was “declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness.” What stated truth in the verses mentioned gives additional proof of Christ’s being eternal?
  8. In our text (John 1:14) we read that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Explain what this means to you.
  9. In reading our text we have learned the truths concerning Jesus prior to His birth, and of His presence with us today. What promise do we find regarding His coming Kingdom?
  10. In knowing by the authority of God’s Word that Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be, how should we act or react to this knowledge? See Hebrews 1:10-14 and 2:1-4.
  11. In what ways has the Lord been these things to you?
    The mighty God
    The everlasting Father
    The Prince of Peace