
Devotionals Archive

A Daddy’s Heart

Jun 20, 2021

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? – Matthew 7:11

The Lord has blessed my husband and me with two beautiful girls. And like most little girls, it did not take them long to figure out which one of us
was the softie. At a very young age, they learned if they really want something or need help, they should ask Daddy. You see, it does not matter
how tired he is from a long day’s work, or how much he really wants to relax, Daddy just cannot say no. There is something about them needing him
that melts his heart. He loves doing things for his girls that make them happy. He has a daddy’s heart, full of tender compassion for his children.

This reminds me of our Heavenly Father. We need to get a glimpse of His heart. We need to realize how approachable God is, and how touched He is by
the needs of His children.

The very nature of God demands our respect and reverence, but in our effort to hold Him in His rightful place in our lives, are we also keeping Him
at arm’s length? We should be allowing Him to enter into the most secret place of our hearts.

Just like my girls believe there is nothing too big or too small they can ask of their daddy, there nothing we cannot ask of our Heavenly Father. There
is so much He desires to give us, so much He longs to do for us! He has a storehouse full of blessings ready to shower upon us at a moment’s notice.

Our Heavenly Father did not force salvation on us, and He will not force His blessings on us either, but He makes it so simple to receive them. All
we have to do is ask.