
Devotionals Archive

God Gave Me Peace

Oct 15, 2020

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. – 1 Peter 5:7

Over thirty years ago, I gave birth to premature twins. They made their entrance into this world about ten weeks before they were scheduled to arrive.
Rachel was born first, and the doctor had to work with her before she gave the first weak little cry. Robert was born a very wiry little fellow
with a good healthy cry. During that first night, the doctor came to me and said that the little girl was not doing very well and they had put
her on a respirator.

The next morning, we called all our Christian friends and family to ask them to pray for our little girl. Before the day was over, they took Rachel
off the respirator and put Robert on it. Since both babies were struggling, they were taken to a nearby teaching hospital where there was more
sophisticated equipment to treat premature infants.

That night, as I lay in the hospital room, I could feel the presence of Jesus. When I would awake during the night, I knew He was right there by my
side. In the morning, I found out that baby Robert had not made it through the night. Of course, I was devastated and I felt a very heavy load
of grief, but the Lord was there to give me peace. Each time I picked up my Bible, it would fall open to today’s focus verse or to Matthew 11:29-30,
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me . . . For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” As I cast my cares upon Jesus, He took my burden, and
I was able to grasp the truth that baby Robert had gone to be with Him. That was a great comfort.

Rachel was a very fragile little baby, but God was with her, and today she is a wonderful daughter and young woman who is serving the Lord.

God knows and understands the difficult issues facing each of us. He loves us and wants to lift the burdens that we carry. As we yield to His will,
His comfort and peace will sustain us.