Sing Anyway
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. – Matthew 25:40
A few weeks ago, I went to say hello to and visit with one of the elderly saints in our church, who now resides in a rest home. I have known this dear
lady for years. She does not get out much, so her contact with the world is limited. We chatted for a while, about this and that, family and friends,
some politics and world issues.
Her eyes have grown dim and she is not able to read for herself. I was prompted while there to read a little tract to her, and she really enjoyed it.
Afterwards we talked about the Gospel and old hymns, we even sang one—well, what we could remember of it anyway. Now, I am no vocalist, and
the enemy of my soul did not waste any time in whispering to me, “What will people think about that noise? Can’t they do better?” It seems as though
he is always waiting for a chance to ruin things for everyone. But that day, we did not let it stop us, we sang anyway!
The Spirit of the Lord came down and met us there, and we had such a good time. It was just like being at an altar of prayer. The blessing was great,
and His presence was so close.
Just think! Jesus accepted and blessed our little effort. He reassured me again that if we do it “unto the least of these,” we have done it unto Him.
The enemy will always try to prevent us from ministering to those around us, telling us any lie that he thinks will discourage our efforts. But
we will be greatly blessed if we follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit instead.