
Devotionals Archive

Emerging Life

Aug 21, 2021

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. – Isaiah 42:3

Several years ago, I inherited a houseplant from someone who did not care about it anymore. It was not a pretty plant
and did not have very good form—just one long branch growing up with leaves on it. I have fertilized it and watered it through the years, but
it still is not a very pretty plant. I have said to myself many times, That plant is not very attractive. I’m just going to throw it away. Then, just
before the final toss, I look closer at it, and there will be a new leaf opening up. With this small bit of life emerging, I cannot throw it away.
I still believe that it has the potential to flourish.

As Christians, sometimes we may feel that we are lacking in spiritual growth, or perhaps that there is no growth at all. We might find ourselves comparing
our spiritual walk to that of others, and feeling like we just do not measure up. We can begin to become discouraged and lose hope, and the enemy will
try to make us consider giving up altogether. Yet, God is patient with us in our Christian development, in spite of our limitations. He sees our potential
even when we do not—He sees that little bit of growth and is willing to keep working on us. He will not throw us away; rather, He will help,
nourish, and encourage us to grow in our Christian walk.

It is comforting to know that God loves us, and He is willing to do whatever it takes to help us flourish as Christians. We can be sure He will never leave
us nor forsake us. Even though we may feel feeble and hopeless, He adds a little nourishment, sprays on a little water, and as we continue striving
to grow, in time we will see another “new leaf” develop. God is still working on us!