
Devotionals Archive

God Is in Control

Jul 23, 2021

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. – Matthew 28:18

“I’m the boss!” my mom would growl half playfully to her little puppy as it lay on its back in her arms. The squirming,
defiant puppy would quickly become submissive and obedient. We found this little game rather amusing, and yet it seemed to work. The puppy, under my
mom’s careful control, grew to be a well-behaved dog, giving her many years of enjoyment.

Years later, when I got a dog of my own, I chose a much larger breed. Rescuing Kali from the Humane Society, I adopted her when she was already nine months
old and almost full-grown. Physically, I did not have the option to play the “I’m the boss!” game. She is a very sweet and loving dog, but to this
day, she is not entirely well-behaved and can be difficult for me to control at times.

As I have grown older, I have noticed how much importance we seem to place on being in control. Having the many details of our lives all in order and under
our control tends to make us feel secure and content. The things that are not in our control can make us feel insecure and cause much fretfulness and
stress. It could be something as simple as an unpredictable dog, or as serious as our health or job security. Any uncertainty seems to invite worry.

How thankful I am in these situations that I have Jesus! At times, I have to remind myself that just because I am not in full control does not mean that
God is not! He is all-powerful, and where our abilities stop is where His begin. We can control the decisions we make each day, but we cannot control
the situations that come our way. However, we do not have to concern ourselves with all the “what-ifs” of life. We may not be in control, but our Heavenly
Father is.

When you feel things are out of our control, take them to God in prayer. Trust in Him and rest in His promises, knowing that He is working things out in
the way that is best.