God’s Protection
The angel of the ord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. – Psalm 34:7
This week I received notice that my motor vehicle had two safety recalls on it, so I decided to take it to the dealership.
I usually ask God to protect me each day as I go about my daily business, and I did so again as I left my home that day. On my way there, I saw that
prayer answered in a very real way. Another motorist came within inches of colliding into the driver’s side of my car! If his automobile had collided
with mine, no doubt I would have ended up in the hospital, seriously injured.
I was so thankful that God had spared me from a serious accident that I praised and thanked Him all the rest of the way to the dealership. During the day,
whenever I would think of what could have happened, I thanked Him again. I am still thanking God for sparing me! What a privilege it is to serve a
God who looks after us each day and delivers us from dangers that we may not even know about.
Today’s focus verse means more to me today than it did last week. I had no idea of the danger that would confront me that day, but God knew well in advance
and He protected me in my time of need. What peace there is in knowing that God is always looking after us! If He sees the dangers that we are not
aware of, then surely He also sees the ones that concern us, and He will help with those too. This verse is a promise that brings rest and assurance
to the hearts of God-fearing people.
God notices the little sparrow’s fall, and He says in His Word, “Ye are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31). God not only notices us, but
He watches over us each day and delivers us from harm and danger. Trust in His promise and remember to thank Him for the protection we may not always