
Devotionals Archive

Not to Worry!

Sep 14, 2020

And he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. – Luke 8:22

My dad had been gone for hours. As the sun began to sink below the western horizon, my mother grew more and more worried,
and wondered aloud what could be keeping him away so long. Had something terrible happened to him?

With these questions churning in her mind, my mother began to cry. She had remained at our campsite near a central Oregon lake, along with my older sister
and me, while my dad started hiking around the perimeter. What would we do if he should never come back?

Before much more time had elapsed, my dad joined us again. What a relief! Dad explained that he had simply found another camper to visit with. However,
as Mom had waited and wondered, unable to see around to the other side of the lake, it was easier to fear than to trust.

Reading a few more verses beyond Luke 8:22, we find that the disciples felt threatened, understandably, by a very real danger. Overwhelmed by raging billows,
they feared that they would never see the other side of the lake. Yet, what had the Lord told them as they all stepped into that ship together? His
words were, “Let us go over unto the other side.” To Him it was a matter of fact. He fully expected to bring them safely to their destination.

Although most of us do not face literal storms whipping angry waves over us, our trials may be almost as alarming. In those times we need to purpose in
our hearts to overcome by God’s grace, remembering that without battles there could be no victories. Our Savior never intended for us to toss up and
down forever in the same spot! Just as the disciples called out to the Lord to rescue them, we can reach out to Him through fervent prayer.

Jesus is still on the scene today, just as surely as He was present in that ship centuries ago. We can trust in Him and know that He will guide us safely
to the victory side.