
Devotionals Archive

Security Blanket

Jun 03, 2021

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord. – Psalm 121:1-2

It had been a hard week and the burdens were weighing me down. One daughter was having marital problems. Another had
been skipping church, giving me cause to be concerned for her. Work for my husband had been spasmodic, and bills needed paying. We were in the middle
of building a house with all the permits, contracts, choosing colors, and all the confusion that goes with that.

After getting the children off to school that morning, I sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, trying to relax and put everything into perspective.
My heart was so heavy. With my Bible open in front of me, I tried to find a verse or something to encourage myself. Tears streaming down my cheeks,
I struggled to pray. It was too much for me to carry.

Just then, my four-year-old came around the corner from the living room, dragging her worn out “blanky” behind her. She stopped at the table and looked
at me as I attempted to cover my tears and fears. There was no need to frighten her with my weighty problems.

As young as she was, she was still sensitive to my feelings, and she took her thumb out of her mouth long enough to say, “It’s alright Mommy, you can hold
my blanky if you want to.” She handed me that treasure and laid her head in my lap.

Suddenly I could feel my own “security blanket” spread over me. Jesus reminded me that, as I look to Him, He will bear my burdens. He spoke peace to my
heart right when I needed to hear it, and although my troubles did not disappear immediately, I had an assurance from Jesus that He would see me through.
He will carry our burdens if we will just be willing to give them up.

We cannot solve all the world’s problems, but we can take them to Jesus, lay them at His feet, and rest our weary heads in His lap as He takes care of
the problems.