Youth Updates

Kingswells Church Dedication, Aberdeen

Dedication of the Apostolic Faith Church, Aberdeen   On the 4th of August 2024, the Aberdeen congregation of the Apostolic Faith Mission gladly welcomed their brethren across Western Europe and beyond to the long-awaited dedication of their tabernacle. It was a brightly sunny day with some blue sky peeking through the […]

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Superintendent General’s Visit to Cranfield Church – 28/07/24

The Superintendent General of the Apostolic Faith Mission (worldwide) organization, Reverend Olusola Adesope, his wife Sister Tolu, and their three children made a surprise visit to the Cranfield church in Bedford UK. Brother Sola was accompanied by Brother Mark Mfandarahwa, Western Europe District Superintendent, his wife Sister Marble, their two […]

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Ireland musical evangelism report 2024

The Republic of Ireland Victory Conference 2024 “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4) The Apostolic Faith Church in the Republic of Ireland witnessed a reviving moment of worship and fellowship during the just-concluded Victory Conference 2024 held on 18th and 19th May 2024. Delegates […]

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Special Weekend Meeting In Konstanz, Germany

AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST      4TH – 5TH MAY 2024 Following the successful completion of the year 2023 Special Weekend Meetings in November, which brought together our brethren from different regions in Germany and other parts of Western Europe, we deemed it fit to repeat the same exercise in 2024. […]

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The Youth Camp themed ‘Ready for War’ was held from the 3rd of to the 6th of May 2024 and hosted over 200 campers. Most campers arrived at the venue, Pioneer Centre, Kidderminster from Friday evening through to Sunday afternoon. Saturday, 04 May There was a roll call at 6 am where […]

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SPECIAL EASTER Meetings held at Manchester Branch

Date: 29 – 31 March 2024 DAY 1 The Special meetings opened with an organ prelude followed by a trumpet solo “Above all Powers” performed by Daniel Oshodi and an orchestration “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. The choir also presented “At Calvary” following which Reverend Toyin Emitola the Pastor […]

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2024 Easter Message: The Resurrection of Jesus

Easter is a time to reflect on the great price that Jesus paid on the cross of calvary for humanity to be reconciled to God. Jesus was born into this world, took the form of a human being and lived among his own people, Israel. He was rejected by his […]

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Bristol/Cardiff Group Christmas Carol 2023

The Bristol/Cardiff Group appreciates God for the success of the 2023 Christmas Carol, held at 1, Rock Lane, Stoke Gifford, Bristol on the 3rd of December 2023. The occasion, which attracted attendees across the United Kingdom, was well supported by delegate choristers from Bexley and Peckham branches in London, culminating […]

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Evangelistic Outreach at Sussex

Thanks be God for a beautiful weekend of Outreach activities which started on Saturday, 19th August 2023 when a group of four (Brother Ola and Sister Remi Balogun as well as Brother Joshua and Sister Temitoyosi Nwaebonyi) from Peckham church (London) joined the group leader and his wife, Brother Ade, […]

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Cranfield Christmas Carol 2023

The Apostolic Faith Church, Cranfield was dedicated on the 15th of October, 2023. As part of the build-up to the dedication ceremony, an evangelism outreach was carried out within the community. This outreach resulted in a request for the AFM Cranfield choir to perform at the 2023 Cranfield Community Christmas […]

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Special Weekend Meeting Report 2023

Overview: The drive of the retreat, the first of its kind, was to allow scattered members of the Apostolic Faith Organization around the country to come together as to plan, complement, and spend time to revive while building a strong family bond needed to achieve the evangelizing of our domain. […]

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Three-day special programme in Ireland

From Friday, November 10th, to Sunday, November 12th, the Ireland group organised a three-day special programme centred around the theme ‘MY HELP’ inspired by Psalm 121:2. Day 1 The first day commenced with a prayer gathering on Zoom. Participants from various regions, including the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and […]

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Visit to Ireland

Reverend Isaac and Sister Stella Adigun from West and Central Africa (WeCA), with 10 other brethren from our UK and New York churches were received by the Ireland group for Sunday worship service on Sunday 08/10/23. The Sunday school was opened with a clarinet solo by Lesley Chawanda. Sister Funmi […]

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Cranfield Branch Church Dedication

  Introduction: The Apostolic Faith Mission UK, Cranfield Church, was dedicated on Sunday 15th October 2023. Since the inception of the Apostolic Faith work in 1976 in the UK, through the efforts of the retired Rev Victor Okusanya and many of the veterans of this church, this is the fifth […]

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Paul Bachi’s Testimony

I want to thank God Almighty for the gospel, for it is the power of God to save us from sin and to heal the sick. God saved me in 2004 in a miraculous way and has been keeping me since, taking me through the highs and lows of life. […]

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Special Meetings at Peckham Church

Special Meetings Weekend at Peckham Church – 11th to 13th August 2023 Friday marked the beginning of the 3-day special meetings weekend, themed “A Fresh Encounter”. Forty-six people attended in person while many joined online. The revival service started at 8pm with an organ voluntary, followed by the choir singing […]

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UK Camp Meeting 2023

  Click [link below] to read UK Camp 2023 report:                              

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Men’s Conference 2023

Men’s Conference Bexley Report below:     

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An AFM(UK) Member’s Testimony

My Testimony to the glory of God!!! I am thankful that our God is a prayer answering God. I thank God for saving my soul, for sanctification, and for Holy Ghost baptism. The Lord called me from an Islamic home where the bible was not known. However, through the grace […]

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Mental Health Day 2023

Mental Health Day Bexley Report below:  

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Scotland Visit Report

The Gospel Work Continues to Experience Growth – May 2023 Brother Ola and Sister Remi Balogun planned a visit to the Apostolic Faith Mission groups in Scotland during the last bank holiday weekend in May. Brother Ola is the Regional Director for Scotland. It was indeed a thrill to see […]

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Youth Camp 2023 Report

Youth camp 2023 began on Friday, 05th of May 2023. In the afternoon, youths from all branches in the UK including our international guests started arriving at the Pioneer Centre Kidderminster – Camp centre, in anticipation of the full activities to take place starting from Saturday morning. The rest of […]

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Easter Music Specials (Aberdeen)

Easter Music Specials at Aberdeen Brethren across Scotland came together in a joint service to celebrate this year’s Easter. The Apostolic Faith Mission in Scotland has three groups in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow that hold weekly meetings in their respective cities. However, as part of a joint effort to spread […]

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Leicester Youth Service

The first ever youth-led service for our Leicester group took place on Sunday, 12th March, 2023. It was a special service to be remembered by all in attendance. Sunday school began at 10:30 a.m. with the organ striking and two officiating ministers leading the service, Sister Lara Shorimade-Oguntoke the youth […]

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From the District Superintendent’s Desk

DS visit to Paris, France 2023 On Saturday, 11 February 2023, Reverend Mark Mfandarahwa, his wife Sister Marble and their two daughters visited the Paris branch in France. They were warmly welcomed at the Gare du Nord train station by Reverend Mathieu Bobo (The leader of our work in France) […]

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Midlands & North West Region Christmas Concerts

APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION UK NORTHWEST & MIDLAND 2022 CHRISTMAS CONCERT REPORT The Northwest and Midlands 2022 Christmas concert was made possible through the grace of God and the combined effort of all the members of the choir and orchestra from the entire region: Birmingham, Manchester, Coventry and Leicester. Below are […]

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District Superintendent Christmas Message

“HIS NAME IS JESUS” All glory be to God for keeping us to see year 2022 Christmas season. Since the last week in November, most of us would have seen Christmas lights around us, which are more visible at night in our streets. It is a generally accepted phenomenon that […]

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Bristol/Cardiff Christmas Concert

Report of the Bristol/Cardiff Christmas Concert on 27th November 2022 The Bristol/Cardiff Group is full of appreciation to God for the success of their 2022 Christmas Concert, held in Llanrumney Cardiff, Wales on the 27th November 2022. The occasion, which attracted attendees across the United Kingdom, was well supported by […]

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Edinburgh Concert Report

Concert held on Sunday, 30 October 2022 Apostolic Faith Mission has three groups in Scotland, United Kingdom: Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. An Evening of music titled ‘Living Hope’ was held on Sunday, 30 October, 2022 at 4:00pm. as a means of evangelism. Choir members in attendance included 14 from all […]

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Youth Evangelism Team

Youth evangelism team working hard with smiles at AFMUK headquarters church Bexley. They are willing to be used of God, assisting with the preparation of evangelism materials & tracts. We give God Almighty all the glory for this enthusiasm.

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Couples Conference 2022

Couples Conference 2022 Couple’s conference is a time enjoyed by both blushing newlyweds and seasoned married couples. This year’s conference was no exception. The theme for the conference was “Thriving as Christian Couples in the 21st Century” and it took place in the newly refurbished hall of our Birmingham Church. […]

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Fellowship in Denmark

It was a great time of fellowship for our group in Denmark during the recent visit of the Mainland Europe Regional Director Bro. Francis Odudu and his wife Sis. Christiana. The Odudus arrived at Billund Airport in Billund, a city located 37 minutes’ drive from Kolding. They were met and […]

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Visit to Rep. of Ireland

Mainland Europe Regional Director’s visit to Ireland 23rd to 25th September 2022 The Regional Director of the Apostolic Faith churches in Mainland Europe, Brother Francis and his wife Sister Christiana, visited the group in the Republic of Ireland from 23rd to 25th September 2022. The long delay they had with […]

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Report from Germany

Mainland Europe’s Regional Director’s visit to the Apostolic Faith Church in Germany 26th to 29th August 2022. The saints of God in Germany were very happy to welcome their Regional Director, Reverend Francis Odudu, into their midst. He arrived at Frankfurt Airport on Friday, 26 August in the evening, and […]

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Visit to Aberdeen, Scotland

On Friday, 19 August Brother Mark Mfandarahwa and his family (Sister Marble, Naomi and Ruth) arrived in Aberdeen in the afternoon. They were met at the Aberdeen International Airport by Brother Niyi Olukitibi, Brother Matthew Ibukun and his wife Sister Juliet. We welcomed them at the Ibukun’s house, where we […]

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Bristol/Cardiff Visit

On Friday,12 August my family and I travelled to Bristol to visit the Bristol/Cardiff group. We arrived in Bristol in the morning and did some site seeing before we met brother Lawrence Mahembe’s family in the afternoon. As we last met the Mahembes sometime in 2018, our visit was a […]

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** Ten New Tracts Uploaded**

Ten New Tracts have been uploaded onto the Library Page – Tracts Or access by clicking on this LINK  

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UK Annual Camp 2022 (Thur to Sun) Report

“Thursday, 28 July 2022” Our Thursday morning service started at 10 am, those in the church before that time praying for God to fill the Church with the Holy Spirit. The service started with a piano solo ‘May I never lose the wonder of the cross’ which was powerful and encouraging […]

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UK Annual Camp 2022 (Sat to Wed) Report

“Arrival on Saturday, 23 July 2022” On Saturday the 23rd of July 2022, the UK annual campmeeting began following a hiatus of two years due to the Pandemic. In attendance we had delegates from 8 countries including France, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark, the USA, Germany, St Vincent, and […]

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Upcoming Event for All

We are all invited and encouraged to attend the family fun day with a friend or neigbour!  

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Glory be to God in the highest for bringing to pass the opportunity for another musical evangelism – ‘Victory conference’ – for Apostolic Faith Church in the Republic of Ireland. We are so grateful for this as it had not been possible to hold another one of these conferences since […]

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…from the “Desk of the DS”

The Lord has been good to us! Spring is fully with us, and we can see the evidence in beautiful spots of bright yellow, pink or white flowers and trees in parks and gardens. Our prayer is that as nature springs into life, spiritually many souls will be revived, and […]

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Peckham Christmas Concert Report

We thank God for another opportunity to have a Christmas concert in-person at our Peckham church. We had 108 people in attendance including our new District Superintendent, Reverend Mark Mfandarahwa, and his family and a good number of visitors, and the Christmas concert featured the Combined Choir and Orchestra in […]

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Report on Aberdeen Christmas Carols

Report on Aberdeen Christmas Carols Introduction The 2021 Christmas Carols were held on 5th December, at The Father’s House, Aberdeen as part of nativity activities in commemoration of Christ’s birth. Evangelism remains the most important preoccupation of the Church, and the Christmas carol always presents the opportunity to reach out […]

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Desk of the DS:


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We thank God for the successful Christmas carol concert held in Cardiff, Wales last weekend, on behalf of the Bristol/Cardiff branch. With delegates from the London branches of Bexley and Peckham making up part of the choir and the congregation, the presence of God was felt throughout.

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District Superintendent Installed for UK and Western Europe

District Superintendent Installed for UK and Western Europe

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Br Paul Bachi’s Testimony

I want to thank God Almighty for the gospel, for it is the power of God to save us from sin and to heal the sick. God saved me in 2004 in a miraculous way and has been keeping me since. taking me through the highs and lows of life. […]

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Imminent changes

As previously mentioned, there will be a change in leadership for the Apostolic Faith Mission in the UK and Western Europe districts. We want to thank God for how much He has helped Reverend Isaac Adigun and his wife Sister Stella to lead and shepherd the congregation in Western Europe […]

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New Piano & Organ Dedication Service

We thank God for the provision of new Yamaha B3 Acoustic Series Piano and Viscount Chorum S80 3-manual Classical Organ for the Birmingham branch church. These two musical instruments were dedicated unto God for His service on Sunday, 27th of June 2021.

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Recent Developments

As the year 2021 rolled in, God Himself sailed ahead of us into the year with high energy. The year 2021 opened with the sweet promise that “I (God) will not forget thee/you”! What a PROMISE!! We started with daily virtual prayers which lasted throughout the months of January and […]

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45th Year Anniversary Celebrations

Through the first 45 years of existence in the UK, God has shown Himself faithful. He has continued to do “New Things” as a routine, from assuring the purchase of the first London Church at 95 Fenham Road, to the explosion of new churches not only across the United Kingdom, but also into continental Europe. All glory and honour be ascribed unto our God!

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Family Forum – Cross Cultural Parenting

In our study of Cross-Cultural parenting, we have tried to look at the effect culture has, and can exert, on relationships even in a Christian community like our own. In the next edition of this study, we hope to be looking at tools that will help us to build bridges across any differences cause by cultural initiatives and how God can help us to build a joyful community grounded in the Gospel.

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2020 End of Year Services

Our end of year service schedule is as follows and more events are listed on our calendar.

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Report on the Special Prayer Week

Looking at the landscape of global events and seeing how the world seemed to be tottering from one crisis to the next, finally ending up with the problem of SARS-COV2 which transformed into a pandemic, the leaders of Apostolic Faith Church in Western Europe decided it is time to bring […]

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COVID-19 Update

Further to our on-going careful approach to opening our Church buildings to public worship, in line with the Government’s gradual easement of the lockdown, we have been undertaking a pilot at our Bexley church for the past two Sundays.

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